****** For those experiencing crashes, try these: ******
0/ Update to your newest VGA/GPU driver (Nvidia/Other bad brands) 1/ Download and launch GOG Galaxy.
(GOG is running while gaming, At this point, you can play the game. If it still crashes, continue with the steps below)
2/ Locate the game from C:\yourfolder\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\Cyberpunk2077.exe 3/ Right click Cyberpunk2077.exe 4/ Go-to, compatible tab(whatever the fuck its called) 5/ Select windows 8 compatible mode. 6/ Select runs as administrator 7/..... Hate lists 8/ Launch from Cyberpunk2077.exe
Big thanks to @Topkeks1337 & @wawzor for details tutorial
****** To change LAUGUAGE ******
Before installing the games, you must select them in the GOG installer, like the picture (Thank to @rob Conner):
even with the old dll files the game still needs gog to function on my pc. no way around it. however, gog thinks i own the dlc and syncs my games to the cloud (CP2077)
Ok, for me it worked for about 15-20 minutes until i got a crash again, and when i try to start the game it crashes exactly at the beginning. Is anyone having the same problem after following the 3 steps? And before you tell me to go buy the game, i bought the game for the PS4 until CDPRed decided to screw people who had that version, so...screw them too!
Try this:(desktop-icon should suffice) rightclick on the exe(desktop-icon should suffice) -> choose properties -> select compatibilitymode and choose windows 8 -> click on apply -> have fun,hopefully
is setup_cyberpunk_2077_redmod_build_4902785change_6408866_1(64bit)(67690).exe needed, first time i played the game i downloaded it from here but avoided installing redmod
his "fix" works. im now a few hours into dogtown dlc. owning the base game of course. i applied this fix yesterday but everytime i was "omw" to go to the mission start for dog town, someone kept having me do a mission that i hadn done prior in my other play throughs lol so i did those. either way, it worked. crashes here and there but not anything other than my oc being slightly unstable for CP2077 2.0update i do believe on the gpu side. as prior i never had crashes using the oc i have. never the less, it works. (p.s. those crashes were present before using their fix.)
If you use the dll's in my comment somewhere below, you can treat it like any other pirated or GOG game and there will be no need for these workarounds that require you to install a new application (launcher) to your PC. Soon I hope to see instead of that list of steps... just one step, "download these files and copy them to the correct folder replacing the files already there", like you would with any other normal crack. Please mods listen to @Craxton and all sailing the seas will have a less windy time. GL & Happy gaming all <3
Did you ever get an answer? Or did you try? I hopefully will have finished downloading all update parts upon my arrival home tonight. If I manage to get it working, I'll come back and say so. But, I'm pretty sure it's not possible.
FYI I'm only using the files provided here for base game & DLC this. dll fix works perfectly no crashes for me, but I have a diff PC of course, so I imagine they are fully game related as you mentioned.
ahhh i crash (alot still) but its due to my gpu oc as i think i stated already. just finished the DLC 40 min ago. may go back and take the other ending. either way if you go to where roosevelt is telling you. then this is what theyre referring too.
opps.. I see that you haven't verified your fastcomment account :D... No problem, leave another comment (don't reply to any other comments, that way I can pin it easily). I'll be right back in a few hours.
I just tried now, I didn't at the time. Let's see if he sees it, I posted the link without any censoring though, hopefully that doesn't create an issue.(i think rob thinks i'm you under a diff account lol)
Nah, he knows surely. As I've only used one account ever, always the same email. Username may change from k to c. But I've been here for 4 years or more bud. Used to be extremely active, enough to win a free game before the switch to fast comments lol.
@rob Conner this guys "fix" 100% makes my "legit real" copy work with "cracked" phantom liberty update. using it now (thru GOG no backup offline installer, so.... PIN (or add this) comment to the pinned one (his ORIGINAL comment that is with the "link" that isnt directly a link but is a link if your "reading" it right.
Did you (or anyone else) manage to get this fixed? Every time I run it I get "Error modifying [...] \Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\CrashReporter\ [...]" for every file in that folder.
The base game itself works fine but I can't patch it or install the DLC because of that error. Followed all the listed steps too, even tried reinstalling, no clue what's wrong.
This is how the error disappeared. The order goes like this.
Install 'setup_cyberpunk_2077' in the steam path (...\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077 )
Copy one more 'Cyberpunk 2077' folder installed to another folder.
Execute and patch files 'setup_cyberpunk_2077_redmod' and 'patch_cyberpunk_2077_2.0', respectively.
I get an error message when I try it. Don't be disappointed, delete the files in the folder '...\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077', and paste the files copied from number 2 above.
Reboot the computer.
Run Cyberpunk 2077 as a test. (Important: Fail if you get an error here...)
If no error appears, install the file 'setup_cyberpunk_2077_-_ep1'.
Now the error will not appear. Enjoy Cyberpunk_2077!!!!
Since I don't know which VGA you are using, but you can search google "how to download and install latest VGA drivers"
Several people have reported this issue, and most were able to fix it after installing the latest version of VGA drivers. On the contrary, if it's still not possible for you, I guess we should wait for an update fix from the developer.
I mean I'm assuming you are talking about graphics drivers (I have an NVIDIA GPU), but my drivers are up to date since yesterday and I'm still crashing so I'm just incredibly confused
Try this:(desktop-icon should suffice) rightclick on the exe(desktop-icon should suffice) -> choose properties -> select compatibilitymode and choose windows 8 -> click on apply -> have fun,hopefully
I have no idea at this point what will happen. We may get a whole new release because the version up here doesn't have a patch, OR, we may get the GOG version because of its availability. It's not my call. We'll have to wait and see. I presume we will get the version IGG can acquire. I have NOT seen any patches.
I have uploaded the latest version of the game, enjoy guys π
PS: for those who downloaded v2.0 a few days ago. You may need to know, the "DLC/update only" is quite large in size, I haven't looked closely yet, but it's about nearly 30GB. I'll probably upload it (and post the link in this comment) later today, because my server is overloaded. But if your internet speed is good, you should download the version I uploaded in the post above.
is the "update" for phantom liberty a gog version? also, say i "own" the base game (for whatever its worth) on GOG, can i use this "update" cracked version with the paid version? unlikely im sure, but its something i must ask before spending 30 bucks more and waiting dam near a day for the game to up date.
yes, im aware that you were going to upload the dlc only, however. my question is "i own the game thru GOG legit" can i download the cracked copy and "apply" it to my "none cracked legit" copy of the game? lol im unsure if this is possible, im leaning towards a big hard "no" but still something i must ask.
The version above (in the post) is the full version v2.10, you just need to download, extract and play.
And in this comment, for those looking for "update only", if you have downloaded the previous versions from me (v2.01, v2.02), you can use the following links:
Cant wait was refresing and looking every few hrs THX you CDPR AND IGG , but can you post just update for Baldurβs Gate 3 (Patch #5 | v4.1.1.4061076) in same style like here .
I always try this with games where I think "we can" :D... but baldur's gate 3, its "update only" is too big, my friend. It's almost the entire game, so there's no benefit to doing that
Sorry but ..I have done this and my first patch continues crashing.
I installed the game first place. Then I download that registry file. I modify it with my game path in "startmenulink" error when I open first patch, to 1.61
So i open registry. I check that the path is mistaken, so I change it again from the registry. Close registry. PATCH 1 (to 1.61) same error.
Same to me, same mistake, I read the responses and I don't understand the solution... what do I have to do to install the first of the patches? download in the registry file and execute it, adding it to my registry? If I do it, this is what happens!
I made a mistake, so if you downloaded v2.0 a few days ago, you don't need to download the whole game again. You just need to download the DLC (and small update), as image below:
Sorry I won't continue uploading the GOG version, because GOG's "update only" is really too big in size. Specifically, GOG released an "update installer" ~3GB (https://www.gogdb.org/product/1423049311#changelog), but it is only a base game update, not DLC. And to use the DLC in the newer version, we must download DLC v2.01 (more than 30GB). I don't know if it's a bug, or maybe I installed it incorrectly,... but I checked on my PC, it is like that. After installing "update only v2.01 (3GB)" from GOG, the DLC does not work in-game. If anyone wants to try it, or doesn't need the DLC, you can download it from these links: https://1fichier.com/?d4qoqlz56sq89eh541yr https://gofile.io/d/eoWGwr https://rapidgator.net/file/b96f7f21277df941ed400f6ee2e5ad1c
Advice, you should download this version (Steam), and I will upload "update only" based on this torrent, if released in the future.
Found a solution on reddit from a user called quarrelau. I just needed to download two files and paste them in the right directories. It worked for me for now at least. The files are: /r6/cache/tweakdb_ep1.bin (43.4Mb) /archive/pc/ep1/ep1.addcont_keystone (16b)
it worked for my GOG version, to test if the patch worked I tried to see if the police are not bugged but they still are. But the exploit for the Drama Trauma arcade game was patched. So idk. Maybe I have to restart my playthrough for it to take affect.
thanks for the info sir, doesn't matter for the file to be replaced, but i haven't found any torrents that shared the all game files, only Installer(GOG) and Zip file this version(Steam). Recently i found the P2P version torrent steamrips shared the torrent all game files so it doesn't required to install or extracting again (it's the 2.0 with Phantom Liberty version by the way)
question, will the steam ver. be compatible with the gog saves (im pretty sure they will but never hurts to be 100% sure) & will the steam ver. have all the gog rewards?
successfully installed with patch upgrade But when entering the game, it is still version 1.61 as before, can be upgraded but does not change the version. Who is the same?
after you update 2.0.2 make sure you delete the Backup, Bonus Content and CommonRedist files. This helps save more space in your storage. hope this is helpful
hey man, i have a 22 gb zip that made the previous version yall had work. is that version still posted/just hidden? if so, somehow might i send you this file and where/who to give credit too? im using gog legit with the 2.0 patch yall had here prior. on 2.01 ....(to the credit issue, the only thing that was needed, was 2.0 patches r6 foler, and the archive folder. with quite literally TWO FILES from it honestly. either way, its working.)
hey craxton do u have clean folders with no mods in it for r6, engine, archive and bin. if you do please leave a link to those folders since i wanna install mods on a vanilla installion of CP77
GOG version 2.1 (with the version before that as R6 folder) with a legit base copy of the game. i REFUSE to remove the game and use steam.
also, if your not on the gog version. DO LET ME KNOW! so i can remove this...or add the other folder (30 some gb that one is) so im able to "test" updating to the latest version as i have not played since gog force updated to 2.1 cp2077 pl.
im on the latest 2.01 version using the patch igg had posted for 2.0 with the legit gog version (paid base game) along with the 22gb R6 folder and archive folders from 2.0) thats how one gets it to work.
I updated my Graphic Card drivers as well as my Windows. At the starting of the game i dont get any feedback it just doesnt launch the game. Do you know what could be happening?
!IF YOU KEEP CRASHING TO DESKTOP AT LAUNCH TRY THIS! 1/ Download base game (21 parts) and DLC (8 parts). 2/ Then install in the following order: . setup_cyberpunk_2077_build_4902785change_6408866_1_(64bit)(67690).exe . setup_cyberpunk_2077_redmod_build_4902785change_6408866_1(64bit)(67690).exe 3/skip not install that broken patch: patch_cyberpunk_2077_2.0_(67690)to_Build_4902785Change_6408866_with_EP1_RL(67718) 4/install: ep1_build_4902785change_6408866_with_ep1_rl(64bit)_(67718).exe 5/enjoy it works for me after all day troubleshooting and installing reinstalling
So first of all, in my first install i have the similiar problem with other people. But, i have an odd way to install this, and it's always work i dunno if this is work with the you guys. Here how it is :
Install it like usual.
After first install complete. DON'T CLOSE THE WINDOW.
Continue to update the others and wait a few minutes, AND MAKE SURE DON'T CLOSE THE WINDOW!
Continue to update with folder name "Cyberpunk_2077_Edgerunners_Update_v1.62_PathTracing-DINOByTES" install the patch first. Here in this folder, we see DLC on it. So install the patch first, then the DLC. This DLC is for modding.
Install the last. Make sure don't close the window.
WAIT UP! Some user from Nexus give this link for the Final update for GOG Version. The page in Russian. So use that Google translate.
Uff, the 800mb hotfix takes very long to update. Anyone else having this "problem"? Seems it modifies a lot of files and archives. Just curious if it's only me.
Guys, if you experience crash to desktop when u start the game (at the logo screen) DO NOT start the shortcut the game provides you,
WHY? it points to REDprelauncher.exe which this one then starts the cyberpunk2077.exe but for some reason the game crashes, so i managed to bypass this crash by going inside the game folder and executing the cyberpunk2077.exe DIRECTLY!!
FIX for those who stuck at the update to 1.61 in the installer/ "Error modifying" fix:
STEP 1: If you forced the patcher to close via the taskmanager then you probably need to reinstall the game! BUT you can try to skip the reinstall and just start with STEP 3. If you waited 30 to 60 minutes and nothing is happening AND you still get an error log.txt file with the "Error modifying" message, then you have to reinstall the game.
STEP 2: Install the game as administrator (right click on the setup and then "Run as Admin". Dont launch the game after the installation.
STEP 3: Run the updater/ patcher as administrator (You dont have to put it into your game folder, RUN IT FROM YOUR DOWNLOAD LOCATION)
STEP 4: DONT DO ANYTHING NOW AND WAIT TILL ITS FINISHED. It will look like its crashed but its not crashed at all. You just have to wait 30 to 60 minutues and then it should finish the update and you will see a green text saying you that the update was successfully installed/ updated ^^
yeah you guys always say that and make me search for hours. your goddamn links are not good most of them are so slow that i need 2 weeks to download. others are not safe sites and mega.nz is fully useless. only megaup is usefull but with a downloader. on its own its also uselessly slow. For peoples that can crack games you guys are pretty suck at this
yes, my entire country is suck at internet. not everybody lives in europe. but its not about my internet its about sending power of the downloaders. plus i cant open pc 24 hour a day. i am BUSY!
watch out for megaup first part link, after i closed all fake downlod links, i got an zip with an setup file, after i did a installer started after running the file. multiple ones started doing cmd commands and other stuff, after some seconds i realized what happend. it was a token grabber for discord. my discord was linked with my paypal they sended themself a discord nitro gift (10β¬) i am appealing a refund atm with the discord support watch out guys dont get scammed like me i defintly learned from that mistake
disquise or whatever its called, has been removing ALOT of my comments lately like 70% of them. If i say "FUCK" or "SHIT" or "your teash" in the comment, its instantly removed. (mostly on movie sites) but still.
igg has a "history" from the pirate scene that gave them a bad rep. although, ive used IGG for 5 years now and havent had any issues with my pc, security, or none of that b.s. nor do my comments get removed. even mentioning a "competitive" site, it was indeed allowed to be commented. (although not wise as they dont allow it with links so keep that in mind)
either way, i still only use igg and FGRP for all my pirated games, and steam/gog for paid (epic for those "used to be" decent freebies, which have long since vanished.
I just accidentally read your comment today :D. Anyway, I just want to correct a little about "igg has a "history" from the pirate scene that gave them a bad rep". There is no bad reputation from IGG at all, it's all just scams by the moderators of some subreddits, they are simply a group of people, running dozens of pirate game websites. And they deliberately spread false rumors to the biggest websites at that time (including IGG and multi other sites), to scare users, and use websites promoted by moderators there :D...
We have been uploading for over a decade, from ThePirate, KAT, ExtraTorrent,... 1337x, Torrentgalaxy,... all of them are big names in the pirate world. It would be surprising if igg, which has a bad reputation, cooperates long-term with these websites... Meanwhile, we all loathe those damn reddit subs, those places should be called "dramawatch" , instead of being a pirate game community, because as far as I can see, most of the users there don't even know how to install the game, and use cracks. I have stated many times in that sub, if they can list 10 games/links uploaded by IGG that contain viruses, out of the 150K+ releases I have uploaded, I am willing to pay them $10K, but all of them can't do it. Meanwhile, just quickly search that subreddit, there are more than 100 posts saying that IGG contains viruses :D
i know all to well about the "issues" with GOG and IGG and DDOS issues that were claimed. as i stated, what they state, vs what ive experienced are neither related nor accurate. the source i obtained from is reddit and as reddit is reddit for a reason, its not a creditable source. never the less, i use IGG and FGRP quite literally the only two.
im 100% positive they cant find a virus (non false positive) as again, 5 years here. not sure if you can see how far i go back? my username changed from britches to craxton/kraxton. ive defended IGG in that subreddit thread time and time again. my PC (5800x 4070ti, 32gb, 4tb nvme space and more ssd storage) would be a target to "infect" for crypto miners if that were indeed the case. I 100000% believe whoever started that mess are one sided. in my opinion if any parts of the "he said/she said" mess is true, you dont poke the eye of a tiger, and expect it not to bite back.
way to many users here that constantly come back, to be "taking" over users computers with miners, virus issues, and remote call ins. you have no reason to defend yourself, especially from those fools.
my main reason for that mention was "being silenced" notice, im still commenting, comment is still standing, and my accounts still in good standing (at least standing) reddit, and other sites indeed get rid of me when i defend IGG. ill say, thanks for the 5+ years of games, and dealing with alot of b.s. nobody would/should have too. you guys will still be my go-to (first) bookmark site indeed.
Of course, I remember your name :D. Anyway, there's no need to fight with them in "their sub reddit", lol. We have tried to provide information "logically" at that time. But we soon realized that they deleted posts too quickly, those days they really worked very hard, seemingly 24/24, they deleted positive posts about IGG very quickly, leaving only negative posts/comments about IGG. And that's when we knew that it was their playground, the rules were theirs.
I forgot to say one more important thing... thank you very much for always supporting and using this website for so long.
IGG has always been my go to site for years and only seldom I go to fg and dodi, when I download files that I see here and looks interesting, exceeds 40gb even though it's outdated. Would be great if IGG also implement compressing huge games.
sure af is. i mentioned IGG-GAMES the other day, insta deleted. but i copied it, and pasted it back removing -games from the title and then it stayed. several others had mentioned IGG as well (still mentioning) the drama they have no proof of. whilst naming sites IGG runs/are a big part of. Should speak alot for what it really is. some of the "trust/dont" trust links are valid enough but most is bullshit.
I got you what you are saying. maybe my comment was deleted because of the word "fake" i guess.
wow, paid for some games is the right thing to do actually. Are you a content creator? if so you must have a youtube channel that maybe i can subscribe? :D
Not a content creator at all. I watch alot of youtube, but i dont upload. uploaded one vid about horizon new dawn when it came out on PC and how to "enhance" the color with gsync overlay. 300 people within an 1hr came to that vid with me posting in one place. most were good comments, the rest were not. i personally just removed said video as i couldnt deal with "criticism" at that time. (now) would be a completely different story. (ex female relationship) had me second guessing myself at every step.
never the less, i dont 'buy' to be proper nor be right lol. i buy bc sometimes updates on cracks dont come, or mods dont work. or because said game was 50 bucks, and hits a major sale for 10. thats when i typically buy. (some i did pay full price) which i regret now since they set still and do jack in my steam library. starfield being one of those. 100hrs on crack copy, 20 on the legit. only my 2nd play through. the story just wasnt there. but the side story was rich..until it too wasnt.
@Moderator Help, I received error messages below when updating to v2.11: [!] Error: In the chosen directory required files for patching do not exist or do not match expected hash. [!] Fix this problem and then try to apply the Patch again.
I think i fixes the crashes, about two hours without crashes, before I crashed every 2 minutes, I'll put everything I did below:
1- the guide that the igg moderator posted:
0/ Update to your newest VGA/GPU driver (Nvidia/Other bad brands) 1/ Download and launch GOG Galaxy. 2/ Locate the game from C:\yourfolder\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\Cyberpunk2077.exe 3/ Right click Cyberpunk2077.exe 4/ Go-to, compatible tab(whatever the fuck its called) 5/ Select windows 8 compatible mode. 6/ Select runs as administrator 7/..... Hate lists πwhy? 8/ Launch from Cyberpunk2077.exe
2- this one by: "SomeoneJustTryingToHelp" after I did this one it keeps crashing
just download and replace this file GOG.Galaxy_dlls "/file/pwpg02vmpdgcsp7/DRM_Free_GOG_Galaxy_dlls.zip/file" add this before the above text for the full link : "https://7mediafire8" But with "www." instead of the first 7 and".com" instead of 8.
3- what finally stopped crashing!!! which I saw in a redit that I found in the comments here
1 - Go to: \Cyberpunk 2077\r6\publishing\x64
2 - Create a copy of the βGOGβ subfolder next to the original one.
3 - Rename the copy of the βGOGβ folder to βnullβ
4 - Go to: \Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64
5 - delete the "GameServicesGOG.dll"
4- found in the same reddit
C:\Users(user)\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\DXCache Deleting everything in here fixes CP2077 """""for 1 launch, then crashes again until you delete the cache again, I made a shortcut to this folder on my desktop so I delete them before I play."""" he said that but I didn't test if it's true, I had to go to sleep before relaunching the game, so I don't know if that was the solution, if that's what solved it I'll let you know here later
I recommend making backups of any files before trying this, always good
I have a working fix straight from GOG support:"The developers suggest that using the older .dlls might cause crashes with the game BUT seeing you have not experienced any then that is great (and lets hope it stays that way!)
BUT just in case you run into any further issues you can always try the following workaround instead:
1. Go to:
<...>\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\publishing\x64
2. Create acopy of the βGOGβ subfolder nextto the original one.
3. Rename the copy of the βGOGβ folder to βnullβ
4. Go to:
<...>\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64
anddelete the:
Welll this update 2.0,its ok but of course they had to nerf/take out skills i liked π₯with the new skill-system,hihihi π₯ππ€ But Cyberdeck itself + all the augments, implants whatever you call it,are cooler now because you can upgrade them(4-5 times),every one of them.So this makes the walk to Ripper-Docs more interesting/rewarding,combat hacking is now more interesting,you can learn to queue your hacks,i like it. This Update makes the game more accessible imho,even with loosing some of the skills....ππ
FIX for those who stuck at the update to 1.61 in the installer/ "Error modifying" fix:
STEP 1: If you forced the patcher to close via the taskmanager then you probably need to reinstall the game! BUT you can try to skip the reinstall and just start with STEP 3. If you waited 30 to 60 minutes and nothing is happening AND you still get an error log.txt file with the "Error modifying" message, then you have to reinstall the game.
STEP 2: Install the game as administrator (right click on the setup and then "Run as Admin". Dont launch the game after the installation.
STEP 3: Run the updater/ patcher as administrator (You dont have to put it into your game folder, RUN IT FROM YOUR DOWNLOAD LOCATION)
STEP 4: DONT DO ANYTHING NOW AND WAIT TILL ITS FINISHED. It will look like its crashed but its not crashed at all. You just have to wait 30 to 60 minutues and then it should finish the update and you will see a green text saying you that the update was successfully installed/ updated ^^
Thanks IGG for this great Game which i finally can play. After long time of Hestitation,i added Win10 soon 11(damn it,lol) as 2.partition for dx12 feature. I think starting/playing this game(Version 1.5) so late, helped to enjoy this game,too.Damn and i enjoy it alot.πππ It has this oldschool Deus Ex 1/System Shock 2 vibe on much bigger scale(open world)+mixed with GTA Sci Fi,lol,it scratches this itch for this particular Genre(Sci-Fi 3D RPG)but without the Horror(System Shock). THANKS ALOT IGG π€ππ€π€ Will playing this till System Shock Reboot,lol(just kidding)
does the update have just a "copy" contents? or does it have an installer? i own this game so i wont be trying to test it for you. but in theory you could just download the version u want and copy the contents of the crack etc into the game folder...
We have the Early Access bullshit to thank for that, among other things. Nowadays, everything is just thrown onto the market and then we look for bugs. Although you have to approve of the fact that Project Red was an exception, you could give it back if you wanted to. Almost all other software companies don't do that. You won't see Blizzard, for example, admitting mistakes. It's usually eat or die.
There is full English support via the English interface, English audio and English subtitles! Hey peeps!
I tried to "dig up" what I believe to be my previous comment with the language support notification for this game under the huge, ongoing pile of comments in this game page but gave up manually looking after I reached a little past the "3 years ago" DateTime stamp mark. Since I don't have the power to "sticky" my own comments, I had to post a new language notifcation here! I hope it stays for a while in the upper part of this ongoing pile of comments! LOL!
Help i got an error after installing the patch 2.11. Everytime i tried to launch the game its says "Unsupported 16 bit Application: Redengineerrorreporter.exe cannot start due to incompatiblity with 64 bit version of windows.
1/ Download base game (21 parts) and DLC (8 parts).
2/ Then install in the following order:
3/ Enjoy ;)
****** For those experiencing crashes, try these: ******
0/ Update to your newest VGA/GPU driver (Nvidia/Other bad brands)
1/ Download and launch GOG Galaxy.
(GOG is running while gaming, At this point, you can play the game. If it still crashes, continue with the steps below)
2/ Locate the game from C:\yourfolder\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\Cyberpunk2077.exe
3/ Right click Cyberpunk2077.exe
4/ Go-to, compatible tab(whatever the fuck its called)
5/ Select windows 8 compatible mode.
6/ Select runs as administrator
7/..... Hate lists
8/ Launch from Cyberpunk2077.exe
Big thanks to @Topkeks1337 & @wawzor for details tutorial
****** To change LAUGUAGE ******
Before installing the games, you must select them in the GOG installer, like the picture (Thank to @rob Conner):
Until today.. crashes after splash screens
Is anyone having the same problem after following the 3 steps?
And before you tell me to go buy the game, i bought the game for the PS4 until CDPRed decided to screw people who had that version, so...screw them too!
rightclick on the exe(desktop-icon should suffice) -> choose properties -> select compatibilitymode and choose windows 8 -> click on apply -> have fun,hopefully
(let me know after you leaved a comment, i will pin it)
To see DMs, go to this link:
Find the words "Messages".
Every time I run it I get
"Error modifying [...] \Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\CrashReporter\ [...]" for every file in that folder.
The base game itself works fine but I can't patch it or install the DLC because of that error. Followed all the listed steps too, even tried reinstalling, no clue what's wrong.
I downloaded the game by parts
Base game:
Update/DLC only:
I don't understand why so many people still ask the same question, when just scroll down a bit to get the answer.
Several people have reported this issue, and most were able to fix it after installing the latest version of VGA drivers. On the contrary, if it's still not possible for you, I guess we should wait for an update fix from the developer.
rightclick on the exe(desktop-icon should suffice) -> choose properties -> select compatibilitymode and choose windows 8 -> click on apply -> have fun,hopefully
I presume we will get the version IGG can acquire.
I have NOT seen any patches.
PS: for those who downloaded v2.0 a few days ago. You may need to know, the "DLC/update only" is quite large in size, I haven't looked closely yet, but it's about nearly 30GB. I'll probably upload it (and post the link in this comment) later today, because my server is overloaded. But if your internet speed is good, you should download the version I uploaded in the post above.
(And read my pinned comment)
And in this comment, for those looking for "update only", if you have downloaded the previous versions from me (v2.01, v2.02), you can use the following links:
(choose one of the hosts below, size is 18GB)
Update v2.01 -> v2.02:
Update v2.02 -> v2.10:
NOTE: the above updates only work if you have downloaded them from IGGGAMES before, otherwise it will not work
NOTE 2: Please note that you should have at least x2 the size of the game available on your hard drive before installing the update.
InternalVersion: 3.0.4984974 P4CL: 6525662 Stream: //R6.Root/R6.Release
Error Reason: Assert
Expression: res == NVAPI_OK && prebuildInfo.ResultDataMaxSizeInBytes > 0
Message: NvAPI_D3D12_GetRaytracingAccelerationStructurePrebuildInfoEx failed, NvAPI_Status: -3. [PrebuildInfo: MaxSize: 0, ScratchDataSize: 0, UpdateScratchData: 0][Inputs: Type: 0; Flags: 4; NumDescs: 128; InstanceDescs: 0; DescLayout: 567]
File: E:\R6.Release\dev\src\common\gpuApi\src\dx12\gpuApiDX12AccelerationStructure.cpp
Line: 525
why is this happening to my game?
[!] Error! Invalid hash for: "J:\Games\Cyberpunk.2077.v2.01.ALL.DLC\Cyberpunk.2077.v2.01.ALL.DLC\game\r6\cache\final.redscripts"
If install UPDATE V1.61 patch have this issue.
Can use regfiles file to fix it.
What do I put in the path box? My games path?
What should I choose in the Version, 1.6?
You can execute this file in ervey where.
And you must to change "startMenuLink" to your game path.
Please check as image.
I just test upgrade v1.6 to v1.61 that dont know other version can succussful to upgrade.
I installed the game first place.
Then I download that registry file.
I modify it with my game path in "startmenulink"
error when I open first patch, to 1.61
So i open registry.
I check that the path is mistaken, so I change it again from the registry.
Close registry.
PATCH 1 (to 1.61)
same error.
You must modify the registerfiles.
You must change this "buildId"=""1.61":"55963327424153553"" to this "buildId"=""55963327424153553"
Anyway I already installed another 1.62 directly from:
Succussful to upgrade.
If I do it, this is what happens!
Well, it probably worked. So thanks!
It says GameServiceGOG.dll not found, there wasn't a GOG.dll to begin with. The files that I downloaded here comes with Steam.dll and Epic.dll.
Update only:
Advice, you should download this version (Steam), and I will upload "update only" based on this torrent, if released in the future.
/r6/cache/tweakdb_ep1.bin (43.4Mb)
/archive/pc/ep1/ep1.addcont_keystone (16b)
Im not sure if I can share the torrent magnet here.
Update 1.62 complete But Game version still the same 1.61 Is anyone the same?
also, if your not on the gog version. DO LET ME KNOW! so i can remove this...or add the other folder (30 some gb that one is) so im able to "test" updating to the latest version as i have not played since gog force updated to 2.1 cp2077 pl.
i tried but it brokey
1/ Download base game (21 parts) and DLC (8 parts).
2/ Then install in the following order:
. setup_cyberpunk_2077_build_4902785change_6408866_1_(64bit)(67690).exe
. setup_cyberpunk_2077_redmod_build_4902785change_6408866_1(64bit)(67690).exe
3/skip not install that broken patch: patch_cyberpunk_2077_2.0_(67690)to_Build_4902785Change_6408866_with_EP1_RL(67718)
4/install: ep1_build_4902785change_6408866_with_ep1_rl(64bit)_(67718).exe
5/enjoy it works for me after all day troubleshooting and installing reinstalling
V in different languages-Korean
WHY? it points to REDprelauncher.exe which this one then starts the cyberpunk2077.exe but for some reason the game crashes, so i managed to bypass this crash by going inside the game folder and executing the cyberpunk2077.exe DIRECTLY!!
Been like this forever
STEP 1: If you forced the patcher to close via the taskmanager then you probably need to reinstall the game! BUT you can try to skip the reinstall and just start with STEP 3.
If you waited 30 to 60 minutes and nothing is happening AND you still get an error log.txt file with the "Error modifying" message, then you have to reinstall the game.
STEP 2: Install the game as administrator (right click on the setup and then "Run as Admin". Dont launch the game after the installation.
STEP 3: Run the updater/ patcher as administrator (You dont have to put it into your game folder, RUN IT FROM YOUR DOWNLOAD LOCATION)
STEP 4: DONT DO ANYTHING NOW AND WAIT TILL ITS FINISHED. It will look like its crashed but its not crashed at all. You just have to wait 30 to 60 minutues and then it should finish the update and you will see a green text saying you that the update was successfully installed/ updated ^^
of my comments lately like 70% of them. If i say "FUCK" or "SHIT"
or "your teash" in the comment, its instantly removed. (mostly on movie sites) but still.
igg has a "history" from the pirate scene that gave them a bad rep. although, ive used IGG for 5 years now and havent had any issues with my pc, security, or none of that b.s. nor do my comments get removed. even mentioning a "competitive" site, it was indeed allowed to be commented. (although not wise as they dont allow it with links so keep that in mind)
either way, i still only use igg and FGRP for all my pirated games, and steam/gog for paid (epic for those "used to be" decent freebies, which have long since vanished.
You can read more details here if you want:
We have been uploading for over a decade, from ThePirate, KAT, ExtraTorrent,... 1337x, Torrentgalaxy,... all of them are big names in the pirate world. It would be surprising if igg, which has a bad reputation, cooperates long-term with these websites... Meanwhile, we all loathe those damn reddit subs, those places should be called "dramawatch" , instead of being a pirate game community, because as far as I can see, most of the users there don't even know how to install the game, and use cracks. I have stated many times in that sub, if they can list 10 games/links uploaded by IGG that contain viruses, out of the 150K+ releases I have uploaded, I am willing to pay them $10K, but all of them can't do it. Meanwhile, just quickly search that subreddit, there are more than 100 posts saying that IGG contains viruses :D
DDOS issues that were claimed. as i stated, what they state, vs what ive experienced are neither related nor accurate. the source i obtained from is reddit and as reddit is reddit for a reason, its not a creditable source. never the less, i use IGG and FGRP quite literally the only two.
im 100% positive they cant find a virus (non false positive)
as again, 5 years here. not sure if you can see how far i go back?
my username changed from britches to craxton/kraxton.
ive defended IGG in that subreddit thread time and time again. my
PC (5800x 4070ti, 32gb, 4tb nvme space and more ssd storage) would be a target to "infect" for crypto miners if that were indeed
the case. I 100000% believe whoever started that mess are one sided.
in my opinion if any parts of the "he said/she said" mess is true,
you dont poke the eye of a tiger, and expect it not to bite back.
way to many users here that constantly come back, to be "taking" over users computers with miners, virus issues, and remote call ins.
you have no reason to defend yourself, especially from those fools.
my main reason for that mention was "being silenced" notice, im still commenting, comment is still standing, and my accounts still in good standing (at least standing) reddit, and other sites indeed get rid of me when i defend IGG. ill say, thanks for the 5+ years of games, and dealing with alot of b.s. nobody would/should have too.
you guys will still be my go-to (first) bookmark site indeed.
I forgot to say one more important thing... thank you very much for always supporting and using this website for so long.
the other day, insta deleted. but
i copied it, and pasted it back removing -games
from the title and then it stayed. several others
had mentioned IGG as well (still mentioning) the drama
they have no proof of. whilst naming sites IGG runs/are a big
part of. Should speak alot for what it really is.
some of the "trust/dont" trust links are valid enough
but most is bullshit.
wow, paid for some games is the right thing to do actually. Are you a content creator? if so you must have a youtube channel that maybe i can subscribe? :D
uploaded one vid about horizon new dawn when it came out on PC
and how to "enhance" the color with gsync overlay. 300 people within an 1hr came to that vid with me posting in one place. most were good comments, the rest were not. i personally just removed said video as i couldnt deal with "criticism" at that time. (now) would be a completely different story. (ex female relationship) had me second guessing myself at every step.
never the less, i dont 'buy' to be proper nor be right lol. i buy bc
sometimes updates on cracks dont come, or mods dont work.
or because said game was 50 bucks, and hits a major sale for 10.
thats when i typically buy. (some i did pay full price) which i regret now since they set still and do jack in my steam library. starfield being one of those. 100hrs on crack copy, 20 on the legit. only my 2nd play through. the story just wasnt there. but the side story was rich..until it too wasnt.
[!] Error: In the chosen directory required files for patching do not exist or do not match expected hash.
[!] Fix this problem and then try to apply the Patch again.
1- the guide that the igg moderator posted:
0/ Update to your newest VGA/GPU driver (Nvidia/Other bad brands)
1/ Download and launch GOG Galaxy.
2/ Locate the game from C:\yourfolder\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\Cyberpunk2077.exe
3/ Right click Cyberpunk2077.exe
4/ Go-to, compatible tab(whatever the fuck its called)
5/ Select windows 8 compatible mode.
6/ Select runs as administrator
7/..... Hate lists πwhy?
8/ Launch from Cyberpunk2077.exe
2- this one by: "SomeoneJustTryingToHelp" after I did this one it keeps crashing
just download and replace this file GOG.Galaxy_dlls
add this before the above text for the full link :
But with "www." instead of the first 7 and".com" instead of 8.
3- what finally stopped crashing!!! which I saw in a redit that I found in the comments here
1 - Go to: \Cyberpunk 2077\r6\publishing\x64
2 - Create a copy of the βGOGβ subfolder next to the original one.
3 - Rename the copy of the βGOGβ folder to βnullβ
4 - Go to: \Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64
5 - delete the "GameServicesGOG.dll"
4- found in the same reddit
Deleting everything in here fixes CP2077 """""for 1 launch, then crashes again until you delete the cache again, I made a shortcut to this folder on my desktop so I delete them before I play."""" he said that but I didn't test if it's true, I had to go to sleep before relaunching the game, so I don't know if that was the solution, if that's what solved it I'll let you know here later
I recommend making backups of any files before trying this, always good
this works for me
3- what finally stopped crashing!!! which I saw in a redit that I found in the comments here
1 - Go to: \Cyberpunk 2077\r6\publishing\x64
2 - Create a copy of the βGOGβ subfolder next to the original one.
3 - Rename the copy of the βGOGβ folder to βnullβ
4 - Go to: \Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64
5 - delete the "GameServicesGOG.dll"
I have a working fix straight from GOG support: "The developers suggest that using the older .dlls might cause crashes with the game BUT seeing you have not experienced any then that is great (and lets hope it stays that way!) BUT just in case you run into any further issues you can always try the following workaround instead: 1. Go to: <...>\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\publishing\x64 2. Create a copy of the βGOGβ subfolder next to the original one. 3. Rename the copy of the βGOGβ folder to βnullβ 4. Go to: <...>\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64 and delete the: GameServicesGOG.dll"
But Cyberdeck itself + all the augments, implants whatever you call it,are cooler now because you can upgrade them(4-5 times),every one of them.So this makes the walk to Ripper-Docs more interesting/rewarding,combat hacking is now more
interesting,you can learn to queue your hacks,i like it.
This Update makes the game more accessible imho,even with loosing some of the skills....ππ
STEP 1: If you forced the patcher to close via the taskmanager then you probably need to reinstall the game! BUT you can try to skip the reinstall and just start with STEP 3.
If you waited 30 to 60 minutes and nothing is happening AND you still get an error log.txt file with the "Error modifying" message, then you have to reinstall the game.
STEP 2: Install the game as administrator (right click on the setup and then "Run as Admin". Dont launch the game after the installation.
STEP 3: Run the updater/ patcher as administrator (You dont have to put it into your game folder, RUN IT FROM YOUR DOWNLOAD LOCATION)
STEP 4: DONT DO ANYTHING NOW AND WAIT TILL ITS FINISHED. It will look like its crashed but its not crashed at all. You just have to wait 30 to 60 minutues and then it should finish the update and you will see a green text saying you that the update was successfully installed/ updated ^^
Newest version (1.6): https://pcgamestorrents.com/cyberpunk-2077-edgerunners-352417675-dinobytes.html
After long time of Hestitation,i added Win10 soon 11(damn it,lol) as 2.partition for dx12 feature.
I think starting/playing this game(Version 1.5) so late,
helped to enjoy this game,too.Damn and i enjoy it alot.πππ
It has this oldschool Deus Ex 1/System Shock 2 vibe on much bigger scale(open world)+mixed with GTA Sci Fi,lol,it scratches this itch for this particular
Genre(Sci-Fi 3D RPG)but without the Horror(System Shock).
Will playing this till System Shock Reboot,lol(just kidding)
Est-ce que quelqu'un sait comment avoir l'audio français ?
You won't see Blizzard, for example, admitting mistakes.
It's usually eat or die.
Hey peeps!
I tried to "dig up" what I believe to be my previous comment with the language support notification for this game under the huge, ongoing pile of comments in this game page but gave up manually looking after I reached a little past the "3 years ago" DateTime stamp mark. Since I don't have the power to "sticky" my own comments, I had to post a new language notifcation here! I hope it stays for a while in the upper part of this ongoing pile of comments! LOL!
Redengineerrorreporter.exe cannot start due to incompatiblity with 64 bit version of windows.
Still no voice pack link