Darlene Lique
The video scenes arent playing and I reinstalled it already on a different dl site, is there a way to get the videos to play? I can hear sounds but no videos sadly... pls send help :(
Oignon Échalote
Can i use the FR voice or text ?
Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
what the fuck kind of comment section is this
Cr Zero
like south park?
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Not even close
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Cr Zero
you mean in a good or a bad way? is it better than south park? or like completely different and both are good?
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I dunno if it's better than South Park as I've never played the game, only watched the animated shorts. And it's a completely different style of humor from South Park
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it doesn't work when it turns on it's just ... options and quit help pe pllss
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Is this virus proof? Because i click the setup and it says that it have virus
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just a false positive
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Armando Salgado
This is kinda boring, a think that 3 interaction options are too much and you don't have any objetive to fullfil in the short run. Also, the levels are too big.
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you're complaining about a game on a website that doesn't make them?
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Armando Salgado
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Jay Zheng
"Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed"
is anyone else getting this error?
I downloaded it from the megasync link btw
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Armando Salgado
I downloaded the iso, but window defender doesn't let me to use the exe to install the game.
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Armando Salgado
Help, my antivirus dont let me install the game.
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Armando Salgado
I can't install the game, my antivirus detect the .exe as a virus.
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disable your AV then install
Wild Rens
yup , their series on yt is called Cyanide & Happiness
Temmie Plays!
yah wasnt their last game a battle royale lol? I had a key for it, and gave it away. So idk what Quote's on about, but they defintiely can make more than a P&C haha.
I'm glad you can enjoy it - i knwo you were waiting for this one.
the classroom make me remember some other game... but what? meh, must be just common classroom in america.
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Picos School from Newgrounds
Pablo Raho
I been looking forward for this game since it was announced and seemed a lot of fun. But playing it its actually quite dull, dumb and depressing.
You play as some whimpy kid on a C&H world, its like the worst character they could've chosen as a protagonist..
Temmie Plays!
oh it's a point and click ... ;( gross
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Some of the best, most engaging games on PC I have ever had the pleasure of playing were point and click games
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Temmie Plays!
that's cool. i don't know whjere ppl get off thinking my personal opiinon was somehow twisted into me saying " point and click games are bad for everyoen " i said gross. bnc i dont like the genre, lol. it's rally that simple.
the community here gets assrashed liek fucking mad over literrally nothing.
who cares what my opiinon of a genre is/> if that affects hwo you feel about somehting, then maybe you're playing for the wrong reasons.
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Ace Vaver
Your mother never taught you that if you don't have anything positive or constructive to say, then don't say anything at all?
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Temmie Plays!
yes, only retarded wineoes think that way.
the real world doesn't have time for your sensitive ass to get your shit in gear.
your morals are already fucked bc you're here to pirate games, so kindly fuckoff :)
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Markus Schwarz
dude he´s right why u have to comment that you don´t like p&c games on a point and click game? just search for another game
if i would comment on every game or genre i don´t like i wouldn´t have to do anything else than that....
as ace vaver said: If you don't have anything positive or constructive to say, then don't say anything at all
Ace Vaver
Fck morals man. You need a real life application of this lesson, the hard way. You're lucky I don't give a fck about you enough to track you down, but you try to pull that shit on me in real life, you'll learn first-hand why your mother should have taught you that shit. Life is full of conflict, we don't need another whiny little bitch breathing in it. You think you can say any shit online and you'll be okay, mate? Tell you what, make it easier for me. Tell me a meeting place in real life, any place will do, I'll teach you about life.
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Temmie Plays!
fuck morals, but only say nice things to ppl, don't break their safe space, and always avoid triggers and microagresions.
instead of what I said before, how about you just stop being such a pussy?
The problem isn't your opinion, the problem is you being aggressive for no reason. You don't like it? That's fine but don't come into a game's page trashing the entire genre for no reason other that "I don't like it". Makes you sound like an overly aggressive whiny kid and no one likes an overly aggressive whiny kid
Can you give an example of a good point and click game?
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Jonathan Davis
day of the tentacle
Deponia trilogy, personally in my top10 favorite games ever.
The Myst series for example. Riven: The Sequel to MYST was also pretty damn good. I remember playing an Indiana Jones point and click game on pc that was fun. And there was one on Sega Saturn called...I think it was Atlantis: The Lost Tales that I remember having a lot of fun with back in the day. Grim Fandango is also fantastic. The Monkey Island series is amazing too. The King's Quest series is also very good. And the Telltale The Walking Dead series is also really damn good IMHO. Night In The Woods I also heard very good things about and there was one Broken Sword game on ps1 that was hilarious to me. Oh and before I forget: Space Quest
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Sam and Max and The Wolf Among us too, since we're getting into Telltale games.
Despite being graphically dated, the original Clock Tower on SNES is still a damn good point and click horror title.
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Never played Sam And Max but yes, Wolf Among Us was great too. Clock Tower I only ever heard of, never actually played since at the time of me owning an SNES I wasn't into point and click games. I should emulate it sometime
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I HIGHLY recommend you do that. I emulated the game years ago and there's really nothing like it. Don't spoil yourself on it, it has a lot of really freaky things that happen. They will catch you off-guard. If you love point and click games, definitely don't neglect Clock Tower.
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I second this recommendation. There's also the two PS1 titles which are...okay if you can handle PS1 era bad voice acting, and then there's the PS2 title which forgoes point and click and turns it into a mostly traditional run-and-hide horror title (I say mostly because it has fighting...moments), and is surprisingly good horror for about the first half.
The only thing I've ever seen of Clock Tower was that really old Jon Tron video, nothing else. I DO have a full collection of SNES roms on an external HD so I might just do that soon
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Honorable mention to Day of the Tentacle too
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It's even better in the fact that it's 2 titles in one, since there's a fully playable version of Maniac Mansion within the Day of the Tentacle game.
Oh shit yeah how could I forget that one
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i am sure the kiddies dont give a shit about the genre they play cuz they remember the series from youtube
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Temmie Plays!
I'm 36. I don't really care about cyanide and happiness lol. point and click maybe can be fine? but I've had my fill of archaic games lol.
EVERY game was a poitn and click on old pcs, pretty much.
if you enjoy them, that's fine. not really my cup of tea.
you look for thing to click, and then look for next thing you can click.
you have no real agency, and it's just " hunt the pixel, the game "
sounds like a real riot, y'all can enjyo it - I don't care for the genre.
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Niel Ivarez
Oh, I recognize another fellow patron of Lucas Arts 😄
Pablo Raho
sounds like you can only judge a game for the mechanics
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Temmie Plays!
um.. dude, I don't liek the genre. what the fuck is your deal, lol?
If you don't liek racing games for instance, tha's fine.
are you retarded? there's different genres for a reason.
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Pablo Raho
I was going to answer but then realized you just been a dick on the comments while insulting others and the fact you say you're 36 but talk like you were 12 doesn't make it any better.
If you're just looking to feel offended you may want to start using Twitter.
They have made it easier with more modern point and click games though. You just click an icon now and it shows you all the the possible click spots in an area. I too, loathed pixel hunting. But this feature makes it fun.
It is a game from a literal animation series, what did you expect? a platformer with their brand stuck in it?
The whole point is to see the animations, i think it's pretty obvious that a game about animated gags would be about showing said gags
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Temmie Plays!
yeah I mean - it's not like it's a jole-in-the-wall cartoon. they could definitely make a real sort of game, I don't see why not.
This game is literally R*ddit personified,you could guess most of the punchlines after playing for ten minutes and with minimal pop culture knowledge which is very disappointing coming from Cyanide and Happiness.
And in a more objective lense,the game is very lacking in content compared to other point and clicks like Deponia.Really disappointing
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But to be fair, the Deponia series sucks too
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Yes,but it has more content than Freakpocalypse