Notice: Requires a virtual reality headset.
Another VR game! i'm gonna end up having to get a VR set to play soon! I think it's going to be the way games are played. I really hope they become like the simulation i saw in Las Vegas. You put a bubble suit on and then the video goggles go over your eyes and when the computer npc touches you say on the shoulder the bubble suit inflates on that spot and it feels just like a person is touching you! Now mind you it was a prototype and the machine did cost over a million dollars but i'm sure in time the price and tech will get so advanced humans will actually be in the game and it will be like real life or just like the holo deck in star trek now who wouldn't want to play a game like that? I'm sure getting shot will probably hurt too! Like getting punched really hard LOL!
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John Fisher
you must have vr ^^
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Personally I punch myself each time I get shot for realism, I don't need a machine for that
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no shit sherlock
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yes shit sherlock
welcome to igg where nobody read a shit
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