A chinese Pope? That'll be the day πŸ˜‚
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TrustedVIPHelperRob Conner
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You're the one who really needs to get help immediately, Korax. You've just finally admitted that you've made a racist joke yet still don't realize in your mind that what you did was wrong by telling me to get help when it's actually the other way around!

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Maybe you should learn what quotes are for, I used them for a reason.
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TrustedVIPHelperRob Conner
I know what they're used for but I still used them verbatim to simultaneously get my point across, "Turn the tables" of the idea which you were trying to convey and foil your intentions.
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Ok, buddy 😐
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TrustedVIPHelperRob Conner
Fine then, pal.

BTW - In the spirit of the season, Happy Holidays~!
TrustedVIPHelperRob Conner
This is the [modern] World and anything is possible, Korax. There is a long line of Cardinals, the level of clergy in the Catholic Church that reports directly to the Pope, who all happen to be Chinese. The latest one is Cardinal Stephen Chow, The Bishop of Hong Kong (See here). He was recently appointed as a Cardinal by Pope Francis on September 30, 2023. He was preceded by Cardinal Micheal Yeung (See here) who in turn, was preceded by Cardinal John Tong Hon (See here). Before Cardinal John Tong Hon there was Cardinal Joseph Zen (See here). The first Chinese Cardinal was John Baptist Wu (See here) who was installed on July 25, 1975 by Pope John Paul II.

Perhaps you need to update your outdated way of thinking. Decades ago, many people thought that there would never be a black President of the United States but then Barack Obama was elected and served for two terms (Eight years in total)! Popes are elected by the College of Cardinals, based on a clergy person's deeds as well as the positive influence the person has among the fellowship of Cardinals, so it may be a real possibility in the future that some day, there will be a Chinese Pope!

Cardinal Stephen Chow
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Cardinal John Tong Hon
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Cardinal Joseph Zen
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Thanks. Got anything to share about a black Dalai Lama?
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TrustedVIPHelperRob Conner
Dude, you need to first "pick the cotton" (or corn) out of your ears before you can hear the plain truth! You're still living in the past.
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You'll have to forgive me, I tend to forget that joking is outdated and not part of modern world.
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TrustedVIPHelperRob Conner
Joking is fine but whenever a joke hurts someone then it's no longer a laughing matter, especially when it's at the expense of others (See the section "When joking isn’t a joke" in the linked article. It makes the point, "Calling something a joke doesn’t grant it immunity from offense.").
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What in blazes are you talking about, dude? I didn't say anything offensive.
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TrustedVIPHelperRob Conner
Carefully re-read what you wrote in your OP. You said "... That'll be the day" and ended your sentence with a laughing emoji - Meaning that it would be impossible that there could ever be a Chinese Pope one day and that the Chinese are always to be looked down upon or thought of as inferior so as to not ever be able to have any one of them become a Pope due to the close-minded racism that is going on in this World to this modern day and age. That's offensive!

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Good grief, you SJWs even go to a website for downloading games illegally to argue about imaginary racism and discrimination.
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TrustedVIPHelperRob Conner
Really? And you racists are always trying to spread your hate everywhere, even on a warez site. The racism that you're trying to spread, even in its mildest form, is not imaginary! In the future, think before you write down shΞΉt! I've been a member here longer than you, so it appears more that you're the one who has wandered here afterwards to try to cause trouble and disturb the peace of this site's community.
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Dude, you got incensed at a "racist" joke, and a laughing emoji to boot. Get help immediately.