I already knew that someone would be in trouble, however it was necessary to modify the contents of the folder by deleting and moving files ...when I have some free time I will explain which files :) cheers
yes there r a lot of bug fixes, I just meant how the game has changed a lot...they should stop doing the balancing of the towers, because then u have to rethink the strategies...
Oh wait, I found the new location, it should be new game location. I think I'm lucky to find where is the save data is right here. BloonsTD6\BloonsTD6_Data\Plugins\x86_64\steam_settings\960090\local\link\PRODUCTION\current
when i go to steam_settings there is a folder with settings and images and theres a .txt file called steam_appid and there is the code 960090 but idk what to do with it. should i delete it?
in the 33 update the ice tower 025 will no longer be able to hit the moab...they're ruining the game with these stupid fucking changes...fuck ninja kiwi! u r like mida, but upside down, everything u touch turns it into shit
is not deleted, they are in C:\Users[your account name ]\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves but are in a new folder; the old one was 960090 now is 1022450, so drag and drop in this one
After updating from 33.3.5909 to 34.3.6116 my save data didn't transfer, this didn't happend in previous versions, previous versions always took my data, is there a way to manually ransfer it? i still got the previous versions and tried copying the BloonsTD6_Data witch didn't help.
okay, any suggestions? like what files to transfer or different locations to look? i have been working in the folder that comes out thezip file but are there other places where save data can be?
The most logical explanation why your previous saved file cannot carry is because of the disparity in the crackers between the old and new versions of the game. Say, one could be RELOADED while the other is SKIDROW, for example. Oftentimes, such differences result to installations where the saved file is located in two unlike locations. Hence, when you started the game on the updated version, your saved file would not be detected by the system (because the system itself is looking for it at a difference place now).
I did not lose them because I already knew it would happen...I opened the game folder and I modified and deleted some files, so I did not lose anything...it would be nice next time to check the files carefully and make copies of backup in order to prevent any loss...you should try to check your saves folder
usually it does not happen, just download the new version and replace it with the old one...but I noticed that sometimes there are errors in the game folder, there are files that shouldn't be there and have the folder number different from the original one (I mean the saves go to a different folder) maybe you haven't lost them, try to check your saves folder
to fix the update problem AND your saved games progress do this:
finding your saved games: I found it in "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves\960090\local\link\a1de2115-069e-473f-85ba-882b1e85dc28\profile.save" but this may differ depending where you downloaded the game from but generally it will be in "Roaming" or "LocalLow" but i think it's best to windows search the file "profile.save". copy this file and any other files with it in the same folder to desktop.
to download a working version of the game go to "http://6tor.org/torrent/850472/bloons-td-6-v-29.1.4827-2018-pc-repack-ot-pioneer". download from there and install the game normally then copy your saved games files to "WHERE YOU INSTALLED GAME\Bloons TD 6 v29.1.4827 by Pioneer\Bloons TD 6\BloonsTD6_Data\Plugins\x86_64\steam_settings\960090\local\link\52728942-3ce2-49b6-b1f8-b7bbf1f50850"
Here is update guys, let`s go and punish this big slimy bloon! So, if some one (half or more peoples) played before in this game on mobile there is one trick, how to transfer profile.
Connect with mobile to PC with USB and go "Phone\Android\data\com.ninjakiwi.bloonstd6\files\link" or go same way on the phone itself and copy link folder to PC (If second way, you will need to transfer it some how to PC).
Play tutorial in game, close it and search in "C:\Users[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves" or "C:\Users[UserName]\AppData\LocalLow\Ninja Kiwi\BloonsTD6" for that folder called "link"
Paste folder what was copied from mobile to folders from above with replacement (if something will be there)
Turn off internet on PC and launch BTD 6. If don`t, there will be endless black loading screen
Hooray! You can now turn on back internet and also play events! There can be some issuse in my instruction, because of my very good english, but i think you can do this!
IDK. I first time downloaded PC version of BTD6 :) . I think you can just put updated files in old folder with BTD with replacement. If you worried about your profile you can create copy of it and after update paste it back.
I downloaded the game (ver 42.1) via torrent but there is only an option to play offline. Can't do update and there is no option to login into account so i can't connect to my already existing user on the phone. Is there any solution for this?
Hello. I have a rather stupid question. If I have officially purchased this game, is it possible to somehow separate the double cash mode from the one I download from here and then insert it into the purchased game so that it works? Is it somehow possible?
Relax! Your save data is still there! This update is using a new save folder so it didn't find it, that's all.
Your previous save is located at: C:\Users%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves\960090
The new folder is inside the game folder at: \Bloons Tower Defense 6\BloonsTD6_Data\Plugins\x86_64\steam_settings\960090
Just copy and paste the contents from the Goldberg SteamEmu folder to the other one (the "local" and "stats" folder) and you'll get your progress back!
Your previous save is located at: C:\Users%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves\960090
The new folder is inside the game folder at: \Bloons Tower Defense 6\BloonsTD6_Data\Plugins\x86_64\steam_settings\960090
Just copy and paste the contents from the Goldberg SteamEmu folder to the other one (the "local" and "stats" folder) and you'll get your progress back!
Sorry igg-games, I kinda have to mention another site for login to work. But you guys still offer good download speeds. If you the uploaders would provide online-fixes, that would be helpful.
Login fix
Visit steamrip.com/bloons-td-6-free-download/ , download the "online- fix" file. Unzip and follow the instructions. You need to launch the game through steam to play online.
If you have a an offline account 2) Your save files for Bloons TD 6 are located here: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves\960090\local\link . Copy the folder named "PRODUCTION" Note: Username will be your own username. 3) C:\Program Files\Steam\userdata\[steamID]\480\local\link Paste "PRODUCTION" there. Now launch the game through steam. You should be able to login.
I can play through unlocking everything. When I come to play tomorrow Everything was reset, had to start over from scratch. The next day it was the same.
Hello, I have a question, can someone tell me how I can get x2 money in the game because a level is getting difficult for me and it would be easier with x2 money
Is it possible to transfer my game data from the cracked game over to the real steam game? A friend bought it for me and I would like to take my data with me.
This upload was uploaded too late. They already updated to a new version after this one was uploaded. Will have to wait for the next update to be uploaded (assuming it gets uploaded before the NEXT update).
In the meantime, perhaps work on being less rude and more kind in your tone. The staff are very hard-working; this badgering and complaining is the last thing they want on top of work.
Just got a reply from IGG-GAMES.COM saying the update will appear soon or tomorrow, "I will upload the latest version of this game soon, you can check here again tomorrow."
just putting this here, but you can have mods in this version of the game too, and since theres no accounts you technically cant get banned. i don't use any gamebreaking mods because it makes it not fun, but im just gonna say this here if youre wondering.
go to nexus mods btd6 and then download the mod and melon loader, install melon loader, and then you put the dll file of the mod inside the mods folder of melon loader its a bit complicated to explain
the one that i was talking about unlocks all of the trophy store items automatically, so after that i removed the mods and it was still there, since its an unlocked
new version is out 1.5.1
new version is out 1.5.0
u r like mida, but upside down, everything u touch turns it into shit
i have been working in the folder that comes out thezip file but are there other places where save data can be?
And the old one?
So i can copy my save file to the new loaction
Where are the saves folder?, sorry for been an idiot
idk how to restart my progress soo
So, if some one (half or more peoples) played before in this game on mobile there is one trick, how to transfer profile.
There can be some issuse in my instruction, because of my very good english, but i think you can do this!
it again?
If you worried about your profile you can create copy of it and after update paste it back.
Is it somehow possible?
This update is using a new save folder so it didn't find it, that's all.
Your previous save is located at:
C:\Users%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves\960090
The new folder is inside the game folder at:
\Bloons Tower Defense 6\BloonsTD6_Data\Plugins\x86_64\steam_settings\960090
Just copy and paste the contents from the Goldberg SteamEmu folder to the other one (the "local" and "stats" folder) and you'll get your progress back!
C:\Users%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves\960090
The new folder is inside the game folder at:
\Bloons Tower Defense 6\BloonsTD6_Data\Plugins\x86_64\steam_settings\960090
Just copy and paste the contents from the Goldberg SteamEmu folder to the other one (the "local" and "stats" folder) and you'll get your progress back!
Login fix
fix" file. Unzip and follow the instructions. You need to launch the game
through steam to play online.
2) Your save files for Bloons TD 6 are located here:
C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu
Saves\960090\local\link . Copy the folder named "PRODUCTION"
Note: Username will be your own username.
3) C:\Program Files\Steam\userdata\[steamID]\480\local\link
Paste "PRODUCTION" there. Now launch the game through steam. You
should be able to login.
When I come to play tomorrow Everything was reset, had to start over from scratch. The next day it was the same.
I'm joking of course :D
The staff are very hard-working; this badgering and complaining is the last thing they want on top of work.
Tone is hard to decipher online, yes?
The one i like the most.. God frickin damn it
"I will upload the latest version of this game soon, you can check here again tomorrow."