to crack click on disk image, click on first opition click on the bin, open the bin copy everthing on it, open the game files search for the bin file open it and paste to crack. sorry by the bad english im dont speak english im brazilian.
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Hier is how to start the game:

  1. Install it

  2. Crack it with CODEX folder: copy the files from bin and paste it to the root bin file of the game.

  3. If the u launch the game but nothing happens or it loads for a few sec but again, nothing happens, then: go to : Black Mesa Def. Edition --> Common Redist ----> DirectX ----> June 2010 ----> search for DXSetup.exe. Install it, cause the game supports only dx9.

  4. Try to launch the game.

  5. If nothing happens, create shortcut of the game launcher bms.exe, and go to properties of the shortcut and go target and paste this to the end of the line:


It should look like this: "E:\Black Mesa Definitive Edition\bms.exe" -oldgameui

6. Launch the game.
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Nadun Thathsara
Thanks. It worked.
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for those where the game doesnt start to this:

  1. download the update
  2. extract it and go in the folder an then go into the codex folder
  3. copy the bin folder and paste it in the folder where bms is in
  4. play it normally
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guys if u got an error while installing v.1.5.3 update, u need to download v1.5.1 and v.1.5.2 update first and install it. then u would be able to install v.1.5.3 update
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Yea, but where can I get the 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 update files?
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now thats a problem
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cant play...waste time
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i cant open blackmesa
Xen was definitely the worst part of the entire experience for me. At least 1998 Xen was mostly about how it felt weak compared to the rest of the game, but Valve didn't really screw the entire game with it, and Half Life will never stop being considered a masterpiece despite all the negativity surrounding that episode.
This new Xen, though... Jesus, man, what were they thinking? It starts off quite promising, impressive, but from the moment you enter Gonarch's Lair, with the tedious chasing and running from that giant screaming testicle all the way to Interloper, everything goes off the rails so horribly that any positive opinion the game had earned from me up until that point was permanently stained. The entire factory area was such a masterpiece of a train wreck; a bloated, irrationally long, tedious, boring and frustrating trip towards the final challenge made all the worse by doing a bunch of puzzles and fighting the same type of enemies over and over. I didn't even bother to try and finish the game just to get it over with and gave up for good after looking up at some point and seeing hundreds of more fucking crates on conveyor belts that I had to somehow climb after going through all that goddam ordeal.
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Who Asked
thcfreak666 .
Megaup spreads malware fake files. Thanks for nothing
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Bro u donwloaded an Ad, i donwloaded it and theres no problem.
CLICK 2 times in third click will be the correct rar.... dont talk it loud or FBI WILL OPEN WILL DOOR SHHH.
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if you right click the download button on the megaup page and copy link location then paste into URL you should get the correct .rar file without those annoying ads
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its a joke or your name is really J O N D O E ?
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just an internet name(:
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how do i get rid of insecure mod, it even occurs when using old ui
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Update V.1.5.3 spits out several hex mismatches, so the update doesn't work
i just getting dll laucher error when executing the game :( there's any help?
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whats the password, i download torrent file and i must know password!
Is there a Turkish language support in the game?
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Ata karan Ulker
hayır yama yapman lazım
the sam cz
what to do when you download all parts just copy them to the first part files
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create a folder then put all parts in that folder, next step is select all parts and with all folders selected, right click on part one and extract it with winrar or 7zip (any file manager that u have there)
For those struggling to start up the game:
Add it to steam library using "add non-steam game" library
Right click the game, and go to properties
Go to advanced launch options, and put -oldgameui
Then black mesa should work.
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BruceLee H. Leal
1.create shortcut
2.right click shortcut select properties
3.go to Target and copy paste -oldgameui in the very end of the dialog looks like this
"C:\Game\Black Mesa\bms.exe" -oldgameui
4.launch the game !!
Marek Panoch
i tried it but sadly it didnt work. still nothing happened
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BruceLee H. Leal
1.create shortcut
2.right click shortcut select properties
3.go to Target and copy paste -oldgameui in the very end of the dialog looks like this
"C:\Game\Black Mesa\bms.exe" -oldgameui
4.launch the game !
Tho I would appreciate if the game could work with the new UI, but it just keeps on crashing instead.
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BruceLee H. Leal
1.create shortcut
2.right click shortcut select properties
3.go to Target and copy paste -oldgameui in the very end of the dialog looks like this
"C:\Game\Black Mesa\bms.exe" -oldgameui
4.launch the game
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Jeff Parker
damn, the update triggered my antivirus :(
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because the update has new crack files, just ignore it.
Kyle Glenn Octavo
This game can handle a Laptop 120GB and 3GB RAM?
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Your HDD has nothing to do with it, but you don't have enough RAM for sure.
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black mesa CAN run on a 2gb laptop
just set all the options to low and set the resolution to the lowest
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Andrei Paun
help, I ran the setup, it installed, I double click on the created shortcut, but nothing happens.
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Marek Panoch
same problem here, found any solution?
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Krists Mičulis
I can't install it. it just opens codex, and then I press install it just pops a red cross and that's it, it just closes. any advice?
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buy the game stop pirating.... AHOY!
Marek Panoch
help when i launch it nothing happens
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Same here is there any fix for this
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to crack click on disk image, click on first opition click on the bin, open the bin copy everthing on it, open the game files search for the bin file open it and paste to crack. sorry by the bad english im dont speak english im brazilian. THE FIX
Waleed Saied
Any solution for launching the game for god sake!!
It just reaches the developer screen and suddenly crashes
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BruceLee H. Leal
1.create shortcut
2.right click shortcut select properties
3.go to Target and copy paste -oldgameui in the very end of the dialog looks like this
"C:\Game\Black Mesa\bms.exe" -oldgameui
4.launch the game !!!!
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can confirm that the definitive edition totally fixed interloper
no longer lags the elevator or crash like previously was,
any mod would appreciate to remove the featured comment
EDIT: i cant fucking deny that i am getting so addicted to the elevator stage
very epic moment in the whole game
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There are 2 Updates, you have to look and find elsewhere.
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already deleted this
right now i am planning to redownload HL2 + episodes to try this mod who got my attention
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Have you downloaded MMod?
I found something like that (although I had a similar one before):
Half-Life 2 Complete Edition (MMod + Cinematic Mod) Portable
I had to use a torrent and I never use it (32GB)
It has a lot in it :)

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already did that but got bored of it :/
probably because it have played half life 2 and the episodes a lot of times before
I have the problem, after ending chapter 14 and starting the xen part, it just sends me to dektop, I checked and it also does the same when I manually start chapter 15 or 16, but chapter 17 and the rest is fine, no crashes and no sending back to dektop, I could just skip those 2, but I'd like to finish them, any possible fixes to that?
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no idea what issue you have, i didnt get any desktop crash or something
just recently finished this and everything worked fine
Giuliano Giarletta
Guys, someone has a fix for this? The game boots, opens the first menu for a few seconds then everything closes.
I already put the bin folder in CODEX at the installation directory and reinstalled DirectX just to be sure. Dunno what else to do. Halp Plis
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i redownloaded this recently and everything is working fine so far
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Waleed Saied
Same problem 😭😭
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i dont know what issue you people have
everything worked fine so far when i redownloaded and reinstalled
no bugs no crashes no interloper lags, they really fixed the game for good with that definitive edition
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Aaaand the best FPS ever made just got even better, once again !
Can't wait for the next massive update in 2021. (They'll update it forever, I think lol)
Note : the featured comment is now outdated, apparently. So, don't worry about the chapter "interloper".
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try to convince me blondie and i might redownload this again
because honestly i am getting a lot interested of crysis 2 and probably 3 after finisthing the first game and since those games have something in common with project brutality
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Oh I'm not sure how to convince you about Black Mesa, because I don't have time to write a full novel right now(have to work, sorry!), but the only thing I can tell you is that I hated Crysis 2. I thought it felt incredibly linear compared to the open spaces of Crysis 1, which gave me so many ways to progress as I wished. I was so disgusted that I never even tried Crysis 3. lol
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quite true about 2 and 3 being linear similar to cod games, however, it has a lot of enviroment interaction, something that call of duties were lacking all the time, like grabbing the enemies and throw them into a cliff
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Dem, I'vent played any, Guess i totally missed out on this one.
What bout the new game remastered, Worth checking out?
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hell no that remaster honestly doesnt worth it
get the original version,some patches + blackfire mod, thats the true remastered version
i used this guide to make it work
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Now if you want to throw enemies off cliffs, I definitely recommend Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. ha ha This game will never get old!
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so miss igg universe
did they finally fixed interloper or it still a fucking mess?
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Oh I didn't play until that level. lol
All I know is this from the changelog :

  • New shield and architectural art for Interloper
    lol that's not much, eh?
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i am more interested in the elevator part
it lags like shit there
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What they have in common with p.b.?
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climbing ledges, aim down sights, upgrading weapons, smooth reloading animations, grabbing and throwing some enemies,improved enemies AI
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and dozens of others fixes.
When I install the game it does not start, the icon appears in the task manager but disappears a few seconds later without leaving anything, what do I do? =(
Jere el capo
doesnt launch
Lolzyt ;/
do i need to download the 3 parts? or only 1?
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Riley Stanley ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
all 3 parts
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The game doesn't launch, It stays like 2 to 4 seconds on the Crowbar Collective menu and then it close, Let me know if you know how to fix it!
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Giuliano Giarletta
Having the same problem here. It stays open for a while then disappears. Already put the files in the CODEX folder and reinstalled DirectX. :(
Yo it said Failed to load the Launcher DLL: The specified module could not be found.anything i need to do?
Am I the only one with a flashlight that doesn't light up the room but only lights up props? and the rocks on the ground are black (not a pun about black mesa, I'm serious), large chunks of rocks around the surface, outside the labs are black and they're all over the place, please help
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Unfortunately the game doesn't work for me and neither of previously posted fixes work. Previous version didn't work either. I guess I hoped something would change with this update. ITried:

  • blocking firewall
  • starting with admin
  • shutting down antivirus
  • -oldgameui fix
  • adding to steam and changing game launch properties
  • creating shortcuts, reinstalling, copying codex content (and not)
    Absolutely nothing works.. If anyone has any advice, it would be most welcome
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With me, the game didn't start when I changed to Windown 10. The task manager showed bms.exe for a few seconds before it vanished without any comment, and this is why: The game needs DirectX 9, which isn't delivered with W10. So I grabbed it from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=8109 (if you try to web-install it you may get disappointed), and now it runs fine.
bob cobblre
My game ran fine but now it wont start. And no it says no error.
Ryan Azelore
how do you enable console here i found the key binding to it but still doesn't work
My game ran fine but now it wont start. (I have same system) And no it says no error.
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dude that update fucked up the HECUs, they are total retards
previous version the fuckers were tough, they give you a good challenge, now the are dumb similar to a zombieman from classic doom
i dont recommend to update unless you cant git gud
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Or dont update it if you dont want to play full game (practicly)
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game its already full game even without update
Ciro Consentino
Update v1.1 CODEX is out... and the game programmers DID NOT FIX the "edicts" bug in the Interloper level but they say it was already fixed! Game is still crawling at 1 fps and crashing. :(
Update v1.1:

  • Fixed a bug related to the engine not detecting controllers
  • Fixed HECU bullet spread distribution not changing based on difficulty
  • Decreased HECU reaction time
  • Balanced damage of frag grenades used by NPCs (higher damage radius)
  • Added an option in new UI to toggle classic iron sights ON/OFF
  • Fixed Xbow classic iron sights not rendering crosshair
  • Fixed a crash related to marionettist
  • ToGL/Linux: Changed/tweaked internal texture formats and video options to avoid visual issues on different dynamic lighting quality levels
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Ciro Consentino
Ok, here's the real fix that seems to work for most people. I haven't tried myself yet... it works!
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the problem its not the grunt barrels for me
its the fucking elevator part
it seems they didnt fixed neither
you still need to cheat that part until the elevator stop
and oh yes my custom ammo extend cfg got fucked up
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Ciro Consentino
yes, the fist time I played, the elevator went up and I lost it. Killed all the big brain enemies and then elevator never came down. I had to reload a save from earlier and not kill the enemies, just get in the elevator.
i am the boss User
CAPtin sharky
everytime i extract the 3 files i get the codex.nfo which doesnt do anything i dont get any iso or exe file. I redownloaded and it still doesnt work, does anyone know how to fix this?
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aye u must click the disc image file it may take a while but it will do its work
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Δημητρης Κρητικος
well,it does work but it keep showing me the train stasion and nothing else
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1.create shortcut
2.right click shortcut select properties
3.go to Target and copy paste -oldgameui in the very end of the dialog looks like this
"C:\Game\Black Mesa\bms.exe" -oldgameui
4.launch the game
Casey Jones
Anyone know where the save files are located?
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Casey Jones
Nevermind I found it. In the bms folder within the game folder itself, in case anyone else might go looking for them.
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this is not exactly a mod but rather a fix to get a better gameplay experience
some of you realize freeman cant carry much shit (i mean he can carry many bullets,shells, cells but no grenades,and other things thats bs) and most of the time you leave ammo behind
heres a solution for that
go to your black mesa folder (your drive:Black Mesa\bms\cfg) and open skill.cfg with notepad
scroll down until you find this
there you can choose how much capacity you can carry
in my personal opinion
9mm = 200
.357 = 60
Shotgun = 120
Bolt = 50
Cells = 200
Snark = 20
Hornet = 10
grenade mp5 = 10
Rpg = 10
Frag grenade = 10
Satchel = 10
Tripmine = 10
or just fuck it and turn freeman into doomguy with whatever number you want :P
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Hello I just downloaded and installed the game. However, when I double click to launch it, nothing happens. help?
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I have a RTX 2070 SUPER Ryzen 7 3700x. Also, Taylor I don't see your comment. I noticed people are having similar issues and you told them to see your comment.
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Ely Rogers
how did u fix it tho?
Ciro Consentino
I'm at Interloper level. I only use quicksaves and no matter what I do, can't play this level, it crashes non-stop... impossible to play. They fixed this bug back in December 29, 2019 and to this date haven't released a new binary. I had to stop playing this game until the fix is available.
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use console commands
the quicksaves method are if you dont want to get spoils but since you are almost at the last part you dont have nothing to lose so open console type "sv_cheats 1"
if you are getting huge low fps and crash in the jumping elevators use "noclip" and go up until you see where the canned monsters reach the platforms
if you keep getting low fps and crash, restart the chapter interloper and before entering the jumping elevators do a quicksave just in case and then use noclip and follow the jumping canned monsters when you reach to a place where you see many canned monsters jumping disable noclip and its done
the next part you will get low fps when the elevator goes up but no crashes type "god" mode, when you reach th floor the fps will restore you will start a boss fight with 3 flying fetus so its your choice if you want to disable god
after that the elevator will go up again and get low fps but no crashes until the elevator stops then its done your nightmare and frustration are finally over no more low fps and crashes ahead
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Ciro Consentino
Thanks for the tips. I wanted to avoid cheats. They take too long to release the fixed patch.
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Caution: when reaching chapter "interloper" make sure to quicksave at least every minute theres a bug in the bumping elevators where the game crash and the only fix is loading quicksaves
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Probably fixed Now.
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who knows, i am too lazy to redownload this again just to play that removed stage
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I never finished, but I have my save games archived, so I will try.
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maybe i will redownload it but honestly i dunno, i am getting more interested to redownload Crysis 2 and 3
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Never finished Crysis 2, 3 and Warhead.
Of coz good games, but never had enough time.
There is few games which I want to try, but space. Eh.
Horizon Zero Dawn (I can play now, finally), Warhammer Chaosbane, NBA 2021 (with career unblocked), Civ 6 with Mods and many others.
BTW: I saw one of your comments about Freespace 2, so I found out about Knossos etc. Thx.
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i already played all of them but cant deny this franchise its very satisfying to replay it
I wish someone could've told us this sooner. I've only finished downloading the file and It's really a big file, only to find out that there is some bugs at the "Interloper" level. We could've waited a bit longer for a more stable update. Anyway, I can't thank you (if it's not you, then the one uploading the games here in IGG) enough for providing free games for us but this is just a suggestion for the future. Thank you!
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the whole game is ok
only the interloper has bugs but just at you enter the chapter just make sure to quicksave every minute so if you start lagging load previous quicksave
thats how i did to finish the chapter
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You're done with doom already?
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yea i done it yesterday at 100%
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just now downloadin, hope i'll be home tmrw to play it hahha
been away for over a week.
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for a first time experience you will love it
just make sure to play at ultra violence to really enjoy it
other difficulties are 2 for little kids who suck at fps
and 2 for hardcore masochists which one will make you ragequit if you die
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Afraid i too count as a kid who suck at fps, I'm more into mmorpgs, Fps is not my thing.
I like doom though, It's very much stress relieving.
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Sux for me i've yet to even touch it...
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The flashlight doesn't work, I found a solution but it's only for steam users. Help?
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works fine here
dont worry season 2 is here
if u cant even fuking copy paste crack the just dont even bother coming here .
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Abdurrahman Al-Quran
bruh i meant to delete it
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Sarah Conner
Doesn't work for me. When I double click the desktop shortcut nothing happens.
I have tried the following but still doesn't work for me:

  • Re-installing with my antivirus off
  • Running the exe as an administrator
  • copied the bin folder from the mounted ISO file to the installed directly
    Does any one has any ideas to recommend which might make it work for me?
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always show your specs that might be the problem
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my reaction when i reached xen for the first time
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can't run the game
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Hello, I got it working
Once you've ran the setup, right click on the desktop shortcut and open the file location, then from the folder you extracted all 3 parts to open the folder CODEX and move the "bin" folder in the "Black Mesa" folder, click replace files in destination, check the "Do this for all current items" box and press Continue, then the game should be able to boot up
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Štěpán Soukup
Thank you so much! Finally i can play it!
Bro Can you upload that bin file somewhere? I installed the game and deleted that codex folder (even these i was dowloading). Now i donnt want to download all codex's cause it would take 6 hours for me like before. Please and thanks
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I installed it using Utorrent, and have the same issue, the bin folder is in the black mesa folder, this doesnt make sense
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Abdurrahman Al-Quran
Im sorry dude but can you or someone else reword it?
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Abdurrahman Al-Quran
oh shit i think i understand. bc its not like other games where they dump the steam files in the main directory with the exe, theres an actual folder called bin in the installed directory
so u gotta copy paste the entire 'bin' folder from CODEX and drop it in install directory
or u could select the check mark when in codex installer...
Noam Adam Azia
so... you mean use the crack provided in the setup files just like the rest of the games on this website?
sorry if im sarcastic but comon guys, read the fucking read me or atleast the "how to install games" section on the site
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just made an account to thank you for this
Mad Xen
MY GOD man, thank you, it worked.. i misjudged you cuz i dont understand, thank so much
Mad Xen
Be more specific, is the setup black mesa or the codex, what do you mean folder codex, why the bin folder? edit: wait ok the codex folder
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Khanh Le
Pressed the icon, nothing happen it doesn't run how to fix?
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See my comment above
Fudge Fudge
legit lol at the nose and ears comment.. jesus christ.
Daffa Nur Fauzan
Is this really final release? Included "Xen" part?
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Ciro Consentino
yes, v1.0 with XEN mission. I'm in that mission right now and it's beautiful!
Xappy Xebby
For anyone having trouble with the google drive link were it says "Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time." Go to your google drive and go to "shared with me". Click on that and you can see your file in there. What you want to do next is right click on it and click on make copy. Wait for it to copy. Once it copies it will tell you on the bottom left corner so what you want to then is click "show file location". Click on the one that say "Copy of Blackmesa.codex part 1". It will lead you to the download page and just click and boom your done.
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BD One
Awesome, i love you! :*
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anyone remember or know tweaks console commands?
i am a little rusty remembering the source engine tweaks
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woobie why
So, go to options, advanced options or something like this, and enable the developer console, then press ~ or " and it will open!
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already did that
what i meant is tweaking console commands
but i already found some of them
and they work flawlessly
got a fps boost without affecting texture detail
Fudge Fudge
Lul silly American. No National Guards here. What happened to knowing my location, shitstain? xD
Black Api
doesn't run how to fix this???
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See my comment above.
kivi Engel
too many ppl on google drive. pls fix
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Casey Jones
There's nothing IGG can do about that. It's on Google Drive's end. But there's a workaround for it. I don't remember if there's a guide on this site for it but I know there are vids on Youtube that show you how. It's very simple once you know what to do. You just basically make a copy of the file in Google Drive and download that instead of the original.
Fudge Fudge
Sure ya do, bud. Sure ya do. Lol quarantines.. you're a complete tool. Even if there were to be quarantines, I would be unaffected. ;D
Fudge Fudge
There.. aren't any? Not here, anyway. xD You're one of those freaks that buy into the panic. Have fun with that. Also, you can try to rape me. I'll make you eat my hairy asshole, though. It's only fair.
Fudge Fudge
You're just some fatass incapable of being forklifted off of the couch, let alone robbing anyone. And who stocks up for a make believe quarantine scenario? Way to be scared over nothing, sheep.
Fudge Fudge
Not surprising, you have the mental capacity of a toddler.
First time I play Half-Life 1 so completely blind!
Pretty fun, and well optimized overall.
Gameplay Video (English Commentary)
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i cannot get it to run for the life of me
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Hey, see my comment above
Lou Bannister
Imaginary girlfriend ? happens...
Fudge Fudge
No, you fudgin retard.. you just got done telling someone else you're above the childish behavior of downvoting, but you do it all the time.. therefore.. you called yourself childish. If you read very slowly, multiple times, I'm sure you'll get it eventually. To borrow your own words.. " you're very very dumb WOW lmao!"
thanks for the upload guys! Working for me so far, only thing is when the game says "Loading..." it takes a little while to the point I think it froze completely, so not sure if it's because I have it on ultra settings or something else.
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woobie why
Well, that is about your computer, try using less beautiful graphic
doesn't run
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Nikolai Koslov
EDIT: "-oldgameui” to the shortcut target in the properties menu fixed this for me. Idk why the new UI crashes for me, but this fixed it.
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Black Api
can you give more details a bit...i dont understand
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How does one add that to the launch options?
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Turo Kumpulainen
Add the game to the Steam library and right click on Black Mesa to change the launch options.
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Black Api
how to change the launch options
Nikolai Koslov
It doesn't run for me it just flashes the Devs' logo and goes back to desktop, i have re-downloaded everything and reinstalled it over and over again but it does nothing. Any ideas?
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hi all.
i open steam_emu file and change Language that will be used in the game
to french
but not working... no french package?
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You can change the subtitles of the game in the audio options from the configuration menu.
To those who own Intel HD this is playable (about 10 - 30 fps on lowest)
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Casey Jones
Which Intel HD? Pretty wide range of Intel HD graphics based on how old it is. An Intel HD 530 typically runs games about twice as well as HD 4000 for example.
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Intel HD 3000
I installed everything and it looks fine but when i click Black Mesa it doesn't run
Edit: Nevermind, everything is working
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Black Api
shareee the fix dudeeee...we are in the sameeee situation don't keep it to yourselfff
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wait what did you do to fix
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Vincenzzo Mancini
yes, what you did?
Nikolai Koslov
it doesn't run for me, help please, it just flashes the Devs' logo and goes back to desktop
Sam Slade
Great to have updated visuals but some of the design choices make me scratch my head. In Chapter 3 they changed it so you can't just walk through a door but have to go underneath the floor to the other side... why... not good design
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The developers for this game are fucking morons, that's why. Back when this was a free mod the fights against Marines were ridiculously broken, as if a starving leper missing half their brain designed it. I'm sure nothing has changed.
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Evan Browning
thats pretty retarded to say, why not check for yourself if anything hsa changed? they updated the ai and fixed a lot since the original mod. saying 'im sure nothing has changed' is blatantly ignorant and honeslty makes you sound like a fucking moron
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I'm sure it's different, but the design choices are in the same shitty direction. I'll know soon, anyway. If it's good, then I'll post back and say that it was better than I expected.
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so that door from 23:30 wont open?
have you tried noclip?
honestly if devs are trolling us with antipiracy i admit i tip my hat too but also screw the game and use cheats :P
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jesus i may get crazy this month
black mesa
ori 2
doom eternal
project brutality 3.0 recent update
just imagine the feeling
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hector lopez
Nikolai Koslov
it doesn't run for me, help please, it just flashes the Devs' logo and goes back to desktop
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Dim Val
Nikolai try update your Graphic/sound/CPU drivers it might help
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Nikolai Koslov
Nope it just keeps on showing the logo and then back to desktop
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and thanks for giving me recent evidence of you hidding like a pussy 👍

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Vincenzzo Mancini
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says the weirdo with imaginary girlfriend who upvote himself always
by the way its been a while upvoting guy .....oops my bad i almost screw up your disguise °3°
is that a low spec pc game?
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Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Graphics Settings: Highest
Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 1400 Quad-Core Processor @3.2GHz
Memory: 8192MB RAM
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB
Windows 10 Pro
where is the folder for german subtitles?
Gaming Cthulhu 31
it doesn't run for me help even if I disable antivirus anybody no a fix
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Nikolai Koslov
Same thing, just flashes the Devs' logo and goes back to desktop
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Alex Phoenix
is the torrent site down or something?!
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Nifft Batuff
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no, its working
So mature, much above everyone else, wow.
Fudge Fudge
aren't you the dumbass that usually downvotes everyone? xD "above that childish behavior" my ass.
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fuck master chief collection CE :P
20 GBs bah who cares this shit worth it
i wont be surprised if this became game of the year and dethrone Doom again
just like the same happened with half life 2 vs doom 3 xD
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There's no way in hell Half Life dethrones Doom Eternal. Doom 3 yes, it sucked when compared to the previous games but in it's own is good but Eternal is great, nothing's better. With that said half liife is good, played all the games but I enjoyed half life 2 more than the first.
Fudge Fudge
I never played Half life.. so this should be interesting!
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Dim Val
Fudge Fudge you will have a blast fella this is the best version of HL best mod and then when you finish and you had not play HL2 play HL2 masterpiece too and you have it all.
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Fudge Fudge
Thanks, bro! Hope so! Did they remaster hl2, too? Or are they going to?
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theres already tons of mods who make it looks like a remaster
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Fudge Fudge
Hell yea! I'm already really into this game, thanks for the info! :D
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Dim Val
Don't mention it! Well bro there are a lot of mods for HL2. My best and that I play with is "Half Life 2 Cinematic mod", like this mod for HL, that makes HL2 even better, even better graphics, new music and weapons better skins for the weapons awesome for HL2 just majestic better more beautiful more human characters and lots of more and if you don't mind or offend has some XXX graphity on the walls and stuff only in the walls. I love it better than the original game bigger too. I have it in one of me external Disks 35 GB so you understand the work that have been done. Google it and take look you might like it and you can find other mods too for HL2 here.
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that mod was great at the beginning but the problem was when the author fucked up at later versions
like alyx, instead of improving her model, he turn her into a hooker with different face and even worse with every updated version ;s
and instead of improving his mod he was abusing with the porn stuff which was the reason the community turned into a witch-hunt riot against him
Fudge Fudge
So far I'm freakin lovin this game xD A lot more intense than I thought it would be.. stupid critters in the ventilation shafts.. heart attacks every time. xD
Anyway, thanks for all the tips! Got something to look forward to!
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oh fuck off you little shit
some of us know that you are that handicapped moron who once was called
"I am intellectually superior"
get a job and buy a bigger HDD.....oh wait what am i saying
hes handicapped
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Dim Val
When I saw this I thought a new HL game like HL3 I did not read all but nevertheless this looking awesome for the HL that is awesome and HL2 the best FPS of all time... Thank you so much for the developers and a big thanks goes to CODEX and sorry that I can't afford to buy it this looking outstanding...
Inappropriate Language
Funny how I actually "Paid" for it & the day the game downloads the final release patch in my Steam its uploaded on this website for free anyway! Grrr!& I REALLY want "Mortal Kombat 11" but just like Black Mesa & soooo many other games Ive bought, Im almost certain that if I pay for it today it will finally be cracked & released tomorrow! I mean maybe I should buy it so my bad luck will make the game finally get cracked for the rest of you to get!!
PLEASE put pressure on game hackers to finally get Mortal Kombat 11 cracked! Its been so long waiting & I cant afford to keep spending more money on games, in my 25+ years of gaming Ive spent WAY over $10,000 just on games, dont want to count how much Ive spent on consoles & building & constantly upgrading my PC's! The VR headsets alone have cost me $3,200 AU :( & I barely use them!
Games final release patch was apparently released today (7/3/2020) & I only knew this
because apparently I bought this game well over a year ago on Steam
(& I completely forgot! lol) & just saw it downloading.
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mortal kombat 11 will be cracked once all the dlc is released
Blue Bomber
and this is for the Ending Scene
Blue Bomber
Based on Half Life 1 Original Game. Same Type of Security, Researcher, and The Black Suited Man who Never Die until the Game Over :)
everything in Half Life are appears here. So Nostalgic, the Sound Effects when you Press "E" and of course The CROWBAR.
check this out video testplay, up to the Outbreak Scene
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we dont recommend using that, while it is convenient for some it also removes the ad revenue that IGG gets from the downloads and that money is needed to run the site.
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The character does not run even with the "CTRL" key by default. In addition, many orders cannot be reconfigured. While it was possible in Early Access. I do not understand!
Write with Google Translate ... Sorry!
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The character doesn't run until you get his suit.
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Thanks so much!
Mhm, sure you are. That random FUCK YOU in all caps was clearly not childish at all.
I just responded in kind to your clearly idiotically rude behavior out of nowhere.
You didn't need to take that small bit of criticizing in my first comment to the extreme, but you did.
So you got a response befitting the level of outburst you gave.
Enjoy your high horse. Be careful not to fall of from it and crack your head while inflating your very fragile ego even further.
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you maybe didnt knew him before
let me give you a small bio :P
this kid former nickname was "i am intellectually superior"
surely he changed his name because he got roasted so many times by everyone that he thought changing his name will fool us thinking hes another person
however he made the terrible mistake to forgot deleting all his previous comments
i figure it out when i was updating a game and found him in the comments
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He changed his name, but couldn't be bothered to change his attitude. :P
I guess embarrassing pasts don't stay hidden forever on the Internet, after all. XD
Well, fuck you too, your bitch-ass whiny highness motherfucker.
Quit whining. Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter/Episode 1 is gonna be 100GB on its own. Imagine how big its gonna be with all chapters once they come out ~ probably around 400GB or something.
20GB for this game is NOTHING compared to that.
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that game its not even released yet and its already getting tons of bad reviews ;/
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I never meant that FF7 Remake was gonna be a bad game, just that it is gonna take up a lot of space. And as for Black Mesa, I'm so hyped to play Half Life 1 again, only better! :D
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every time i see news about ff7
i see letdowns ;S
and honestly after all the BS square have done i wont be surprised if its true
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IMHO, the original FF7 was ok. I never finished it, but got to the point that the Weapons awakened, and eventually either got bored with the game, or found other, more interesting games/movies/anime/etc. to watch/play/etc. But again, it was a decent game. Maybe a little overhyped because of its impact on gaming culture at the time, but not a bad game by any means.
FF7 Remake, on the other hand, IMHO, looks and feels amazing just from the demo alone. I like turn based combat in RPGs, but the Kingdom Hearts approach with this hybrid "turn-based + hack-n-slash/character action/spectacle fighter" combat feels sooo good! Just the right balance of hacking away at enemies until the ATB bar fills up, while planning your next spell/skill and who to cast it on, while freely moving around, re-positioning around enemies, dodging, parrying, and counterattacking. It feels great!
Sure, it isn't "pure turn-based combat", but it doesn't need to be. Games need to evolve with the times, too, especially if better and/or more popular forms of gameplay have been created for a specific type of game genre, or if genre experimentation could potentially lead to something amazing.
As for the story, I love how they ALREADY foreshadow big events and reveals that happen way later in the story through subtle visual and music cues, and character dialogue and facial expressions.
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the problem with the remake its not the storage
SE have earned a lot of distrust from the customers
just remember all the bullshit they have done previously
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Eh, it's not that it really matters all that much. At least not to me. I'm not a fan of SE, but I don't outright despise them either. I don't condone their actions, but since there is nothing I could effectively do personally besides shouting on the Internet about it, I tend to just not care about it. I don't live or work where they work, I don't buy their games unless i really want to have a legal copy, so I have no investment in what they have done so far.
I'm just a broke pirate from a backwater country getting to experience great (and terrible) games through illegal means, because I have little choice otherwise.
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compared to CE and doom eternal honestly YES!!!
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What is with your hate on DOOM Eternal?
For one, the game isn't even out yet, and two, it looks like it is going to be an amazing experience, just like DOOM (2016) was. It is basically gonna be DOOM (2016)+.
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its not hate
its much like the showdown that happened years ago of half life 2 and doom 3
half life dethroned doom becoming game of the year
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Ah, ok, my misunderstanding then, sorry.
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yes but that wont give the options for copying crack files or giving a desktop icon, they will have to do that manually, so most prefer the mount method, extracting does work though if that's your preference.