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can update this with new languages? I want play this game with korean.
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I am not even Muslim. How the fuck do you even assume that? I just don't like cherry-pickers. You can deny that, but you were cherry-picking.
Ah, fuck it, and fuck you. I am not going to bother with you anymore - you are going into my blocklist. So, so many fucking a$$holes like you in this world.
Swat Mos
puzzel battle is fuhk in my a$$ either play poker vs demon or battle with limit turn + specific type card cant damage demon
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Hah, I couldn't care less what my ancestors did.
What I do detest though, is cherry-picking facts.
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jevon small
Black Book Running On RX570(I7-4790)
This is true.
Why does it have to be card based? Just permanently learn spells from scrolls and cast fire on wolves or orcs. Apparently you have to use tarot cards to appeal to the Wiccan ground and you may only play as a teenage girl with issues as apparently only that is sufficiently WOKE.
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Jack Torrance
Yes it's definitely not because everyone and their mother has been making card-based games since Slay The Spire became popular. It's because those nutty broads want to make your dick feel even smaller than usual.
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dear gamers
sub my channel
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Nah, I'm good.
Igor Shipownik
in Slavic languages it ​means as WORD or GLORY. People who have a word
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The Muslims called them that to mock their own name of "glorious". My ancestors owned many white slaves.
Iale Idioma
none of your comments have been deleted by us
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Akata Ryuuga
Indeed, it's still there... Not out of the existence though....
Iale Idioma
looks alright
"...Northern Slavic mythology."
I like it.
The Caucus mountains are in Russia somewhere.
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Niel Ivarez
"Caucus mountain", you say? I have one on me too!
That's it for me today everyone 🤚
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Hah, indeed the etymology of that word is a fact. I do notice the next half of the sentence though, and I know a packaging of facts with insinuation when I see one.
For anyone else reading this, it's not just the Muslims of Spain. The Slavs were trending at the time. Some people - Muslims included - don't perceive slavery for what is. Heck, the slaves themselves might not either. It's a subjective issue, really.
That said, always keep in mind that those who decry slavery may well have the ulterior motive of tearing down those in power, i.e. those that have the means to have slaves.
Rule number one of dehumanizing the enemy: make anything that they do seem monstrous and evil.
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wait just to clarify, are you saying that slavery wasn't monstrous and evil? that's a legit question because your wording was kinda weird
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Years ago, if I read what I just wrote, I would be like you - confused.
I am much wiser now, and more jaded too. Maybe you don't realize it now, but "monsters" and "evil" are mere words - often used to vilify and dehumanize whoever is considered the enemy for whatever fucking reason.
The reality about slavery is a lot more complicated than you would think. For example, Stockholm syndrome would be involved, e.g. the "victims" believe that they are deserving of the treatment, and the "perpetrators" don't think that they are in the wrong, e.g. they believe that the future of the "victims" are somehow better off elsewhere than where they came from (even though there is no guarantee).
Self-righteousness makes a lot of drastic and awful actions seem more doable, really.
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CorixAsk Soki
Here come the self proclaim philosopher to tell you that everything is a construc.Self-proclaim wise dude did you know Stockholm syndrome doesn't exist?
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Yeah, yeah, make some statement claiming this and that without backing it up.
Ah, fuck it, you are going into my blocklist. I have come across so, so many fucking people like you during my time on the Internet, and it's always been a waste of fucking time making further responses to the likes of you.
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CorixAsk Soki
Just search it you dumb fuck the question is where the fuck did you read it was real probably Hollywood educated you
CorixAsk Soki
Wow I really touch your soft spot uh? Go touch some grass kid
😈Crazy Minority 😘
True,i instantly think (let me call it) about tribes(dont wanna say any specific race but i think you will get it)some millenniums ago,
were the founders(good hint to those who didn´t know,maybe?) of the"democracy" while they had slaves(who also could accomplish freedom/citizenship).So perspective and meanings change,sometimes very drastic(good/bad)🤔🤓
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CorixAsk Soki
You yourself said they key difference between the American salvery and ancient at least in Greece you could get freedom and you children wouldn't be born as slaves but American slaves were slaves for their lifetime
this is straight up slavery apologist mentality
have a good day..
(just to clarify to anyone reading this, i just have no energy to deal with this kind of mental gymnastics)
Blue Bomber
point and click adventure rich story with Cards Battle, tutorial to become a Witch
Rick Sanchez
where's the black tho?
Lecaton Baumeister
The plot quickly caught my attention. It has a great focus on storytelling, therefore, it is not recommended for those looking for action only.
Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
This looks really good!
looks interesting, and the visuals look nice, props to the devs behind it
😈Crazy Minority 😘
Thx IGG for this Full-Release,and a quite surprisingly(cuz i am not so fond of unity-indie-games so much) good one🤗🤖🤓.
I must say i enjoy it alot,the mixture between adventure/rpg/deckbuilder is well made,
it has also touch of humour which i like.
CorixAsk Soki
Retrasado mental si te sacaras la polla de Trump del cerebro algún día con educación y esfuerzo diras algo coherente
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se nota que no sabes leer niño
lee bien y no avergüenzes a los latinos con tu ignorancia
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CorixAsk Soki
Se nota que eres otro subnormal sabías que el castellano se habla en españa tambien no todo es latinoamerica ya lo siento Joker digo Guasón
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oof salio peor los de españa son mas pendejos que los latinos, no debiste haber dicho eso xD
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CorixAsk Soki
Tan pendejos que os colonizamos y os impusimos nuestra religión
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hah todavia andan con esa mentalidad retardada,
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CorixAsk Soki
Tendremos una mentalidad retardada pero al menos no somos tan retrasados de dejar que el gobierno nos robe mate y secuestre durante años
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matthew lafleur
lmfao if you think thats the origins of slaves you better take 9 covid shots
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The etymology of the word "slave" did indeed originate from the capture and enslavement of Slavs in the Middle Ages.
The concept of slavery was first introduced when the owners of Legoland figured that they were lacking workers that would disassemble and clean up the attractions. and for safety, I'll take 18 shots.
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Read and think before commenting. He was talking about the word "slaves", not the concept of slavery. And he is right.
lel memster
You get to play as baba Vanga? Shiet, sign me up.
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Nope, just Baba Yaga.
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Baba is You.
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lel memster
Ау тек си нашао игрицу са девојком која симпује за дечка и ти сад одмах симпујеш за њу. Е па јуначе, желим ти срећу да једнога дана нећеш бити невин. Само запамти речи од овог мудраца "Ако је третираш као да је краљица, третираће те као поданик."
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Why direct that at me? Are you sure you got the correct person?
"Idle demons will torture you if you don’t find them something to do" (° ͜ʖ °)
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Platformer dev
not everything is pervy ya smeagol
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Vivian Yew
But everything can be pervy (° ͜ʖ °)