Todoroki Gatinho
Multiplayer ?
Luna Wuff
This is literally just a re-release of an old ass flash game from 2012.
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Looks interesting at least to wait for the more important releases, Thanks for sharing this !
There is also two other episode apparently ( bit Dungeon 2 and 3) , they're all already released but dunno the exact link between them
But at least it's not e-a ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Meh the game is super easy, no real difficulty, just sperg into the ennemy and take care of your health at high level, it doesn't seems to have a real end, I dunno... Game was apparently a mobile game before and it's just a port, bit Dungeon++ is a different dev team that did a remake for Pc so I dunno...
Guess some people migh really like the game tho'
oh.... so it's like Dead Cell plus moonlighter?
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nahhh it much more easier...
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TOO easier....
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How ?
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Kain Yusanagi
BoI in the randomized map layout and general tile-based map system, diablo in the plethora of weak enemies to be slaughtered and drop tons of loot, I assume.
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You mistaking :p my coment refer to the Dead Cell + moonlighter, the diablo + BoI is also a reply to this coment
Look how the tiles are aligned, also you have the nickname to which person the coment is replying to next to the nick name of the said message
(like you : Kain Yusanga ⤼ ▲Dafty▲ )
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Kain Yusanagi
Not mistaking your comment, I hit the wrong reply button and pasted my comment in response to the wrong person. Plus, as you'll see with this comment, it's not always aligned differently.