Dude, read the effffffffing messages in the game. To interract with enviroment press SPACE. Press -Esc- and it'll open in-game menu where you can access your inventory, change equipment SAVE & LOAD.
yeah kinda norm for darksiders... also installer skin they seem to choose dependin on the game, hentai for hentai, anime for well anime styled and couple others for others heh... i like that theres still some grp arsed to see some efforts about the installers... ;D
I suddenly remembered the game about a dinosaur researcher that could go back in time to study dinosaur that was created for symbian phones. It was a really good game
And yes, there are lewds.
Press -Esc- and it'll open in-game menu where you can access your inventory, change equipment SAVE & LOAD.
you better not watch what i saw
I lost it was all with the music of this installer
ok thats enough internet for today
It was a really good game