any way to get the 1.03 pacht? also when i got teleport after first boss i return to the city and cant go back to the portal cuz is too high to jump it up, how i go back?
Don't forget: Axiom Verge, Odallus: The Dark Call, and Mark of the Ninja. In the future of additions to Metroid, and Castlevania like games, It would be good having the option to play as either male or female protagonists. Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon gave the player just that.
timespinner is a gay you want males? guacamelee the mummy demastered the messenger death gambit owlboy rogue legacy chasm apotheon la mulana dust: elysian tale omega strike shadow complex odallus: the dark call usurper list keep going
Huh, kinda funny... I see (and understand) driveC's comment. Although I do not agree, the comment/statement didn't "bother" me. I see your short but perfectly written comment and I' pissed off. Imagine that. And yeah, I'm butchering the language but I'm using it the best I can.
also when i got teleport after first boss i return to the city and cant go back to the portal cuz is too high to jump it up, how i go back?
you want males?
the mummy demastered
the messenger
death gambit
rogue legacy
la mulana
dust: elysian tale
omega strike
shadow complex
odallus: the dark call
list keep going
good ghost n goblins clone
Now that's a badass name!
Anything that reminds me of Castlevania must be nice. (>w<)/
Really hope to see also Grappler Force Rena soon here