I just figured it out, it's actually some kind of a font error, the options below are working fine, they are just invisible, every word in the game is invisible, you just need to hover over the right option and press mouse1. If it doesn't work for you make sure you press the console button until the console bar goes higher and try again
Anyone else having the issue of there not being any buttons to click for multiplayer or the offline training area thing? I have no UI other than my crosshair and the amount of grenades I have. There's no pause menu or anything. Am I the only one with that problem?
I just figured it out, it's actually some kind of a font error, the options below are working fine, they are just invisible, every word in the game is invisible, you just need to hover over the right option and press mouse1. If it doesn't work for you make sure you press the console button until the console bar goes higher and try again.
I just figured it out, it's actually some kind of a font error, the options below are working fine, they are just invisible, every word in the game is invisible, you just need to hover over the right option and press mouse1. If it doesn't work for you make sure you press the console button until the console bar goes higher and try again..
You need to open steam for it to work, then you will face another problem once the game is on. That problem is about the option menu, they are invisible so you're not going to be able to see the words of the options but they are still there. You just need to hover over them and press mouse1, if it doesn't work make sure you press the console button until the console bar goes higher and try again
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I'm always stuck at the white screen displaying battalion 1944
anybody knows how to fix that???