Where can i change the language ?
Barrabus the Gray
Shameless Blacksad rip-off.
Nice, finally puzzles. I was waiting for this kind of game with great art.
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Fuck, furries. Anything than that, not being political. But damn, i can't just keep my mind or understand what's with this dog fcking face shit.
el cätto
Couldn't extract the .iso file seems damaged. Downloaded from GoogleDrive
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a little short but the pixel sprites are very well done
Looks awesome! Thanks for this!! :)
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Hello admin, I would like to talk with you about a new advertising format, very profitable
Please tell me how to contact you? Please give an answer.
my mail is john.brown.pp11@gmail.com
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Nice name John.
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Marcos Damian Lopez
oh i forget.. that was the good Emmett... i dont trust Johns xd
LOL!! THIS sounds legit.. !! Do you want their credit card information as well? :p
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matthew lafleur
guaranteed this is with bots and its highly illegal, social scores are coming and these foreign retards doing this will lose their internet for life
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why are you so aggressive?
how can i download from google drive i always get (Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time.) massage
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you can find how to do it here on Adam comment

Great Jazz Noir music!
Worth 'playing' if you're a pixel-art enthusiast (it's beautiful), although I think it's overpriced at the price-point it's chosen.
It won't be earning any GOTY nods in its genre. Which... I'm not quite sure what that is, because this is more of a side-scrolling interactive visual novel than an actual adventure-game.
Not impressed by this game. Like the steam reviews say, it is good for the first half of the game and then it feels rushed and short for the rest. Also, this is another game where the dev has felt the need to spoil the experience by inserting far left political ideas. The main character describes "ayn rand", "individualism" and "egalitarianism" as "fascist", which the opposite of that and suggests that the dev is some kind of socialist or fascist (about the same thing) themselves. It is also claimed by a minor character that states 'facts' that rent is oppression. Thinking you get to live in someone's property that they pay/paid the mortgage/maintenance/utilities for at their expense while you contribute nothing leads to actual oppression.
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That's a real shame, but not too surprising. Least the non-vocal parts of the soundtrack are good.
Equating socialism to fascism categorically proves you understand neither.
Take an Intro to Poli-Sci class at community college, my dude.
Regardless, you read like a triggered neo-con snowflake.
Hope this helps.
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It's the same thing, socialists and fascists are identitarian, collectivist, and authoritarian state supremacists oppressing individualists, individual rights and freedoms, and individual property ownership. Horseshoe theory is correct.
Since you like authoritative sources, here's a quote from Pierre Lemieux, a successful politician and not just some guy who teaches intro polsci at community college: "The source of the similarity between the two ideologies is that both want to impose politically-chosen ends on everybody. The main source of difference is that each system coercively favors and harms different groups of individuals in society."
I'm a centrist who thinks the state exists to serve the individual, not the other way around. You read like a triggered dude who identifies as a socialist and is upset to be called out as a fascist. Get educated, snowflake.
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Agreed with everything except the identitarian side of socialists, which is certainly not the case in Europe.
All socialist (and leftist in general) parties in Europe are extremely strongly anti-identitarian and hate our cultures and history.
If anything, the vast majority of true identitarian people here totally oppose socialist ideas.
On a side note, it's the same for liberals in general, and frankly, at this point, I don't even see the difference between all of these parties, they all preach the exact same ideas, despite pretending the opposite in the media.
In France, whether you're communist, socialist, antifa/arnachist, or any kind of liberal freak, you're pro-immigration, anti-identitarian, pro-LGBT and pro-BLM, anti-police and anti-guns in general, anti-christianity, anti-white (seriously), and the most important, you do your best to destroy your own economy by relocating literally every company you can think of in third-world countries.
ALL of those people should be just called "progressists", that's the main ideology above all.
I wonder if the snowflake above actually thinks that socialism ever brought anything positive to our countries. lol (go ask Eastern European all of the good things they have to say about it ha ha)
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"I wonder if the snowflake above actually thinks that socialism ever brought anything positive to our countries."
Well Stephanie, you forgot that at least in France, it's our french communists/socialists who gave us social welfare with paid vacation, retirement pension, the right to study for free until 16yo and more.
Next time you're going to your doctor when you take out your social security card, think about it.
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Damn that's some good looking pixel art.
How do they manage to crack games so fast??
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If the game has only SteamDRM protection, it is enough to replace 2-3 files.
And if the game is also released on GOG, you only need to download one legal copy (there are no security features there).
Barry Allen
it's an incredible game! if you guys ever get the chance, please buy the game officially to show some support for the devs who worked so hard on this masterpiece :)
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Shout out to the admins for providing the game in under an hour. ive been waiting 2 years for this game.
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the fuck this game just launched an hour ago how the fuck did you crack it already?
Beautiful looking game. I'm not expecting too much in the gameplay or excitement department but it's very pretty and hopefully it has a good story.
Kead Knox
This is a exceptional game. Beautiful game. played the demo and it was great. Playing the full version now is still great so far.
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Niel Ivarez
True indeed. A story-driven game I was following for a while. A game that should not be missed.