The Belmanz
Me being a male is not a pronoun, it is a biological gender and it has nothing to do with these lgbt nutjobs. Other than that, it still a good game nonetheless.
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Keep your harmful opnions to yourself and maybe you can be a step closer to a decent human being
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Sean Price
Here we have an illiterate tool that doesn't understand the difference between sex and gender.
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The Belmanz
Maybe you should read a dictionary before you go on your imaginary dream world gender/sex rants, k?
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Sean Price
Lol at this stupid fuck having to google shit and then thinking that it being listed as ‘similar’ actually works in the. stupid fuck’s favor.
You really played yourself there, you stupid fuck.
Ryoga Hibiki
When one of your selling points is choosing your preferred pronoun...
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but you were ok with it being a "romantic visual novel" up until that point?
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Ryoga Hibiki
Meh. It would've been fine. I mean, tons of folks were interested in Doki Doki Literature Club without the spoilers. Before that, many enjoyed the VN that came from 4chan of all places.
If the selling point is banked on a story filling you in on an expansive world while you find the love of your dreams then it's something to consider. But when it's trying to sell you on pronouns or even gender politics first, I'm gonna take a hard pass on that.
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it's literally just a pronoun, i don't understand why is that bad and what does it have to do with politics, imagine being mad about inclusion lmao
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Ryoga Hibiki
Imagine defending that pronouns are "just pronouns" more than once on this stolen game comments section. Clearly even for you that they're not just simple pronouns, enough to comment at least 3 times.
Bruh... What even?
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it's because no one understands or maybe i'm the one who is not understanding, why is this such a big deal? i really don't get it
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Ryoga Hibiki
It's been a social media debacle started years ago possibly in the depths of Tumblr (back before the porn were banned). Long as hell story short, the importance of pronouns as a major part of someone's identity outside of...general description... left a bad taste on the normies online. The ridiculous-a-gram got turned up to 11 where those who wanted more identity decided that the basic pronouns wasn't enough, spawning even more pronouns like "ze, zir, zim". And they demand us to know these new not-words as they try to apply this gener politics everywhere.
With that said, when the topic focuses on just a few letters, it automatically leads to frustration for most and a virtue for those who want to promote this ideal. Honestly, it shouldn't be a thing, but the pestering gets the best of some of us.
Honestly, if you're not in the loop, stay there.You'll live a more peaceful life that way, lol.
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I know this discussion happened over a year ago but honestly? It's just to make the player feel more connected to the game,it really isn't that deep man. I'ts not harmful to let people choose their own pronouns,let them be.
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Ryoga Hibiki
You need to feel more connected with the protag with your preferred pronoun? Just that? Do you feel that the devs went thoroughly in making separate plots and story arcs for each gender? Did they get them all or just the most popular ones? If not, why did they make it a selling point?
Just looks like they were pandering for a certain player base (and from the looks of things, it worked). It could've been just another game without the notion and left it as an option. There was no need to point it out. Why would they? It would've been fine. Lots of games do that. But I can fathom it's all about them getting more attention through the means of representation in gaming which is why we're even having this discussion in the first place.
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I have no right or intention to speak in behalf of the LGBTQ+ community,nor do I want to attack you,I just wanted everybody to respect each other,we're all just here to play games and have fun
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Woah woah woah hold up,who said the devs made separate plots for different genders? That's not what I'm defending at all,just saying that changing a few words [pronouns] on a game has more to contribute than there is to harm. Also,making it a selling point is kinda what every company do with their positive points,nothing wrong with that kind of marketing.
They are not 'pandering' for a certain player base,on the contrary,they are expanding it to the maximum of people who can play [not only males,not only women]
Again,advertising their product with facts it's not wrong,and not a lot of games have that kind of option to change gender [I've seen three,counting with this one,amongst all the ones I've played]
It's okay to get attention by doing actual representation about the LGBT+ community
I also think it's important to mention I'm cis and straight and just an ally,gender option harmed me in absolutely no way and I'm going to enjoy the game the same.
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Ryoga Hibiki
Not attacked. I'm taking what importance with having any pronoun will impact the game as a whole. And because of that, this whole thing is ridiculous. There's nothing to take from mentioning that you can now go non-binary unless it's dealing with dating. And guess what this game is probably mostly about? Dating.
So the devs are pitching this in a brief summary of their game. Great. That bit doesn't tell me much about the story, environment, or any problems that we must tackle. Those things I mentioned will pull anyone (not just a small demographic) into trying this game out solely for the immersion. There has to be a reason to shine this info or else it'll fall flat later. A good example of being presented glorified, but not really useful information is the hallway plant that the player was told to stop and take in from The Stanley Parable.
As a promoter, you only get one shot at wooing anyone passing by so you wanna put your best features forward. It doesn't bode well if this is one of the things they wanted to feature to on-lookers. This is why I made fun of it in the first place. BTW... Animal Crossing: New Horizons did away with genders altogether and hardly mentioned it at all. Even had "they" as a pronoun for the villagers. Didn't improve the game at all. Didn't add anything extra. It's just there and it's still a great game.
You can be E.T. from a different solar system altogether. It doesn't matter unless one makes it matter. Taking for what it is, it's possibly locking/unlocking possible love interests due to sexual preference at most or it just being a cosmetic at the least. However, if that's enough to move you, that's fine. I have no issues outside of recommending flavor-blasting your entertainment.
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I got your point,even though I still see them marketing much more than just pronouns and through personal gameplay I know they're delivering much more than it. But it's okay,everybody has a different taste for games.
alright i guess, i still don't see why is that such a big deal, i can only see the options for "he, she, they" tho but idk
George D
They made a non game. This according to the devs. "No Wrong Choices! The game doesn’t punish you for your choices." "So you have to make a biiiig decision, but aren’t sure what to pick? That’s okay! Hit your “ESCAPE” key to pop open the menu, and save your game! You will always make the right choice you WANT!" By default, Arcade Spirits includes key plot moments with full voice acting, with the rest either silent or backed up by short emotional quips (“Hmm…” “Okay!” “I’ve got it!” etc.) You can however turn either of these off if you find them offensive.
What a juvenile declaration. "I don't like disagreement with my very important opinion, so like a triggered manchild, I will cover my ears and ignore it." Why even comment then, other than to stroke your own fragile ego and cry about wrongthink? Hypocrites like you are truly a plague.
I also love how "woke" people such as yourself ruin video games with your advocacy for broken ideologies, but when it boils down to it, here you are on a pirate site instead of supporting the game made by your own kin. More developers need to realize that sterilizing their games to please the mentally defunct, loud vocal minority, is not going to make them any return on profit, as they don't even buy the games they cry about. It just pisses off their actual fans.
EDIT: LOL, according to your comment history it looks like all you do is projectile vomit your entitled word diarrhea crying about "right-wingers" in posts on the feminist/SJW blog, "The Mary Sue", which explains everything. No wonder you can't handle people telling you no. How soul crushingly pathetic.
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Amazing how you talk about hypocrisy and broken ideologies when all you do is puppet conservative overlords who speak the same broken ideological dead end philosophies and speak of freedom of speech and yet wont allow others the same freedom. When all you can do is lash out and abuse the person with insults you've lost all sort of credibility for any sort of reasonable thought. Out of all the comments here your nonsense is the most triggered one here. But keep believing what you believe because I truly believe opinions like yours need to be seen so our society knows this is what the lack of progress looks like; stagnant, short sighted and hypocritical.
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Yikes. That's a rather poor, uninspired, "No u." Ironically, your entire post falls into the category of idiocy you just described. It seems your comprehension is a bit lacking. Let me help you out here. The post I replied to literally does everything you just tried to nail onto me. It insults dissenting opinion, people who disagree with them, and says they will mute anyone that replies. I get it, one of your fellow SJWs received a painful anal awakening due to my comment such that they deleted theirs, and now you're posting a reactionary comment without substance or forethought. It happens. The problem with your assessment is that I'm none of the things you just described. In fact, your kind of comment is exactly what I'm talking about here. People like you are so absent of any mental function that you just cannot seem to think outside of black & white, left and right. There cannot be anybody who isn't completely aligned with your broken ideologies and twisted worldview, no matter how many common interests are shared, because that just doesn't register with that shriveled up psyche of yours. You can't be someone who advocates for free speech, but also supports progressive ideologies, such as LGBTQ credibility. You must be polar opposites, deconstructed within your one-sided narrative. You are doing exactly what you are telling me not to do, and are the same type of woefully inept hypocrite I replied to. If being short-sighted means that freedom of speech refers to conservative interests, then sure, whatever, I really don't care which boogeyman you want to project onto me to help crutch your non-argument. Stay triggered, I guess.
"as well as your personality traits, from Quirky, Steady, and Kindly, to Gutsy and Basically." sounds interesting but what kind of personality trait is basically?
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Basically, obviously lmao
Forgot a comma after basically :P
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Wolf Lone
yep, tumblr SJWs are leaking its shitstain ideology on games now it seems
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Just finished this game. SO no there are no +18 scene. Yes choosing a pronoun is quite stupid but dont really affect da game much. The VN is really correct, many plotwist making it quite nice to play. The IRIS system is quite accurate, and you get the option to hide the emote type of sentence you make, relying more of your choice than on the mood emote. Every chars got his personality and dont fall into clichée. You may eventually really like a char or two if you play long enough. When i got money i will probably buy the game to endorse developers. and as a comment sugested, yes percy look like a char from the gay dating game but they're not from da same devs
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Royal Gamer
-696969/10 worst game ever i cant even play as my preferred pronoun #TRIGGERED
Hindu elephant cross fit vegan Apache helicopters have rights too #DIVERSITY #SMASH RACISM #SJWS
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What is the pronoun of AH Apache Attack Helicopter?.
The Belmanz
can you date the friend?
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Is there a new version available?
Finished this game a couple weeks ago, before my Hd drive fried('cause other circunstances).
I like this game and all references about 80's and 90's games(E. T. I'm looking to you!) and the subtle gamer youtuber trolling.
The bird outfit almost made my heart stop.
Blondie southern hillbilly girl is best, but the majority of the chars are likeable.
So true.
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This comment section is really disheartening, honestly, even as a straight female it's really sad that people are criticizing a game for trying to be inclusive to everyone. If that's not your jam, find something else to play, if you don't support that cool, but whats the point of being gross in the comment section? Thank you for the upload <3
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Inclusive is a big stretch, this game is as inclusive as giving somebody a “Hi, my name is _____” tag to make them feel welcome. Beyond the superficial pandering, it’s a very pedestrian VN and it’s a bit sad that some buy into it because of some ideology that isn’t even relevant to the game. If somebody made a game using nazi imagery but the game was all about teenage drama and horse racing, that would still be more amusing than this.
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i mean, it literally is just a pronoun that affects almost nothing but ok
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k :)
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Have this face :^3
Adrian master
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So many snowflakes getting triggered by "pronoun" lol.
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I mean, you're right, it ain't a big deal, not like any of us are going to pay for this trash anyway.
can we shag chick in glasses? is dis 18+?
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Lucas Dias
Lmao guys, chill. They're just pronouns
lukas sky
is it updated to (v1.02)?
Yume Haru
Tested it and we're playing a female, lol
Mc is quite likeable, she is not stupid and kinda down to earth.
I am not a fan of visuel novel but I appreciate that we have often choices.
Won't continue tho because I don't like reading a lot xD
why is everyone so angry? its just a game with optional pronouns kids! calm down SKSKSKSK
I clicked whatever and I won I guess
Heterophobic af
this comments section is big yikes, yall talk abt sjws getting triggered but get pissy when a game lets u choose pronouns lmfao grow up and learn to have fun
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John Doe
Pissy? I don't see any of it, maybe you are projecting here. It looks like people are going to pass on it because having pronoun selection strongly suggests that they've focused on the wrong things instead of what actually makes games fun. It's disappointing. It suggests they've focused on catering the experience to a very small yet vocal minority of people.
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"they've focused on the wrong things" it literally takes nothing to make that, it's just how they refer to mc, nothing more, you can just chosee him/her and that's it, i don't understand why is that supposed to be bad, have you played visual novels before? most of them let you be whatever the fuck you want to be, except of course the anime ones but we all know the mayority of them are shit so they don't count
Heterophobic af
Having a pronouns selection means it's an inclusive game, that actually cares about a wider audience than just cis people (and including it literally hurts no one?)..... sorry it's not another str8 harem game where u get to play a boring ass faceless dude romancing a big tiddy girl (tho obviously that's not catering right?). If u had actually taken any time to play this game you'd realize it's one of the better and narratively rich dating visual novels but hey, at least u didn't succumb to dirty 'small vocal minority' pandering amirite :')
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John Doe
"cis people"? Sounds like you are brainwashed. Pronoun selection suggests it's an exclusive game that is designed for SJWs like yourself with your low IQ buzzwords, and that they've focused on things that don't matter.
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Sean Price
LOL at the lack of self-awareness inhibited by NPCs like yourself. Your group coined 'low IQ buzzwords' like "SJW." If they don't matter, you wouldn't be concerned with their inclusion - they clearly matter, even to you, you're just too illiterate to properly express yourself and to cowardly to flatly admit that you're anti-LGBT.
Honestly you are throwing a tantrum. You are such a fucking pissbaby. The only thing that doesn't matter is your little whiny opinion about a game that wanted people to feel included. But here you are the big very straight alpha man, crying because it's not just about him. Cry me a fucking river it's not like there are a million other games that let you be a oh so manly man and just that.
That's how you sound. Like a stupid whiny dude that is a fucking asshole. And you are trying to sound so intellectual too but in fact you are only mansplaining.
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John Doe
Huh? People feel excluded because we aren't interested a game made for the brainwashed. When you guys need to invent your own language to feel like heroes in your "us vs them" victim mentality, it just makes you look like idiots to normal people. "cis people" "heterophobic" "alpha man"... You use these terms because you have no argument. Everything is buzzwords with you and you are so out of touch with reality that you have no idea how normal people see the world. The upvotes and downvotes here show it, and also who won and lost this argument. Bye.
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you do know what cis people are,right? And you do know toxic masculinity exists,right? you dont need to be part of the LGBT+ community to know where you stand. And guess what,letting other players choose their pronouns in the game matters NOTHING to your own experience through the game. You're just mad that other people are getting the same kind of respectful treatment as you do,grow up.
Very well mansplained, my fellow of the masculine sexuality, let’s proceed to 'splain why everybody is dead wrong for not sharing this very specific aggravation towards opinions on the internet!
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
You didn't answer about your hateful username, though.
Makes one wonder about who is really sexist here...🤔
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You actually voiced everything I wanted to say,thank u
tanki motoko
Your username is a big yikes
Your comment made me look forward to reading the other comments but I was disappointed, nothing yikes worthy and barely anyone doing more than casually expressing disappointment.
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Sean Price
Lmao expressing disappointment at the inclusivity of a game is pretty fucking yikes.
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Maybe so but it's also kind of boring to read about.
Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
Well let's check this one out :D
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Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
Hmm 5 minutes into the game and I can understand why some people here are complaining. The character customization is limited to hair style only, while the rest is just color change, WYSIYWG I guess.
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Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
But to be honest I don't really notice my avatar at all during my play. It's not displayed side-to-side like most of other visual novel. On the first 20 minutes of playing it, I only saw it twice on screen.
So if you don't like your avatar, don't worry. You won't really notice it aside on the cutscenes. Just pick your name and preferred pronoun and go to town!
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dude itz cool youre tryin to share ur opinion on da game
but blease squeeze it into one comment nexzt time
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Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
Was it that annoying? Sorry!
have you not got a diary or something?
Please no more Rando Laurissians!
Just joking!
Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
This game really takes a jab at trying to use a walkthrough lol
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i suppose Vlad lime has standards
never see him doing gameplay for this kind of games
I think they made the char to be gender choice but sprites clearly say it's a girl. It would be good more customization. But the games screams 90's it's cool.
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The MC is supposed to be androgynous.
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After reading the discussions on Steam I figured it. Thanks Quistis.
Yume Haru
That's a bit unsual but doesn't deserve trolling, imo.
I mean from google it doesn't mean anything related to feministe, lol
"Pronouns have three cases: nominative
(I, you, he, she, it, they), possessive (my, your, his, her, their), and
objective (me, him, her, him, us, them). Use the nominative case when the pronoun is the subject of your sentence, and remember the rule of manners: always put the other person's name first!"
It's just a way of talking, I know some stories where character when they talk about them don't say " I " but their name instead. Just to give them a way/style of speaking I think.
Anyway, the synopsis make me thing of "Psycho pass", I might give it a try.
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Anyway, the synopsis make me thing of "Psycho pass", I might give it a try.
I started watching Psycho pass and it's not Ghost in the Shell, but it works.
In any case, IGG is a lair of pirates and freedom is our flag. So, why are we pissed?. It is not only a pronoun, it how we are obliged to use it.
So, you could say what you want to do (even yiff), but you couldn't claim what others must do, and this game is promoting it.

Arthur Kinsley
Looks awfully problematic.. Are you sure that this is PC enough for this website?
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It's never enough.
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Nicolas Gonzalez
Pronoun: Fucking Idiot!
Yuuup... Totally a She you've got there.
is this made by the same people who did that daddy dating sim?
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Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
If you said that cuz you think the beardy dude looks like Brian, well you're not wrong.
But no, different developers.
M. Molli
412.5 MB RAR