Supports VR play only. Does not support standard play.
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Don't have a VR headset? You can try to play this VR game with a Google Cardboard (Or a copy-cat clone) viewer, an Android phone and VRidge (freeware)! For more details, see my post.

Not sure which "cardboard" headset to buy? Check out the following buying guide:
"10 questions to ask before buying a Google Cardboard VR headset".
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Hesitant about playing VR games due to the current fact that not all games support all VR headsets? Then see the post concerning an effort to standardize support for all VR headsets by all games through OpenXR! (You may need to refresh the page as the linked comment may take a while to load up in the page).
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DOES work but only with a quest while using the link cable.
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I was talking about the Quest in the menu, not the helmet.
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My reply is still valid. Works fine with the Quest 2 using the link cable. Was able to play past the training part and beyond. Tried to get it to work with the Reverb G2 and steam but you cannot grab the axe @ the beginning. Adding -steam did not work for me. Same thing with the Odyssey+. YMMV
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It works, but you have to choose the first (continue) , not the Quest. He should have specified that. However, the steering is a total pain for me. The main character goes where he wants. He cannot sit in one place for even 2 seconds. It's happened to me in other games too, but it's this bad.
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You are talking nonsense. The game was made for the Rift, and if nothing works for it except training, you can't do anything else. The game is clearly still unfinished. If they have now renewed the links and it is finished, that is another matter. He writes clearly. Coming soon.
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No. I'm with Rift, not Quest. I can't afford to buy one Quest.
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Did not work. There's only the training part and I'll give that. Even my left arm is gone. When I select Quest it says: Coming soon.