I played this game for about 2 hours and i absolutely love it
I am going to buy it on steam
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Don't even bother downloading the game in the current state. Unless you like leveling up while being stuck in Bain's (or Bian's - Survivalist Leader) dialogue.
The game contept is awesome but the issue above temporary turned me off. Will try it at the later date.
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This is an issue due to Steam achievements. You probably need to buy the game to remove that bug, sorry.
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Combat Fox
Are you the dev? cuz this game is awesome but is the "back to the start with level kept as is" a bug? I didn't know that
I guess I played this 3 years ago...
Hey, I think it is ok to try games especially when you are broke. I hope you will enjoy this one :D. This is Early Access and it bothers me that you don't get the last version, more stable one :(
And if you really like the game and want to see more of it, please consider supporting me by buying it, thanks :)
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Aki Bismarck
I like the game, i am pretty confused what is going on in the game but i will sure buy it when it's in a better state
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Gabriel Lima
Man I simply am AMAZED by your detachment of having your game free distributed, and I really want to buy it because I love every single aspect of it, the only complain I have is the fact that the story is too short, and somehow the lack of control custumization, but this game is a master piece, my praise for such an incredible job!
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The whole control customisation is ready for the next update, like a lot of options. When games reaches the open world ( soon enough hopefully) you will see it true potential. Also I understand people not buying to play the game, but that money is the difference between me being able to work fully on the game and make it awesome sooner than later, I don't want to be rich I just need enough so I can live properly while spending all my time on development, that goal isn't reached yet unfortunately :/
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Gabriel Lima
I completely understand your point, and when my next payday come I will definitely buy this amazing game, because that game is something that worth every cent, it's just that here in Brazil the local currency is too undervalued in front of the dollar, making your game cost aproximately 25 dollars for the brazilians :(
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Combat Fox
True that. The differences in currency is BIG
Just to add, game doesn't work properly if not on Steam, achievements will freeze on dialogues, and won't allow madness behavior for your character and for the NPCs. Possibly Ultimate skills will remain locked too....
You're making it harder to decide whether i should buy Exanima or Almost Alive first :( (?)
I only got $15 USD more to waste after the Steam Sales, damn.
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It's up to you those are different games. And maybe you can still buy AA in a month or so ;)
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Random Name
I love that the developer is here and it makes me want to buy your game more now, lol
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Not every day you see honest to god commie propaganda in a game.
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actually no, could you explain why do you think so? I made the game way more complexe than just being a shitty propaganda of any kind. It is quite nihilistic, yea I could admit that...
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The "Capitalist" perk decreases your intellect/charisma stat, while the "Communist" one increases it, and its description states that everyone trusts you more for being a communist.
I think yours and your games political stances are made quite clear by this.
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Ok then, if two traits make it clear for you, and you are blind from the rest of it... Of course being capitalist is retarded in a post apo world. And the commie thing is about wanting to share. Why not pointing out that pacifist have a wisdom bonus which is just stupid in that kind of world.... Wisdom bonus and maluses are mostly related to being selfish or thinking about others.... Anyway it's a game, those are just traits more ment to be funny than anything else but I was expecting this kind of crap. Funny from a dude downloading games illegally, you sure are some weird capitalist ;) ...
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Skeptical Doge
Any way to play this in multiplayer?
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I'd suggest Tunglee but i just remembered they bankrupt...Shit.
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Skeptical Doge
Turns out the game doesn't even have multiplayer, at least not in EA. Not a bad game, but still very unfinished.
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Hold up,this is an EA game?
Pff,no wonder it doesn't have multiplayer.
Do you know of mercenaries 2? It's a pretty buggy game but it was super fun and it would be 100 times more fun if it had multiplayer,but scumbag EA killed the game's servers not too long after its release.
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No he means early access
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Looking at the game's screenshots it looked like it was finished.
Well anyway,if it's early access then maybe there is hope for multiplayer in a future update.
...maybe in like,5 years,since early access games mostly have lazy devs who update it like once a year.
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I am not "lazy devs", first I've done the whole game on my own, second it's my baby and I do care a lot about it ;)
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So you the dev of this game or something?
Haha don't worry,that's what every developer thinks about their game before getting bored of making it.
But uhh,good luck making the game i guess,i can't really tell if it's good or not because my PC can't run it but,have fun with the development.
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Lol, ok yea I spent 8 years on it before making it public. But yea I am going to give up on it now that people like it and give me positive feedback and more motivation :)
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8 years?
...pff...HAHAHA sorry dude but that's a pretty long time to work on a game that's still early access. Even if you made it by your own.
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Even simple indie games can take up to 3 years to finish with a fully paid team of 8-10 professionals...
This game is quite ambitious and unique, specially for a single person working on it, whose project wasn't crowdfunded (that's a big deal), besides having no previous experience on game development and doing it within just 8 years.
Games like Owlboy took 9 years to develop by a studio of 6 people.
Do everyone a favor and kindly shut up Forkrex, you're just publicly humiliating yourself by displaying how little you know about game development and the gaming industry as a whole.
You obviously do not comprehend the amount of time, personal sacrifice and money invested on videogames or the different sets of skills required to make a videogame, specially for making a decent one... even more so completely alone.
The only thing to laugh about here is your evidently ignorant and thoughtless comments, if you think games are so easy to make, you should try to do the lamest copy of something already trashy like Flappy Bird within less than a week (a week is a lot of time for that), so that everyone can laugh too at your inevitable and miserable failure, lol.

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I'm saying this because the game is early access and most of those games are trash that barely gets worked on.
I haven't played the game myself so you are right i shouldn't judge this one. But seeing what 99% of early access games are like it's easy to assume 8 years is a big time to have been spent on them.
Yes it's a very long time. But as you have no clue about how the game is, nor how game development works, you can laugh however much you want :)
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Yeah maybe i shouldn't judge a game i have never played. Sorry bout that.
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Combat Fox
Lol I learnt programming and I can tell you that it's a pain in the ass
Make a small mistake on one of the code lines and a bunch of errors popping here and there, causing a drop in morale.
Initially, devs are determined to make games. Seeing how many problems there are, you can't help but feeling depressed, y'know..
A single dev spent 8 years is just a goddamn crazy dedication lmao
Ok np m8 ;)
buy it from STEAM DUDE!!!
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Dave Derick
Wont be here if we are able to buy it on steam.