dam looks like a 90s or early 2000s game
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Welcome Back, my friend! You've been MIA from here for quite a while!
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hey hugs thanks glad to be back i had to get a new pc , my other one kept having problems with the internet randomly turning off and staying off im not sure what happened , 🥰👍
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That's terrible! You might be able to salvage your old machine - Did you try replacing the patch cord between your machine and your router or test to see whether it maybe a problem with your router by yanking out the patch cord from your router and then placing it directly into your cable or DSL modem?

Worse case scenario, the RJ45 jack (Network connector) in the back of your machine is loose and needs re-soldering onto the motherboard if your machine is a laptop or if it's a desktop then just replace the NIC (Network Interface Card) card unless you're using an on-board RJ45 jack that's built-into your machine's motherboard which would instead require re-soldering.
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i fixed it twice by taking it into the pc repair store but he charged me 90 bucks each trip lol , and it did it again so i just saved up got a new one and ill fix it when i get extra money though , its a great pc just keeps turning the net off and i spent 2 days trying to fix it myself lol , i bought a new one and no problems so far , i think its something with motherboard or some software with the other one but its in storage ill fix it though and use it for a backup 😉 going to get my last wisdom tooth out tomorow finally at 2 pm
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You got charged 90 bucks for each visit? IMHO, you got ripped off. It should have been fixed the first time and you shouldn't have been charged again for the second time since the problem wasn't originally fixed as it should have been!
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Try switching out the patch cord with a new one and also plugging the cord directly into your modem. If that doesn't fix it then you'll probably have to re-solder a possibly loose network connector on your mobo.
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I still have all four of my Wisdom teeth. The last Oral Surgeon (A "DMD" not a regular "DDS" dentist) that I visited said that at my age, it would be dangerous to attempt to remove them for fear of the risk of oral nerve damage, like a permanent, constant tingling feeling in my jaw that will never go away! Fortunately, they don't bother me at all, so I'll have to keep those primitive teeth for the rest of my life!
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yep i agree , he shoudnt have charged me for the same thing every trip , im glad your wisdom teeth dont bother you , it was a success though i got it out at 2 pm , well around 230 when i got out of the office , it was 279 dollars , but it was growing in at a angle and cutting into my jaw , the girl had a long cotton swab thing and as soon as she rubbed it across my gums they went numb in like 1 second and my tongue also where it got on there , then the dentist come in give me like 4 shots in my gums didnt feel it but a small pinch once other 3 i didnt feel , then he used this weird thing spent like 30 seconds pulling it out then he left the room and she stuck some gause in my mouth and i paid and left , i just got up like a hour ago its still bleeding but not as bad , havent ate or drunk anything since yesterday morning since it bled from 230 pm to during the night around 3 prolly , im glad to have it out though , what have you been doing allday ? gotta drive my brother back to walmart later today he wants some new sandals lol other than that ima sit here and relax while my mouth heals lol
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It's good that you had your Wisdom teeth removed, so you no longer have to worry about them!
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I think the nurse and the dentist each used Novocaine but in different quantities.

I had to handle a private, family matter and am only now just finishing up my notification posts in the game pages. Man, there were a helluva lot of games that got uploaded when I was out for a little more than one day - Four pages worth (Arrgh)! I started last night and only finished just now!
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yep they upload a good bit daily lol , did you download alot of them ? rained all morning i just got up around 12 tooth feels back to normal , not alot to do today , what you been doing lately ? think im gonna try this game dungeon looter i got last night
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Note - I had to reply here as your last comment below from yesterday doesn't have a "Reply" link (We've already reached the FastComments maximum limit for the number of continuous comments within a chain of reply comments to an original post).

The apartment building where I live doesn't allow satellite dishes to be connected outside of any window, so my only option is cable.

I can only imagine how hot it is right now, down in the South. I still have to lift out the two separate wall AC units from their respective wall sleeves and clean each one out before I can use them. The apartment building where I live doesn't allow window ACs and instead only wall ACs - Basically nothing including potted plants on the window sills is allowed outside of the windows - The apartment management made that rule so as to try to prevent any possible lawsuits, due to anything falling off from any resident's window and then hitting any pedestrians walking by down below, against the apartment management company from happening.

On most weekdays, I try to look online for a job, pay the bills, take care of my apartment, cook for myself, watch a little TV and then go online again to visit this site among others. On the weekends, I have to wash the laundry and do a little grocery shopping - I try to manage but the price of food has skyrocketed to insane levels recently! It's not easy these days to survive especially when you're unemployed. My life's
savings is being depleted faster than I anticipated!
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How about you? What are your usual weekdays and weekends like?
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i totally get the not having a ac in the window thing lol in alabama its usually 88-90 for the last 2 weeks or so , not alot happening atm , i live at home with my parents i mainly get up and get on here to check your post and watch youtube , theres not alot to do out here in the middle of the countryside , all my friends moved to town or got married so i dont see them anymore and social media makes ppl wanna stay indoors so noone really socializes anymore , and my brother is pretty weird , he used to be cool to hang out with and stuff but lately my parents scare him telling him unless hes perfect basically hes going to go to hell so hes hardcore scared and into church stuff so hes not fun anymore , cant do anything fun with him , i mainly get on here with you durign these long hot alabama days , or bike ride some , i recently got faster net so i can stream movies now , also theyre installing spectrum fiber and said we coud get it by christmas so thats a plus , theres not rly a whole lot to do here in the middle of nowhere alabama though , no friends atm so i have to do evrything on my own i dont mind though but it woud be nice to have a friend or two , what kind of job are you looking for ? i worked on ebay for awhile if you got anything you can sell its decent money
I found "Guilty Force: Wish of the Colony" and "Anime Girls: Sun of a Beach" to be fun and hot! Check them out if you like Metroidvania and TPS games with lots of T 'n A!
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I've been doing pretty much the same routine as usual. Nothing special. How about you (Other than recovering from your dental procedure)?
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i just went bike riding , come across 3 guys installing spectrum fiber at the end of the road , said it would be ready by christmas so thatll be nice , can finally get off satellite , another hot day here not alot happening atm , staying inside with my ac on so i dont burn up in this alabama summer heat , ill check those games out thanks , whats your daily routine anything fun ?
This is probably my last reply in this chain of replies in response to your latest reply as your latest reply comment below also doesn't have a "Reply" link (See below - Everything is starting to get convoluted. LOL!). You can message me in FastComments' Messages section if you want.
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It's only around 70 degrees for now, up North where I live. The Summer heat isn't due to arrive where I'm at until maybe in two weeks or so (Maybe less, I had an 80 degree weather day last week but it was a freak of nature. Heat waves for my location usually begin in June).

It sounds like either you have strict parents or your brother was used to getting into trouble in the past which would explain why your parents suddenly became so strict with him. I'm sure that it's for the best. I wasn't a troubled teenager but I knew some kids in High School who were. One of them ended up in adult prison, not Juvenile Hall (He was sentenced as an adult) for seriously stabbing another student in a fight with a butterfly knife which is illegal to have where I live (They were still some small, heavily caked-on, blood stains embedded in the walls inside the school hallways the next day. It took about a week to get it all cleaned up). So, maybe your parents had a good reason to "come down hard" on your brother by putting the scare of ending up in Hell into him (Some people believe that in truth, Hell is only a temporary holding place for Satan and his minions and that the price of sin is Eternal oblivion but that is another discussion for another time).

IMHO, ebay is good for selling your extra junk for some spare cash but it's hard to make a living on eBay unless you have a steady supply of goods to sell. I'm a programmer by trade, so I need to find a programming job but right now, the job market is bad for programmers where I live. Most of the programming jobs are now outsourced overseas to Pakistan (Just like most call center jobs have been outsourced overseas to India). The people working there are just as smart as the people living in my location. The only difference is that overseas, it costs considerably less to live than it does where I live (That's why many companies have moved their work overseas, as the cost savings in employee salaries are greater than any incentives that the government can offer to companies to not outsource their work). That's the shitty World economy for you!
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a programmer thats pretty cool , what stuff do you program ? not alot happening here today , i was about to go to bed last night at 2 am and the power went off and they didnt get it back on till 11 am this morning , but i still had my phone but without the power theres really nothing to do around here in the middle of nowhere alabama , atleast they got it back on pretty fast , otherwise id just be sitting around the house allday doing nothing lol , they wanna go to the park tomorrow , hopefuly they dont keep me out allday long though , tooth is finally getting back to normal im so glad i got that out , it was rly sharp on one side not sure why and when i ran my fingers across it it was like a knife blade and would cut them open , oh forgot to tell you i was riding mybike the other day there was some guys outside doing something on the power lines , they said they worked for spectrum internet and was installing fiber and it would be ready by christmas , looking forward to that finally , i didnt get off dial up till 2015 lol just surpsised they actually ran fiber in a backwoods neighborhood like mine lol
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When I was working, I programmed many different types of client-server applications for many different companies. Some of the applications included Help Desk ticket tracking systems, SCM (Supply Chain Management) systems, Financial Database content creation systems, Social Research statistical tracking systems, Healthcare Services Repricing systems and a few smaller systems that supported larger systems with their output being the input for the larger systems. Sometimes I worked as a member of a team of programmers and other times, I was the sole programmer responsible for the maintenance of existing systems as well as the design and implementation of enhancements to the systems under my responsibility. It depended upon the scale of the system.
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Well, at least you got some good rest between 2am to 11am and that's always good for the body. I'm glad to hear that your tooth is feeling better now! I'm not surprised about any cable company making in-roads in the Southern MidWest - There's a lot of under-serviced territories in that general area which means there's still money to be made even if the customers are scattered all over various wide terrains across the various states in that area. The urban areas in the East and West Coast are already cluttered with rival cable companies, so the only "virgin" territory left is the MidWest which before was deemed not worthwhile to service due to the limited cable technology at the time before fiber optics and the distances that were needed to be crossed in order to reach potential customers (In the past, it would cost more for the cable companies to lay out all of the old copper cabling to cover that area than what they could realistically bill monthly to their potential customers - The companies would actually lose money if they tried back then, so instead, they just abandoned that area). Fiber optic cable is cheaper and more durable than copper cabling so now it's feasible for the cable companies to start servicing that area (You were just lucky to be born at the right time to experience it).
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that sounds like a neat job , i just woke up spent allday well we left at 12 and got to the park at 2 and stayed till around 7 pm , it was ok my brother seemed to enjoy it alot , im not huge on hiking lol it was ok for the first trail then they all started to look just alike so i sit down and waited for him it was tishimingo state park , dont know if thats spelled right , it was in mississippi drove down the natchez trace to get there , they had one working bathroom in the park lol , all the rest were closed with locks on the doors , we got way down in the deep part of the park with the swinging bridge and i had to pee and there bathroom down there was locked also so i just went around the side of the building , then we went on some more trails for another hour or so and then come back to the playground and we finally left and on the way back we stopped at something called a sinkhole not quite sure what it is it looked like a giant cave in the side of the ground and then we stopped by a indian mound and went home , was so glad to get home , i think the funnest part for me was eating lunch we brought under the giant shed with picnic tables in it at pavlon 3 there , or feeding the 12 geese there by the lake , they dont like cheetos very much hahaha, but they did really like hamburger meat and bread , what do you do there for fun ? i hope i can stay home and rest allday , are you playing any games also atm ?
Trusted😈 Crazy Minority 🤖
Yeah ,true n welcome back😂👍🤗
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thanks hope to be back for good now lol 👍😎 🤗
Hey, I was gonna say that! ☹️
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well you can be the first to play it and let me know how it is lol