TrustedVIPHelperRob Conner
Cool! Thank You so very much, IGG-Games.com [admin] for sharing this intriguing, action packed, "Blood and guts", thrilling FMV~! Please keep the FMV games coming!

Upon viewing the promo video in this game's Steam page, anyone can see that there's plenty of bloody fighting including hand to hand, "Creative" martial arts (Think of "Over-the-top battles" akin to those seen in Chow Yun-Fat action movies like "The Replacement Killers" and "BulletProof Monk" [See pos 4:18 near the end of the promo video]) as well as fierce (And also silent "sniper vs sniper") shootouts involving crazed drug lords, corrupt military leaders and the private and government armies that serve them against the well-armed but few heroes!

I'm also hoping one day to play another like-wise, action packed FMV game named "Breakout 13" with its DLC "Breakout 13 : Fight"~!
There is English support via the English interface and English subtitles.
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