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There is English support via the English interface and English subtitles.
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also btw i have english set up in option and yet my character speaks japanese symbols and pretty much entire game is japanese and yet for some reason first girl you meet that is called shen qian talks english is there a fix for this?
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See my reply below.
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so i downloaded and its all japanese mostly where you have no idea whats going on with random english sentence here and there mostly by the girl you meet five minutes in the game is there an english patch?
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Keep in mind that this version of the game is an "Early Access" (aka WIP - Work In Progress) version. It is not a "final" version, so some things like English translations of the interface and subtitles may not have been finished yet. On the game's Steam page, the "Full Audio" column for English is blank, meaning currently, there could be or could not be any English voices in the final version. It all depends upon the dev's willingness to continue or abandon work on those aspects of the game towards the "final" product release.

I searched the Steam Discussions pages concerning the English translations and was able to find a page about most of those aspects of the game. In the fourth post of the linked page, the developer says "... we will launch the English version as soon as possible".

Thus, it appears that even though there is currently some English support in the "EA" version of the game, it's still far from being complete. You'll just have to continue to watch the game's Updates page for any news of when full English support is finally implemented. Steam only has a "Full Audio" column for each possibly supported language which is either filled with a check mark or left blank by the dev. There is no way for the dev to denote only "partial" support for any language during any stage of a game's development. That aspect is either checked or left blank.
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i see thank you for your detailed explanation ! Thumbs up !
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No problemo! I'm glad to be of help!
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