@For newbie: Don't forget crack before launching the game (otherwise you will get the "no license" error). By doing one of the following:
Method 1: before installing the game, check the following box:
Method 2: or after installing the game, open the iso file, copy everything in the "RUNE" folder, then paste them to where you installed the game, enjoy ;) (see tutorial image here if you still dont know: https://igg-games.com/how-885614657-to-install-game-and-update.html)
Sorry for some problem when upload (grey button on play game). It's easy to fix. You open file "platform.cfg" with notepad, remove current content and replace below content (save file and start game, enjoy):
For those who want to just play game, this mod he talks trash, it's not working even with things he said, just delete platform.cfg and the hell with it, enjoy the game, roosevelt you are trash not moderator at all, 0 experiance, i fixed your game lol
i delete it yesterday, this dev idiots didnt fix a shit or optimize anything weapons are horrible, revolver using half life 1 revolver sounds, horrible ironsights, bad hitboxes and things go on
like i previously said go play Trepang2 Bladekisserdlc or Fallout london this crap doesnt worth it
Those who want to change language, find the Localization.txt file and delete the language that says NoTranslate in it and write which language you want to change. Then, find and delete whatever language you made in the part after the / sign on the right and add the language of the game before the change. This is how I solved it.
i just saw those 2 who trash talked roosevelt. propably they couldn't type 2 lines in notepad. but i'm here to ask how do you got badge for 1 and for 2 years?
Most games include anti-copying code and when your illegal copy of a game attempts to connect to the (MP) server it fails some level of authentication check and is blocked from connecting there. Only offline is available.
How can I change my name in game from "Player"? I could not find Goldberg SteamEmu folder anywhere. I also tried changing the name in registery (I dont really know how that works), but it changes back to player everytime the game launches
This saved me from going crazy. Was unable to play locally with 3 instances because of id conflicts (same default player). This allowed me to override to different identifiers. Thank you
fuckin redicolous... how many times must be a update requested?? i have already 4 times asked for Update (at the Request section) nothing... i ask here for it too... nothing ... maybe i should strt using other sites like this...
Anyone looking to change your player name, it's a registry key now; PlayerName_h######## in Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\The Fun Pimps\7 Days To Die You can get there with "Open Settings" in the Tools tab of the 7dLauncher
i am trying to play connected to a legit server but it keeps saying "this server does not support clients from your platform (local)" and if i host it doesn't let anyone even see my game let alone connect to it.
Wondering where the save location is. I recently purchased the game via steam but I'm much further in play on this copy than I am in the steam copy. When I start up this copy, I have all my progress. When I start up the steam copy, it shows my character but its practically a new game, no stats, builds, tools, all back to tutorial stage. I can find the steam save location, but not this copies save location.
Oppps... sorry for this problem, but it's easy to fix. You open file "platform.cfg" with notepad, remove and paste this content to that file (save file and start game, enjoy):
Anyone know how to transfer the player saves with inventory from pc to another one? I moved 7 days to die folder from "AppData" but the player and inventory didn't move!
can anyone help me with the could not retrieve server information error? and i sure as hell don't accept "you cannot play cracked games online" unless you actually cannot play this specific cracked game online
i am downloading this game from ages it is just not working ;-; i have tried every thing but it doesnt work it says there is missing files i actully waited for 4 days to download this because of potato internet and i want this game so bad and i cant pay for the game is there is anything i can do?
i have been playing since 2015 and have it on steam, yes it receives updates from time to time but the overall development is negligible, but for a dirt price of $2.99 (converted from my currency) i think you can try if you want, you will be bored within a day or two though its very unpolished in terms of animations and vehicle designs, 4x4 truck will sound like toy once your past 2nd gear. what i liked is crafting system, as well as character skills but other than that there isnt anything else. i suggest try other games like days gone, Dayz,dying light, or a lesser known game called simply zombi
I think the guy specifically wants what 7 days to die has, not what the games you suggest has, i dont think he just wants a zombie survival game. Also why suggest DayZ? that games been an unfinished mess for like 10 years
Thank you, I played the steam version earlier but it crash a lot even when turning off motion blur etc. so I have to try it with this too, maybe it will be different.
i get people/"mods" saying post update request on the request section...but just fucking put the updated version of the game here already ffs man..im watching a ser winter video of his 1st episode in 7d2d and i saw a zombie i never saw before and then was like oh yeah its bcoz his is version19.4 but i still have the 19.2 that i got from here...if you dont have update version files my apologies
Come join onto my server IP: You may need to apply steamworks fix, i have guide for that on my discord: https://discord.gg/bPnmqGBQNR.
Hello Mods. Can you tell me which one of the link have an actual 19.2 Version of the game i think i downloaded the game from Google drive link but the version is A19(b180) not 19.2 Thank you.
Hi, I have a problem with the multipleyer when a friend tries to connect, such a message pops up I could not retrieve server information I use hamaci someone knows the solution to this problem?
it's pre installed and yes you can i think there;'s also extra files that stores saves that is not on the actual game folder so if you want to completely remove it find that folder iirc it's on appdata folder
if you're playing at fullscreen you got to press two keys ALT + ENTER to go into window mode, consider upgrading gpu in case if it's not really good and you got funds for this
install Hamachi, in hamachi make server, then your friend need to join to your hamachi server, then go to 7 days to die and make multiplayer server, then your friend needs to copy IP adress of your hamachi server, paste IP adress into 7 days to die "connect to ip" then he can join (this worked for me). If you don't know how to setup hamachi server you can look for some tutorials on youtube
I download the game from google drive. I extract it and the version is19.2 but when I play new game I noticed the version is 19.0. Did I mess up something? Edit: After I read the comments below, Now I know its not the latest version.
install Hamachi, in hamachi make server, then your friend need to join to your hamachi server, then go to 7 days to die and make multiplayer server, then your friend needs to copy IP adress of your hamachi server, paste IP adress into 7 days to die "connect to ip" then he can join (this worked for me). If you don't know how to setup hamachi server you can look for some tutorials on youtube
try to ping ur friends ip adress in cmd, if it says request timeout, then the problem is on ur friends side, btw u don't need to dislike every single comment saying that multiplayer works.
this download says its gonna take a week, whats up with that. i can watch 4k videos, but i cant download a game. bruh. ok the last link on the bottom works, had to edit so i dont spam the comment section. but every other link above the google drive one, either didnt work, said the website didnt exist, or it was gonna take 7 days to download. so this website im on now is not the problem. just the links leading the the various websites were the issues.
btw --- thank ya for letting ma try this game --- literally bought the game a week ago --- --- more power for ya team who did great efforts --- it's pandemic and ya helping some of people who can't afford gem games ---
Me : oh its not updated? cool cool cool cool im ok with it Dumbasses : WHERE IS THE NEW UPDATE I WANT UPDATE GIVE UPDATE NOW now yall dumbasses that want latest update go buy the fkin game dont expect the world evolves around you, you didnt even pay a cent for downloading pirated game also the guy who cracked/manage game/websites also have a life, dont expect them work for you also thx for the website, got a whole lots of games from here
install Hamachi, in hamachi make server, then your friend need to join to your hamachi server, then go to 7 days to die and make multiplayer server, then your friend needs to copy IP adress of your hamachi server, paste IP adress into 7 days to die "connect to ip" then he can join (this worked for me). If you don't know how to setup hamachi server you can look for some tutorials on youtube
You can just download it here: https://www.dll-files.com/search/?q=UnityPlayer.dll After you download the zip file, extract it and save it in a convenient destination folder. You will have the DLL file in the folder. Now you have to paste this file in the system directory. It varies with Operating System. For Windows 95/98/Me => C:WindowsSystem For Windows NT/2000 => C:WINNT\System32 For Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8/8.1, 10 => C:\Windows\System32 Good luck
My English is poor because I am Korean I write a solution for people who are worried about language problems. open to game folder to find ' SteamConfig ' in file Language = koreana (you want language) change That's it ^.^
dont open the ChangeName 7DaysToDie (ver.17 DaSilver) v.4.exe its kinda sus https://www.virustotal.com/... go to that and check behavior and its sus af
no the exe is IN the rar, it came with the actual game rar if you download it from the google drive link and open up the rar you can see it, thats not a fucking ad file
if you downloaded the correct file then its just a false positive from the crack, which happens with most games. This one is actually less sus than most cracks as it was only detected by 1 AV and its one iv never heard of. All files on this site are tested and scanned before upload so you don't need to worry about the legitimacy of games on this site, but as with everything if you don't trust it then don't use it.
STOP ASKING FOR UPDATES HERE. ALL REQUESTS GO TO THE REQUEST SECTION. https://igg-games.com/pc-game-046235489-request.html All comments asking for updates have been deleted. Any further comments asking for updates will also be deleted.
I suggest doing what my colleague Jon Doe advised and ask for an update on the request section, while mentioning that this game shows up as Alpha 19 when booted up. I don't know how, but I guess the admin may have made a made a mistake with the labeling on this one. It happens sometimes.
The only moderator who has direct contact with the admin is Gabgster, the head moderator. To my knowledge, nobody else has contact with the admin, the rest of us just do our jobs and if the admin has anything to tell us, we get the message from Gabgster.
There's only 1 higher up though, and we don't even need to be in contact with him to get our jobs done. This isn't exactly a normal job environment lol I've been working on this site for 3 years now, worked as an independent helper for 2 years before that, and I've never felt like it's a dead end.
Go through the proper channels, arguing on the game page isn't how you go about getting things changed on here. They will get it changed if it's wrong just let them know in the right way.
https://giphy.com/gifs/Z9iHQOx0oIeYmmTSEz is this anti piracy? weird stuff like bears spawning in our base started happening half way through, then day 18-19 game went bat shit crazy and 30+ vultures and bears spawned on us
Can you play online with other friends that cracked the game? tried for hours but couldn't get it to work, if anyone got any solution plus help me My discord is Mathiousse#3179
I am not sure if you can play online with anyone, but you can surely play with a friend on LAN (hamachi can make you on LAN even if you are not together).
Note: If you guys fail to run the game in offline mode, you need to use the LAUNCHER.exe (NO 7dLauncher.exe)
It will enable the offline mode option in-game
shortcut original 7 days to die .exe
to Desktop than watch vido
e.Alpha.20.b231\7 Days to Die\7DaysToDie.exe"
change to
.\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie.exe" -language=korean
..\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie.exe"SPACE-language=korean
weapons are horrible, revolver using half life 1 revolver sounds, horrible ironsights,
bad hitboxes and things go on
like i previously said go play Trepang2 Bladekisserdlc or Fallout london
this crap doesnt worth it
Those who want to change language, find the Localization.txt file and delete the language that says NoTranslate in it and write which language you want to change. Then, find and delete whatever language you made in the part after the / sign on the right and add the language of the game before the change. This is how I solved it.
how to change game language
Key,File,Type,UsedInMainMenu,NoTranslate,english,Context / Alternate Text,german,latam,french,italian,japanese,koreana,polish,brazilian,russian,turkish,sch
Key,File,Type,UsedInMainMenu,NoTranslate,koreana,Context / Alternate Text,koreana
V1.2 Stable is out!
Could you please update this game. Thank you.
In the install folder->7DaysToDie_Data->Plugins->x86_64->steam_settings
->settings is where the files are.
You can jump to the registry folder in the Tools tab of the 7dLauncher
i have already asked 2 times at Request section for Updating to V 1.1 b4 EXP, this update come out on steam at 08.08.2024
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/251570/7_Days_to_Die/
IGG: https://igg-games.com/7-days-to-die-full-411791033-torrent-pc-free-download.html
pls Update
PlayerName_h######## in Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\The Fun Pimps\7 Days To Die
You can get there with "Open Settings" in the Tools tab of the 7dLauncher
without mods to improve and fix things it sucks
go play Trepang2 DLC instead of this fake release kiddies
they did?
When I start up this copy, I have all my progress. When I start up the steam copy, it shows my character but its practically a new game, no stats, builds, tools, all back to tutorial stage.
I can find the steam save location, but not this copies save location.
steam only goes in "Alpha" 20, 20.2, 20.0 etc
this is named v21
edit: i sent request so please allow access
This is 20.5 while we wait for igg to fix their links.
Please Fix this Error ;(
account_name.txt and user_steam_id.txt files can be edited
account_name.txt and user_steam_id.txt files can be edited
its very unpolished in terms of animations and vehicle designs, 4x4 truck will sound like toy once your past 2nd gear.
what i liked is crafting system, as well as character skills but other than that there isnt anything else.
i suggest try other games like days gone, Dayz,dying light, or a lesser known game called simply zombi
Request: Update
Update version: Alpha 19.5 Stable, Alpha 19.5 B7 Experimental
Game: 7 Days to Die
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/251570/7_Days_to_Die/
IGG: https://igg-games.com/7-days-to-die-torrent-876985358-pc-free-download.html
so I have to try it with this too, maybe it will be different.
Found torrent site to its in russian but allows download torrent magnet links here https://tr.torrent-repack.club/download/igry_2014_goda/7_days_to_die/14-1-0-1062
You may need to apply steamworks fix, i have guide for that on my discord: https://discord.gg/bPnmqGBQNR.
Have fun ^^
Edit: After I read the comments below, Now I know its not the latest version.
PlayerName = IGGGAMES is where you change it.
literally bought the game a week ago ---
--- more power for ya team who did great efforts ---
it's pandemic and ya helping some of people who can't afford gem games ---
now yall dumbasses that want latest update
go buy the fkin game
dont expect the world evolves around you, you didnt even pay a cent for downloading pirated game
also the guy who cracked/manage game/websites also have a life, dont expect them work for you
also thx for the website, got a whole lots of games from here
After you download the zip file, extract it and save it in a convenient destination folder. You will have the DLL file in the folder.
Now you have to paste this file in the system directory. It varies with Operating System.
For Windows 95/98/Me => C:WindowsSystem
For Windows NT/2000 => C:WINNT\System32
For Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8/8.1, 10 => C:\Windows\System32
Good luck
I write a solution for people who are worried about language problems.
open to game folder to find ' SteamConfig ' in file Language = koreana (you want language) change
That's it ^.^
its kinda sus
go to that and check behavior and its sus af
its kinda sus
go to that and check behavior and its sus af
u can by lan or hamachi
All comments asking for updates have been deleted. Any further comments asking for updates will also be deleted.
I've been working on this site for 3 years now, worked as an independent helper for 2 years before that, and I've never felt like it's a dead end.
Alpha 19 links updated as of today
Alpha 19 links updated as of today
Part 1
Part 2
My discord is Mathiousse#3179
to english?? Please i need help