I wouldn't be surprised if the Savita case was malice rather than incompetence. Perhaps the hospital staff decided collectively that the first poor sucker to come in with pregnancy complications would get the "Catholic country" speech instead of appropriate medical care, so abortion advocates could use her as their poster child. Dr. Halappanavar just happened to be that poor sucker. The Irish pro-choice movement would be nothing more than a couple of internet trolls if they hadn't have been able to produce a corpse (after 30 years of the Eighth Amendment), so the incentive was there, and medical abuse can be very difficult to uncover or successfully prosecute.
With respect to the Catholic hospital in Arizona, unless there was a different case, you're mistaken about what happened. The mother, who was facing pulmonary hypertension and heart failure, was given an abortion and survived. As a result, Sister McBride (who approved the decision) was excommunicated. She was later reinstated (we don't know why). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excommunication_of_Margaret_McBride
It's been proven mathematically that the only truly efficient voting system (that is, one where there's no incentive to vote "strategically" instead of for a more desirable but unviable candidate) is either an election with only two candidates, or an election with only one voter (otherwise known as a dictatorship). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gibbard%E2%80%93Satterthwaite_theorem
Born people have a right not to be killed for socioeconomic reasons (the main justification given for abortion). Pro-life advocates say that right should apply to all humans, including those unborn. Equal rights for everyone.