Congratulations! And . . . I notice your headline is "Students for Life Is Honoring ERI . . ." Is it okay if we think of your brother as number 11?
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Haha. Definitely. Or perhaps think of us both as a hive-mind. :)
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Would you mind explaining what you mean by and how you perceive the term hive-mind, because I did a little digging due to not hearing the word before, and I read a couple of things about it: 1) hive-mind tends to be negative, in that it carries the connotation of not being able to think outside a box, and within a group, in an almost robotic fashion
2) hive-mind also means you came to the same conclusions as another person without discussing it with them
I think, with respect, that what you're trying to say is that you and your brother think alike, or are like-minded, in unity; yet I'm sure you and your brother disagree on some matters (minor at least) relating to this topic and many others. I hope you don't mind my pointing that out because I'm not totally sure what you're trying to say here.
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Yay! Way to go, Josh! I'm cheering you on, you're doing such a great job!
You have helped me so much, do you know that? Yeah, I was kind before but you just made me better, LOL.
In honour of the occasion and to thank you for your kindness I'll just pop this little song up for you, title very appropriate:
Also, I recommend you watch the 2015 movie Suffragette when it comes out, as I fully intend to myself! You will be strengthened and inspired to keep up the work you are doing. "Never surrender, never give up the fight. We will win." We might not agree with everything the suffragettes did to gain the vote in England but I find these lines to be very inspiring quotes!
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Thanks, Crystal. :)
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I hope I've made you happy :)
I'd offer an online hug but I'm not sure if you're okay with that. If I'm doing wrong by saying that then I apologise and you can delete my comment. I'm thrilled for you!
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Haha. Online hug right back.
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