This is such a great reminder, Josh. Just about every relationship we have benefits if we practice active listening. At work we use the "OARS" acronym to practice active listening (I work at a call center providing telephonic RN education). Have you heard of it? At both World Wide Marriage Encounter and in a training class at work I also learned about dialoguing to promote active listening and obtain conflict resolution.
P.S. You probably already know this, but most women--when having had a cause for frustration that doesn't involve you--just want you to listen, because listening while we vent is very helpful. :) Sometimes when my adult kids come to me to vent about something, I'll ask them, "Do you want me to just listen, or give advice?" That's probably not the question to ask in an abortion debate, haha. But it can be helpful in interpersonal relationships.
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I haven't heart the OARS acronym! Can you fill us in?
The postscript is another lesson I had to learn the hard way in my marriage. I always want to go right into "fix-it mode" while my wife often just wanted me to listen to her.
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