Ryan Wiggins
Awesome stuff. Great work, Paul. Can't wait for the book!
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Paul Minors
Thanks Ryan! Yeah it was fun to write and I really think people will like it!
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Andy Harris
Love the angle of combining the best bits of others into one book. In my business I have the challenge of getting companies (who use our software) to make the time to reach out to the companies that our system shows went to their website. I also try to encourage them to use the analytics at a deeper level. But 'time' is always the issue. Depending on the pricing of the ebook, this could be something useful as a 'giveaway' to our clients so that they have more time to do what we recommend they do with our system.
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Paul Minors
Hi Andy, I never heard back from you on this. Please let me know if you'd like to talk more.
Paul Minors
Hi Andy, yes, that's one of the most common issues I hear about as well... "I don't have time". It's going to be launching at a discount, but the normal price will be $14 for the book and $19 for the ebook + audio book. Do you want to email me and we can chat more about how this might work? http://paulminors.com/contact/
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Enrico Nahler
Love the direction you are taking it to.
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Paul Minors
Thanks Enricho. I've been getting good feedback and can't wait to launch :)