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Thanks for the summary. The book itself is very poor though. Many ideas are just an analogy of saying to a person suffering, for example, from anxiety "just don't be anxious", without any specific recommendations on how to change the mindset. Also, it's full of confirmation biases and its advices are often not applicable to the real life. I used this article to summarize what I've learnt from this book, but found nothing apart from what is on the titile.
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Aichi Kingema
Try actually looking into stoicism-- and it's not meant to be advice to someone suffering.. it's meant to be a way of thinking about problems. It's your problem, you have to do it yourself.
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Many of the examples were about people suffering badly, but nonetheless I didn't say it was about suffering, I only used it as an analogy to ilustrate why the author's reasoning is poor.

I actually like stoicism, but this does not mean that I should like this book.
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Shekhar Bhutkar
You are good. Thanks for summarising, publishing it, making a large topic easy to digest in chunks.