What would you like to learn about Asana?
Stefanie Fischer
I found these points helpful. They might sound obvious but they are powerful as it's about really doing it and not just thinking it. I can relate in term a of my own yoga practice and our business. We help climbers become stronger, more flexible and vital with online yoga. I know from many that they love the content but life gets busy and they end up struggling keeping the practice up.
I think it's important to create a strong why, add mental pain to the option of not working out, and make it a part of your identity.
I found these points helpful. They might sound obvious but they are powerful as it's about really doing it and not just thinking it. I can relate in term a of my own yoga practice and our business. We help climbers become stronger, more flexible and vital with online yoga. I know from many that they love the content but life gets busy and they end up struggling keeping the practice up.
I think it's important to create a strong why, add mental pain to the option of not working out, and make it a part of your identity.