What would you like to learn about Asana?
Danny Nissani
Beautifully said, Paul.

I forward it to anyone I know, even to my mom -:)
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Haha great! The more we can train people how to email properly, the better!
Hey Paul. What a genius idea using video to answer complicated email questions. Sometimes my customers email with a question that could only be answered by booking a screen-share meeting. This then has a knock-on effect later in my day where I have to take time out to be on a longer-than-intended call with them, or maybe they don't turn up or want to re-book. I'm excited to give video responses a try. Love the efficiency!
Paul, I almost didn’t listen this week because—pridefully—I thought I had great email etiquette. To be honest, as I was listening, I was ticking the boxes: “nope, I don’t do that” and “good there…”

Then you absolutely NAILED me on the long email tip. I’ve always communicated better via text/email than in person because I’m able to thoroughly think through everything and communicate more eloquently (emails make it easier to not “um…uh…”).

Your alternative to long emails has me intrigued. How exactly do you execute sending detailed information via video? I saw you linked Loom and CleanShot above, I’ll definitely look into them but I’m curious if you’re just recording a quick video and emailing the file or hosting the file somewhere and sending a link?

You also nailed me on the tone tip but thankfully this is an area I’m aware of and take active steps (but still fail sometimes!) to pay attention to my tone.

I love listening to your podcast each week, even when they’re not super relevant to my situation or career. I value your perspective and advice in the productivity realm. 👊🏼
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Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad the post was useful.

So with Loom or CleanShot, the video is hosted in your account on their site and I just send a link. That way, you don't have to email a large video file. The recipient just clicks a link to watch the video.

Thanks again for the comment 😀