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Really interesting and valid points here, Paul. And particularly where there are paying customers - having a give-away can make the people who pay feel a bit cheated. Thanks to you I am a very happy user of Asana for personal use. The free tier is awesome. I do wish they would introduce a more affordable model though. Because I would be so willing to pay for a product of this quality - but at a minimum of 5 seats I just can't possibly afford to do so as a non-business user...
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Thanks, glad you liked the article. I think now with Asana you only need to pay for 2 seats (still weird but better than it was)
I think the ethical balance between free and paid is a free tier that gives you enough room to learn whether a tool is really beneficial for you or meets your way of doing business. I hate 7 and 14 day free trials because it is usually not enough time. I appreciate that you expose the "free" services that data mine your usage, As they say, if you are not paying, you are the product.
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Agreed, often a 14-day trial doesn't sell it for me.