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All good things to consider, thank you! As someone starting out on a new business, I look at "passive" income as a way to supplement what my coaching doesn't give me yet, and as a way to build in "paid vacations" LOL

Also, learning the marketing strategies of Affiliate marketing is a great way to learn how to market my own products and programs later as I devleop them
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Morning Upgrade
This is great information for people to read. Many times a passive income is perceived as being a walk in the park. In order to earn an income from this type of work, you still have to set aside time to dedicate to the business. -Ryan
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Thanks, I completely agree with you Ryan!
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Thank you for sharing your wisdom on this topic, Paul. It is always useful seeing people dispelling myths by education about stuff even if it's just to stop people making mistakes today that tomorrow they'll regret.

Passive income SOUNDS like a dream but it's thanks to people like you to help dose people with reality so they don't run blind into situations where one wrong decision can affect their future that education on the matter would have helped otherwise.

I'm enjoying learning from your podcast on topics I never knew I'd find interesting. Keep going. 👍
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Thanks for the feedback Stuart, I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts.
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Sounds easy and fast ... But it's obviously not the case, and we need more podcasts like this to remind us the reality of passive income, thanks a lot for sharing !
And we'd like to thank you again for the great interview we had :)
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Thanks for the feedback. Glad you agree Rostane!