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Susana Olguin
I loved the MACRO and MICRO idea. It makes it easier to braekdown how to look at hapiness and taking stress off the expectations and hence, off yourself. Great combination, minus stress, minus expectation, will definitely lead to feeling much bette about the different days in your life and absorbing them as a whole, in the process of creating a truly fullfilling and happy life, on the MACRO side. Wonderful advice!
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Thanks, glad you found it useful. And I agree, it's a great realisation to have!
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Adam C
Like sadness I feel happiness is an experience (emotional/mind based). As you say, we will all experience a vast range of emotions - which result from our life process. We may enhance positive emotional exopreinces and minimise emotional suffering be thinking, deciding and behaving in ways which optimise the likelihood of positive emotional experiences - though we do not control many aspects of like that determine these experiences. Sorry that's a bit long!! The doing is in our decisions and behaviours, the experiences are far from certain and range widely, we are wise to educate and train our minds to be equanimous in the face of these experiences as they are naturally part of life process - whilst working to reduce suffering, for ourself and others, and enhancing the opportunity for enjoyable experiences.
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Agreed. I think the big realisation for me is to be realistic about feeling happy all the time.
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Adam C
Absolutely mate. Used to say the biggest cause of misery is the 'pursuit' of happiness - though it may be the expectation that we should be happy or something is wrong. Thanks for your work.
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I liked your comment "Happiness is a verb not a noun." I'll keep it in mind as I continue in the lockdown.
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Thanks, glad you liked this idea!