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Geoff Todd
Nicely expressed, Paul. It struck me that at the stage you describe (also where I'm at in my business) another thing to optimise for as well as lifestyle is robustness. Identifying risks and building in ways to mitigate them. Protecting your lifestyle against potential future threats. "Digging a moat" around your business. I know you do a lot of that anyway. It's one of the main arguments for growing a business that when it's bigger it's less vulnerable, so it's interesting to identify ways to make a one-person business more robust without growing it in the traditional sense.
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Great point Geoff. And immediately I think of having multiple income streams e.g. consulting, products, affiliate income, sponsorships etc. so you don't have all your eggs in one basket.
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Yes! This is my goal too. My husband and I both feel the same - we have no ambition to be a huge business we want the work-life integration that enables us to enjoy life and simply have enough to enjoy it, work with who we want to and spend time as a family. I do not aspire to be 80 and said I spent my life chasing $$!!
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I'm glad you feel the same way Amanda 😀 Good luck to your husband.
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Sebastian Araos
I loved this blog post. And you are right.
This pandemic had the power to make a stop in our lives and to make an introspection about everything we have and everything we do. We can now appreciate more the things that we had for granted, and we started looking at all the waste that we had in our lives. Take care Paul!
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Glad you liked it, thanks Sebastian!