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I am TRYING to create an Automation. That creates an activity to call when the stage changes on a deal. When I drag the deal to the next stage it automatically jumps back to the previous stage. Any ideas as to what I need to look at?
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Do you have any required custom fields preventing the deal from being moved to the next stage? Or, maybe there's another automation triggering when you move the deal and it's moving it back?
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The two-way email sync has always bothered me for the reason you mentioned when I used Pipedrive before. Definitely will use the one-way sync and setup a separate calendar. Do you recommend this be a company wide calendar or just individual calendar?
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It's better as an individual calendar so that if you set up an activity for yourself to follow up on a deal, you can see it on your calendar.
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Perfect! This makes sense.
Jamie Pride
Hi Paul. Thanks for the video. I unfortunately am looking to setup two way sync so I can use the pipe drive scheduler. I agree that the way it converts calendar events into activities is less than ideal. In the video you mentioned that you can use automation to auto complete these calendar activities. Any tips on how to achieve this, or any other tips on how to better manage the two way calendar sync?
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What you'll want to do is create a new activity type specifically for the calendar events. Call it 'Calendar events'. Then create an automation:
Trigger: New Activity
Condition: Activity Type = Calendar Event
Action: Update Activity. Mark as done.
That way, the activity is marked as done straight away and you won't have the issue of overdue activities.
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Paul - in the example where you wanted more than 1 activity after a trigger - for the second one in the sequence you did not check the "Assigned To" checkbox - what is the reason for that? can you explain the logic so I understand why check it / link it on the first in the sequence but not the second. Thanks.
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Ah, this might have just been a mishap as I was recording. It wasn't intentional. The reason to use the 'Assigned to' option is to specify if it should be assigned to someone in particular or just the 'deal owner'
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Thanks for confirming Paul
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Hi Paul - if you have say, 3 activities scheduled for a client/relathionsip. And after the 1st one you no longer need the other 2 - or actually at any point something happens that makes those 3 activities unnecessary - is there a way to tell PD to stop the sequence. Or do I need to go in and manually delete each activity. Thanks.
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You would need to manually delete them. However, I have seen some people set up automation where when one activity is complete, it creates another automated activity (this uses the 'Activity updated' trigger. However, the issue with this is that it requires a separate automation workflow for every activity you'd like to create which can make editing things later a bit painful.
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Yes - that sounds messy. You have to be strategic with automations they can cause their own issues. Thanks Paul.