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Chip Cooper
Working through data is a slow process, but I'm making good proress.

  1. I need a Zoom integration for scheduling Zoom calls.

  2. I somehow missed how to get reports for activities completed.

  3. In the activities list view, how do I delete completed activities?

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Hi Chip.

  1. When you create an activity, in the location settings you'll find where you can integrate your Zoom account.
  2. In Insights, create a new activity report and in the filters, choose 'Marked as done time » is » this year' and do the same on the X-axis. You can learn more about reporting in this lesson: https://paulminors.com/courses/pipedrive/m4/lesson-4-6/
  3. I don't advise deleting completed activities otherwise your reports won't show anything.
Jamie Pride
Do you have any thoughts on creating activities after a deal is won/lost. I have usually created a "delivery activation" sales stage that I use to track setting up invoicing for example. Is a better way to use workflow to create a "Create Invoice Activity" on a deal won trigger?
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Yes, I support doing this if there are post deal won/lost activities that need to be completed. Yes, if your goal is to track the volume of invoices sent, I think it's better to do this with an activity which as you said, you could trigger when a deal status changes to won. Rather than using a stage which is typically more for milestones.
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Is there a way to create multiple date ranges within a single activity?
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I'm afraid not. A task can have either a singular due date or a date range. But not both and not multiple. Instead you would need to create a new task.
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I've been thinking about when someone says "call me again in 6 months". My worry is by going Deal Lost > Set Activity that the user might forgot to set the activity then the deal would be lost. I was thinking, and would like your thoughts on this, about setting up a 2nd "Long Tail" Pipeline where the deal gets moved there and then they're put on a drip campaign to stop the deal getting lost but without clogging up the main active pipeline?
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Hm, I'm not a fan of having a second pipeline for this as it'll ruin your conversion reporting. Instead, you could use workflow automation to auto-create an activity on lost deals?
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Ah yes, I didn't think of adding workflow automation. Thanks!