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Right now I’m focusing on my health and my studies. I signed up for The Coronavirus Challenge for a Healthier Immune System on March 22nd. It’s a free, 10-day challenge to take responsibility for my health. I’ve been a health-conscious person for quite some time and think it’s wise to help support immune system health during this global public health crisis/pandemic. I’m learning about diet, night-time routine & sleep, energizing the body, mind & meditation, breathing, anxiety & acceptance, mindfulness, and gratitude. Today is March 30th and I will begin my spring quarter of studies for my graduate nursing program online. The courses were converted from classroom format to online format.
I’m keeping calm and carrying on and I’m staying properly informed with accurate information from the World Health Organization. I’ve been listening and reading a lot of the information on their website. I’ve also been focusing on the good by reading good news stories from Good News Network and listening to the Good News Gurus podcast with positive stories from the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Well done Jim for taking action and prioritising health. I've been trying to maintain as much routine as possible by walking and working out each day to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Great post Paul!
My focus is on helping my customers and clients as much as I can through this time, while maintaining my fitness and eating healthy.
I think that if we can focus on helping each other and providing value, then we'll all be in the best position we can be.
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100% agree with you Simon! Thanks for sharing.
I agree with you! greetings from Italy. We hope that it will finish asap!
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Thanks. Hope you're well Iacopo.
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Great idea to make a connection to stoicism! I don't waste my time either. Amids these hard times, I invest in myself heavily and learn new skills. Find more time to spend quality time with family. Back to stoicism, I just begin to realize that I have a lot of things to value. And I'm more grateful than ever for having what I now have both in material and spiritual sense. I think the COVID-19 outbreak will make us more grateful than ever.
Csaba, https://productivity95.com
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Simon Kelly (sk)
Great post Paul!

My focus is on helping my customers and clients as much as I can through this time, while maintaining my fitness and eating healthy.

I think that if we can focus on helping each other and providing value, then we'll all be in the best position we can be.
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Jim Awofadeju
Right now I’m focusing on my health and my studies. I signed up for The Coronavirus Challenge for a Healthier Immune System on March 22nd. It’s a free, 10-day challenge to take responsibility for my health. I’ve been a health-conscious person for quite some time and think it’s wise to help support immune system health during this global public health crisis/pandemic. I’m learning about diet, night-time routine & sleep, energizing the body, mind & meditation, breathing, anxiety & acceptance, mindfulness, and gratitude. Today is March 30th and I will begin my spring quarter of studies for my graduate nursing program online. The courses were converted from classroom format to online format.

I’m keeping calm and carrying on and I’m staying properly informed with accurate information from the World Health Organization. I’ve been listening and reading a lot of the information on their website. I’ve also been focusing on the good by reading good news stories from Good News Network and listening to the Good News Gurus podcast with positive stories from the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Thank you, Paul, for sharing your experience!

In fact, quarantine was really unexpected. Hardly anyone thought that the situation in the world would become so serious and everyone would have to isolate themselves for such a long time. We have been working and studying from home during a month. At first, it was unusual, since I hadn’t worked from home before. But now I have such an interesting experience. One of the main difficulties that I encountered was productivity. It’s hard sometimes to concentrate at home, because there are so many distracting things around. For me, a house is my personal space for relaxation but not for work. Finally, I’ve got used to it.

Now I completely focus on my work, self-education and health. I have more free time for sports and hobbies now. By the way, my work tasks have not changed at all after switching to remote work. Also, I try to follow the news and keep abreast of events related to COVID-19. I hope everything will be OK soon and we can return to our usual way of life.

Julia, https://tmetric.com/
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Thanks for sharing Julia. You're right, it was very unexpected. Most people have never been through anything like this and it's very weird times for all of us. Hope you're well and study is going well.
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Thank you for this post. It's vrrvinsvery in.