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Cora Carleson
So I have been watching the videos, and have been working with specific projects, because I am a realtor and we have each transaction in a template and then in a project, but I find that I use a "brain Dump" project to communicate. it's only me and my assistant, so it's just the two of us. You had said to get use to communicating in asana and I am wondering if I should change the way I do this, in case I bring on more people - Is the way I am doing it wrong?
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Maybe I don't quite understand what you're doing, but to recap the best practice, ideally you always comment on the specific task you're talking about within the a specific project. I see how having a 'brain dump' project could be good for random stuff. But ideally you should have a nice list of evergreen projects (e.g. admin, marketing) that this stuff can go into so you have a little more organisation.