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This is neat paul!
One of the ways i've tried to have more freedom in my life is to limit "unnecessary responsibilities"
A key example is where i'm from in Jamaica. I find it very often that the younger generation especially of my age group (20's) see children as a huge goal. A lot of them go out and have children way too early. And this consequently stifles their room for growth and development.
Children and the luxury of being on your own is great. but often times a lot of us can give ourselves a break if we just focus on ourselves and purpose first.
Once again great stuff paul cheers!!
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Haha, I love the idea of removing "unnecessary responsibilities". Being a father myself, I'm not sure I fully agree with your example, haha. But the idea is right :)
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HAHA!! no offence paul, its the best anology I could think of at the time. Cheers!! :-)