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Hi Paul,

Decided to go through this training again. Its awesome of course!

I realize now that seeing more on Zap 5 would be great. Which one of your videos best demonstrates how to set up tasks, sections and subtasks, as I too want to automatically create my clients and have every subtask for the balance of the engagement already in place. Further, perhaps I missed it (totally plausible) but the template you used to set it up would be great. Thanks brother!
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Hi Ralph, thanks for the feedback as always. I'm afraid I don't have a video specifically about this Zap but I can break it down and please let me know if it doesn't make sense.

  1. The Zap is triggered when a deal is won in Pipedrive.
  2. In the Zap I use the 'Create task' action to create a new task in Asana in a project called 'Clients'.
  3. You can then use a 'Create subtask' step to create the subtasks. The trick here is you're going to want to reference the ID of the task from the previous step as the parent task ID.
I'm afraid you can no longer create sections of subtasks with the more recent version of Zapier.

I hope that helps!