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You are right that reading should not be a target and not a criteria for success. But I think the whole article I read here, is suitable for those who read because they want to be like others, for business etc.
Reading is not just limited to them, their are people including me who actually read for fun, I guess it's all about our preferences. Reading is like a exploration of beautiful wonders. Some people are may be making it a target which I don't support either. But Because of some people you can't say that reading is not good. According to me, the best way is to maintain a balance, after all addiction of anything is poisonous.
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You're right. With this article, I'm talking more about reading non-fiction. Obviously, if you're reading for fun, have at it! :)
Excellent point well made Paul. I try to take the 80/20 approach to reading - get the 20% of content that will give me 80% of the benefit. That applies to how much time I spend reading, which books, and even how much of the books or articles I read. Recently I came across this article by Mr 80/20 himself, which sets out some principles and a technique really helpfully: http://richardkoch.net/2018/05/the-80-20-way-to-read-a-non-fiction-book/
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I never thought of it like this but you're exactly right. Thanks for sharing the link.
Great article, mind and eye opener.
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Thanks Elvis, I'm glad you like it (thought people might find this controversial)
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Paul, I guess you are right in your assessment on reading. I am a teacher of languages and my profession requires a lot of reading to teach better. What I would not do is to spend a lot of time reading plenty of books just because some other people excelled in life through incessant reading habits. Reading should be done to solve problems but not out of compulsion. If we were reading to solve problems, this world would have been trouble-free.
I encourage reading purposely and not just reading to meet a certain unsubstantiated standard. Just my opinion!
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Great comment and I agree. I like what you said about reading to solve problems (similar to what I was talking about with "learning on demand"