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Congrats Paul, Btw your tips will help many to handle work and life effectively.
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You're welcome, thanks for the feedback!
Congrats Paul and all the very best in jay's upbringing!
I'm not yet a father but seeing from your professionalism and outlook on personal traits I believe with patience and experience you will do just fine, stay strong!!
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Thanks Shane. I appreciate your kind words 😀
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3 words: Patience, forgiveness and understanding. Via thoughtful communication. Keep repeating to yourself and very intentionally practice from the start as very hard to course correct once 6 month's sleep deprivation kicks in (as I know from own painful experience!). Even with the best intentions , it's mostly about mum and baby (and rightly so). As dad/husband, you often have to rise above own emotions and sense of right and wrong and work hard to make sure the togetherness is there. Good luck and congrart Paul and all new fathers out there. Simon, London UK (first time father of one year old).
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Great advice Simon, thanks a lot for sharing!
Hi Paul,
Thank you so much for sharing this. Your authenticity really shines through your content and that's why I keep coming back. All the best to you, Hayley and baby Jay!
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lexynnebosibori 5+
Thanks @lexynnebosibori:disqus, I really appreciate the support. Glad you like the authenticity!
Hi Paul,
Congrats, My baby just turned 5 months. Trust me it gets easier!
The only advice I can give is just do what ever works dude.
Feel free to listen or ignore peoples advice as you please.
It is your baby and only you or your partner will know what works and what doesn't.
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Hey Olly, great to hear from you. Hope you and the family are well. Thanks for the advice and support. Yeah we've defintiely found that so far you just have to try a bunch of things and see what works :)
This is my first post. I am a new dad to our 3 month old daughter Florence and a dentist in NYC. I launched a startup office in April (meaning a zero patient/client office with some blue ocean concepts in play) and our daughter was born in August. The rollercoaster, it’s been a bit like blackjack or poker (even though I am horrible at poker, I’m good at blackjack though), despite the money you put down, despite your emotions, you have to stick to your systems that got you here.
I had two babies at the same time and both tested me in so many ways. With the business, I was tempted to execute on cheap tricks to make easy money rather than develop deep relationships with patients for mutual longterm benefits. In August when our daughter was born, I had to make a very tough decision, be there for the business, or be there for my family. The business was super vulnerable, if I am not there, it makes no money, early months of momentum would suffer, but I chose to cut my hours by 75% hours in August, suffering the worst income yet hoping that living life with good intentions will yield great results.
Recently I had a mishap at work. While it was not my direct responsibility, being the leader, I take responsibility. While one could say it was a failure of clinical / work protocol, …I do not see it that way. It was a a failure of upkeeping my systems external to work that led to my work mishap.
Overall I have found that working with intention (by design not default) is much harder as a new parent because that new addition to your life makes time / energy management much less predictable.
I think there are two big things I learned. One, this is the new norm, accept it. Two, revisit your systems, make sure you are still sticking to your guns, if you aren’t figure out new ways to employ them if needed (innovate).
What I can say is this. It’s November now and in October I posted some good profits. The October profits completely erased my paternity leave in August deficits. There was no hard accounting to support these decisions, but in the end it worked out. Our daughter’s sleep has normalized and she is growing healthy and strong.
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Thanks for sharing your journey Benjamin. Great insight and I'll be sure to remember your words!
Enjoy and savor the moments (even the early AM wake-ups) as they pass far too quickly.
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Thanks, we had a tough night last night. Not sure how much I savoured it though... 😝
Hey Paul, thanks for sharing --- I'm any day now from being a new dad and we aren't sure which gender the baby is either. Fun times. Great post sharing the realities of working as a teammate with your wife to help with responsibilities. Communication is key. Excited to hear what's next for you guys.
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Thanks Chad. Good luck with the birth. It's a wild ride!
So, when I tell people about your podcast I often describe it by saying "it feels like it's made specifically for me" (being a marketer working for myself and looking to up my productivity).
Considering the fact that I'm becoming a father any day now, this is yet another post/podcast that really resonates with me.
Thanks! The stuff you put out has really been helpful to me. Keep it coming!
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Thanks Magnus, I really appreciate comments like this. Love to hear what people love so keep the feedback coming :)
Hi Paul, very nice article, want more of that type. I am in the same shoes but one month further:) Same feelings...
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Thanks for the feedback. So you mean more of this "personal" stuff?
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I mean more of this Dad like stuff and family centred stuff and how all these resonate with productivity
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Will do 😀