What would you like to learn about Asana?
Really insightful paul, thanks alot!!
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Thanks Shane!
I agree that these 'hard edges' between tools are very important. Currently I'm struggling with my workflow for writing blog posts. For example, what workflow do you follow when you read an article on your smartphone that gives you an idea for a blog post? You're not sure yet if and when you'll write or post the blog and you don't have time right now to think about a first outline. So you just push the article to one of your inboxes. How will the item (the article) be processed from there into your system and what tools do you use in your workflow at which point, so that at a certain moment there is a new published blog post (or not, if at some point you decided not to follow through with it). How do you prevent the list of ideas getting so big, that you can't decide anymore what to write about?
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Hi Mascha great question. Personally when I have an idea for a post I add this to my Asana "content" project. In the future I'll either 1) abandon the idea and delete the task, or 2) plan when to work on it and schedule time to work on the blog post etc. By adding ideas to a task list you can make them more actionable (whereas leaving them written in Evernote, or Apple Notes can mean they get forgotten about)
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Hi Paul. Thanks for your answer. I like your suggestion to add the ideas to a task list to make them more actionable. I've been thinking about doing that, but haven't found a good workflow yet. I just watched some of your fantastic Asana video's to see how you handle blog ideas. It seems like they start in the New Tasks section of My Tasks (the Asana Inbox) and from there, you immediately add them to a certain month in the content project. There seems to be no long list of blog ideas that still need to be planned. So maybe I should just 'plough' through my list of ideas and create some sort of order in it in my task manager, instead of trying to 'scan' through a list of notes in Evernote every time I want to write a new post and not being able to just pick one idea to write about. :)
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On the contrary, I store ideas in there as well. Ideas get a status "Idea" and have no due date. Then when I decide to do them, I assign to a month.
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Ah, thanks so much for the clear screenshot! I must have overlooked this in the video's. I really love your setup in Asana. Each time I see it I start thinking about moving from Todoist :-). But I think this kind of workflow can also be done with Todoist, so I'd better start working on it there. Thanks again!
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Probably yeah. You're welcome!