Thank you for this article. I really appreciate your summary!
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Thanks Alex, glad you like it!
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Jonaz Vaneryd
Interesting! How can I download the pdf notes though? Clicking on the download button leads to the Book Summaries listing page, and clicking in a title there leads back to the book summary blog post, which leads back to... You get it. I don’t - what am I missing? ;-)
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Paul Minors
Great - sorry if this wasn't clear. I need a way of capturing emails and this is the best way to manage things when I have so many summaries.
Interesting! How can I download the pdf notes though? Clicking on the download button leads to the Book Summaries listing page, and clicking in a title there leads back to the book summary blog post, which leads back to... You get it. I don’t - what am I missing? ;-)
EDIT: Oh, got it now - register to download. (Thought I already had done that, but apparently hadn't saved the link.)