What would you like to learn about Asana?
Stefanie Fischer
Hi Paul! Mine is to get a laser focus, by getting more quality into my weekly goals. For each of my 3 daily and weekly goals, I want to check how they really contribute to my big picture, instead of ending up busy instead of productive.
Thanks for sharing yours! Love the approach of the lazy mindfulness. Have you read the book zen habits? It has the same approach with focused mini habits.
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Paul Minors
Great Stephanie. Yep and I love Leo's emails as well!
Stefanie Fischer
Hi Paul! Mine is to get a laser focus, by getting more quality into my weekly goals. For each of my 3 daily and weekly goals, I want to check how they really contribute to my big picture, instead of ending up busy instead of productive.
Thanks for sharing yours! Love the approach of the lazy mindfulness. Have you read the book zen habits? It has the same approach with focused mini habits.
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Paul Minors
Great Stephanie. Yep and I love Leo's emails as well!
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Xavier Camí
Hi Paul,
I focusing on in 2017:

  • Go Gym

  • Play Music

  • Mindfulness and meditation

And good 6-month travel adventure!
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Paul Minors
Hi Xavier! Awesome - how are you doing the meditation? Are you using an app?
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Xavier Camí
I used Headspace for a time, after listen your comments....But know I use youtube videos (10 min, 15 min, 20 min)......there are a lot.....
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Xavier Camí
Hi Paul,
I focusing on in 2017:

  • Go Gym

  • Play Music

  • Mindfulness and meditation

And good 6-month travel adventure!
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Paul Minors
Hi Xavier! Awesome - how are you doing the meditation? Are you using an app?
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Xavier Camí
I used Headspace for a time, after listen your comments....But know I use youtube videos (10 min, 15 min, 20 min)......there are a lot.....
Simon Reimler
Hey Paul, I also gave myself 3 words for 2017, you can checkout my post here https://devdactic.com/3-words-2017/

BTW: Can you describe your process of journaling? I use the five minute journal, but that's a very structured journaling. How do you do you free journaling, what is the question you are answer or do you just start writing like "I dreamed of a big bear in new Zealand tonight."

I have often read that people do this kind of free journaling but I'm not sure how to start, maybe you can spread some ideas or experiences :)

Finally: Great post like always! Still following your posts and listened to all your podcasts, you did an amazing job over the last years and your progress is awesome. Hope you have a great 6 month with your wife!
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Paul Minors
Hi Simon, great to hear from you my friend! I love your three words (especially "cut"). We're going a bit more minimal these days as well.

For the journaling, there's a few things I do. 1) If free writing, either in Evernote or in my notebook, I start writing and jot down what ever's on my mind. Sometimes I'll think about a question to answer, but more often than not, it's just a ramble of thoughts. I like this approach as it's a nice way of putting everything in my head on to paper without trying to fit it within a structure. If you want to give this a go, just start writing. There is no right or wrong here. 2) Or since reading A Guide to the Good Life, I'll list things I'm grateful for and describe a world without certain things/people as a way of practicing negative visualisation and other stoic principles. I'll also list things I'm pondering that aren't within my control so I can learn to let go of them.

Thanks for the kind feedback. I really appreciate your ongoing support and I'm looking forward to connecting more in 2017!
Simon Reimler
Hey Paul, I also gave myself 3 words for 2017, you can checkout my post here https://devdactic.com/3-words-2017/

BTW: Can you describe your process of journaling? I use the five minute journal, but that's a very structured journaling. How do you do you free journaling, what is the question you are answer or do you just start writing like "I dreamed of a big bear in new Zealand tonight."

I have often read that people do this kind of free journaling but I'm not sure how to start, maybe you can spread some ideas or experiences :)

Finally: Great post like always! Still following your posts and listened to all your podcasts, you did an amazing job over the last years and your progress is awesome. Hope you have a great 6 month with your wife!
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Paul Minors
Hi Simon, great to hear from you my friend! I love your three words (especially "cut"). We're going a bit more minimal these days as well.

For the journaling, there's a few things I do. 1) If free writing, either in Evernote or in my notebook, I start writing and jot down what ever's on my mind. Sometimes I'll think about a question to answer, but more often than not, it's just a ramble of thoughts. I like this approach as it's a nice way of putting everything in my head on to paper without trying to fit it within a structure. If you want to give this a go, just start writing. There is no right or wrong here. 2) Or since reading A Guide to the Good Life, I'll list things I'm grateful for and describe a world without certain things/people as a way of practicing negative visualisation and other stoic principles. I'll also list things I'm pondering that aren't within my control so I can learn to let go of them.

Thanks for the kind feedback. I really appreciate your ongoing support and I'm looking forward to connecting more in 2017!
Hi Paul! Mine is to get a laser focus, by getting more quality into my weekly goals. For each of my 3 daily and weekly goals, I want to check how they really contribute to my big picture, instead of ending up busy instead of productive.
Thanks for sharing yours! Love the approach of the lazy mindfulness. Have you read the book zen habits? It has the same approach with focused mini habits.
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Great Stephanie. Yep and I love Leo's emails as well!
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Terry Lange
Have you thought about using the Day One App for journaling. I use it and it is a great tool
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Paul Minors
Hi @disqus_CyTQ9aeGTv:disqus, I've thought about it, just haven't bit the bullet and tried it out yet. But I'm thinking about it more and more... only hesitation is whether there's an advantage to keeping my journal inside my existing system (Evernote)
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Terry Lange
Have you thought about using the Day One App for journaling. I use it and it is a great tool
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Paul Minors
Hi @disqus_CyTQ9aeGTv:disqus, I've thought about it, just haven't bit the bullet and tried it out yet. But I'm thinking about it more and more... only hesitation is whether there's an advantage to keeping my journal inside my existing system (Evernote)
Hi Paul,
I focusing on in 2017:
  • Go Gym
  • Play Music
  • Mindfulness and meditation
    And good 6-month travel adventure!
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Hi Xavier! Awesome - how are you doing the meditation? Are you using an app?
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I used Headspace for a time, after listen your comments....But know I use youtube videos (10 min, 15 min, 20 min)......there are a lot.....
Hey Paul, I also gave myself 3 words for 2017, you can checkout my post here https://devdactic.com/3-words-2017/
BTW: Can you describe your process of journaling? I use the five minute journal, but that's a very structured journaling. How do you do you free journaling, what is the question you are answer or do you just start writing like "I dreamed of a big bear in new Zealand tonight."
I have often read that people do this kind of free journaling but I'm not sure how to start, maybe you can spread some ideas or experiences :)
Finally: Great post like always! Still following your posts and listened to all your podcasts, you did an amazing job over the last years and your progress is awesome. Hope you have a great 6 month with your wife!
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Hi Simon, great to hear from you my friend! I love your three words (especially "cut"). We're going a bit more minimal these days as well.
For the journaling, there's a few things I do. 1) If free writing, either in Evernote or in my notebook, I start writing and jot down what ever's on my mind. Sometimes I'll think about a question to answer, but more often than not, it's just a ramble of thoughts. I like this approach as it's a nice way of putting everything in my head on to paper without trying to fit it within a structure. If you want to give this a go, just start writing. There is no right or wrong here. 2) Or since reading A Guide to the Good Life, I'll list things I'm grateful for and describe a world without certain things/people as a way of practicing negative visualisation and other stoic principles. I'll also list things I'm pondering that aren't within my control so I can learn to let go of them.
Thanks for the kind feedback. I really appreciate your ongoing support and I'm looking forward to connecting more in 2017!
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Have you thought about using the Day One App for journaling. I use it and it is a great tool
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Hi @disqus_CyTQ9aeGTv:disqus, I've thought about it, just haven't bit the bullet and tried it out yet. But I'm thinking about it more and more... only hesitation is whether there's an advantage to keeping my journal inside my existing system (Evernote)