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While I did find this information to be valuable in some respects, reading this settled in an unusual manner within my spirit. Sadly, we live in such a place, here, now, that these tactics could be considered as cautionary measures. The kind and sweet natured among you are more likely to disregard such notions , when, this is the very set type typically, who could benefit in certain situations, using some of this suggested actions, as the best defense for such humans. Round and round we go, right,? My heart sinks, as I realize I'll use one or more of the advised behaviors... Kind of blows me away seeing it, uncanny not to be capable of dismissing this, visceral , ugly, dog,-eat-dog personas we accept daily. Finally, as I do not wish to be even remotely a bummer, so, I take my leave,I thank you. It was very, different to take in, my take on it.
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Denershan Naidoo
I really like your summary. The action steps was a cool touch. By the way your website design is sleek. I like it.

I did an animated summary of this book. If you'd like to use it in your blog, you can find it here: https://youtu.be/ASXvqVUev14.

Thanks for creating such a valueable article.
I really like your summary. The action steps was a cool touch. By the way your website design is sleek. I like it.
I did an animated summary of this book. If you'd like to use it in your blog, you can find it here: https://youtu.be/ASXvqVUev14.
Thanks for creating such a valueable article.
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Hi Denershan thanks, I'm glad you like the summary and thanks for sharing!