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Stacey Van Roosendaal
Why did you decide to use some in google drive and some in Asana? Just curious
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We use Asana for task templates (SOPs) where we need people to complete a task with certain steps. And I use Google Drive to store documentation that's more descriptive and explains how things are done (i.e. less task based)
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Laurie Pender
Paul, this is very informative and timely. But, honestly it scares me to death, it is very detailed. Are there some general SOP templates in Asana that you would recommend? I am an Administrative Assistant and I handle payroll, budgeting, accounts payable, pcard purchases in addition to my other duties. Keying purchase orders, doing contracts for freelancers, that kind of thing and I am wondering if the checklist would be better or an actual detailed procedure.
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Thanks for the feedback. I feel for an SOP, I like to provide more detail so there's less room for interpretation and error. I think it also depends on the situation. If you like to check items of a list as you complete steps, use a template in Asana. But there may be other processes were more explanation is warranted.