Thanks for the tip, it seems hazel is not working properly in dropbox folders for me. Is this the same for you? Contacted Hazel and they said this is a common problem.
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Paul Minors
Thanks! I've never had that issue. Did they offer a solution at all?
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They've told me the following in case others have this issue-

"There is an issue with Dropbox sometimes where it suppresses the file events Hazel needs to trigger. A couple of things to try to work around it:

- Rename the folder and then rename it back.

If that doesn’t work:

  • Export your rules for that folder
  • Remove the folder from Hazel
  • Add the folder back in.
  • Import your rules and re-enable."
Unfortunately none of these worked for me.....going to investigate more.
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Paul Minors
Weird, I've never had issues with Dropbox folders. Sorry I can't be more help, but I hope you find the answer.
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Thanks, hope so too. Regardless, this is an excellent use of workflow and Hazel which I have both of. I think I am the less than 1% that have this problem.