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Nick Snapp
This is an amazing report Paul. What tool is your favorite for breaking down your 51 hours into different categories? Do you also track the time you spend on your FT job using a similar system?
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Paul Minors
Thanks Nick!! I actually haven't used anything fancy. Because I schedule everything I'm able to count up the total number of hours spent on activities within a particular category. Should look into other time tracking software though. Have you experimented with anything?
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Nick Snapp
I have been getting into A Time Logger 2, it's pretty easy to use, but I wish it exported to Excel. It might, but I haven't figured out how yet if it does...to clarify, when you add up your buckets, do you do that manually or is that a function of your calendar or something?
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Paul Minors
I manually count the blocks of time for that month (nothing fancy). Does the app you mentioned require you to manually input what you're doing or does it integrate with your calendar?