BTW, on another subject (UX), is there a setting so that the links in the notification email point directly to the originating comment/reply in the page and not to the top of the page? It would be much more natural especially if there are a lot of previous comments to scroll from in order to find the reply?
How can we do that (I have not seen the notion of user groups in FC's doc)?
For instance for a given content, could we pass through the API the limitative list of users who can be @mentioned?
We do have the concept of groups. You'd pass it via the API or in the SSO payload. Then users will only be able to mention users in the same group(s).
BTW, on another subject (UX), is there a setting so that the links in the notification email point directly to the originating comment/reply in the page and not to the top of the page? It would be much more natural especially if there are a lot of previous comments to scroll from in order to find the reply?
This is actually supported. The problem is only for our docs :D We will get this fixed.