Kain Yusanagi
How do we disable the automatic creation of lists? It impacts the font, spacing, size, and more rather negatively, when I just want to note off two things in order. Heck, it even changed my "1)" to "1." just to force the list format on me. :/ Not cool.
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Hello @Kain Yusanagi

It shouldn't impact the font and size, can you reproduce that in the reply to me so we can investigate? It should also only do it if you put newlines after the numbered items.
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Kain Yusanagi

  1. Something I want to number using a closing bracket

  2. Something else I want to number using a closing bracket. Have to type enough for there to be multiple lines to see the compression else it doesn't look like anything, as far as I can tell.

Additional text that further utilizes the information presented in the numbered list.

This is what I did and it set the text to the default font and size that is visible here in the comments section on docs.fastcomments.com and also crunches the listed lines. EDIT: let me add a screenshot of my comment where it borks it, if I can... Uploaded Image
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Hello @Kain Yusanagi

Thanks. We pushed a fix which clears that up so bullets are now the same font size and spacing as the rest of the text.

You can also insert less newline between numbers to take less vertical space if desired.
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Kain Yusanagi
Thank you very much!